When I was in such a hurry, I suddenly felt someone close behind me, which made me, who was still on high alert at this time, sweat and hair all over my body. I turned back and clapped it out. However, after I saw what the person standing behind me looked like, I withdrew my strength and stopped in time.

It is estimated that the man was also frightened by my action. He couldn't help but be stunned. After a long time, he reacted. Then he bowed his head to me respectfully and said, "master."

"It's you. I thought it was someone else. Why are you here?" I took back my hand and opened my mouth to the man who suddenly appeared behind me in front of me.

This person is one of the elites of intelligence Yumen in Wuyin. Yuxing is the one who Fanxuan arranged to help me investigate some things. "Master, my subordinate just called my master to tell me something. But my master didn't answer. So my subordinate and Yuyi came here. They were going to go upstairs and report to my master face to face. Unexpectedly, they happened to meet the master who was tracking a masked man. Yuyi has already followed him. Please don't worry." Yuxing replied to me.

"Oh?" I looked at Yuxing in front of me in surprise. I was very happy to hear Yuxing's words. I thought I had lost the mask man. Unexpectedly, the people in Yumen helped me a lot. But I lost the masked man. Can the man in the feather gate keep up? It's not that I don't believe in the strength of the elite in Yumen. On the contrary, I know what kind of talents Yumen are. They belong to the intelligence section of Wuyin middle school. They not only have a set of intelligence collection skills, but also have strong tracking and anti tracking abilities. It's not hard to track someone.

It's just that the masked man is too evil. I don't know how I lost him for no reason. It's not easy to deal with this matter even if I put it on the man in Yumen? Can another member of Yumen keep up?

"Are you sure you can catch up? The mask man is very evil. I lost him just now. I don't know which direction he ran to I was silent for a long time, then I opened my mouth to the feather line in front of me. The more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong. The masked man's speed is fast enough, I admit. Besides, if he had planned his escape route in advance, it would be more difficult for him to escape successfully. But this is only for the masked man, who was still carrying

Xia Shi before he escaped. How could he escape so easily under such circumstances ?

Yuxing beside me seemed to understand what I thought in my heart, and replied to me, "master, the masked man is not only him, but also his accomplices. They have already met at the door of the hotel."

"And friends? Are you sure? " I can't help but Leng Leng, continue to ask to feather line.

I really didn't see when the masked man got an accomplice.

"Yes, I'm sure." Feather line answers a way.

"When the masked man jumped down from the upstairs, he had already thrown Miss Xia Shi out, and then he was caught by the accomplice. The accomplice took Miss Xia Shi to another route to escape, and the plume followed the accomplice and Miss Xia Shi."

"No wonder this kid can still run so fast." It dawned on me that when I jumped down the stairs just now, the masked man had already run away. I didn't see Chu clearly, so I caught up with him. At that time, how could I have thought that this boy would come again?

The mask man's escape skill is really first-class. Even if he is met by Yumen people, he may not be able to track him. Fortunately, the mask man handed Xia Shi to his accomplice. It must not be difficult for Yumen people to track down a kidnapper with hostages in his hand, right?

I don't care where the masked man will go, as long as the feather coat can successfully track Xia Shi's position at any time.

"What does that fellow look like?" I thought about it, then asked Yu Xing.

"Back to the master, the man was dressed strangely. He was all dressed in black, and even his face was covered with a cloak." Feather line answers.

A cloak?

One of them covered his face with masks, the other with cloaks to prevent people from recognizing his appearance. They are more cautious than the other. What kind of combination is this? Why is it so strange and mysterious?

"Well How do I know where Xia Shi and the mysterious man in the cloak have gone? Are you sure you haven't followed me now? " I asked again. "Master, please rest assured that Yuyi is the elite of Yumen. She can't even handle such a situation, and we can always know where they are now." Yuxing said this, and then raised his wrist. On his wrist, Yuxing wore a watch that looked very old-fashioned.

Kwai did not think this watch was a hidden but beautiful spot. The feather line knocked on the watch surface, and the screen of the watch pointer quickly separated. Under that watch, there was a small screen that could be shiny.

I can't help but wonder, what are these black technologies? I didn't expect that there are many patterns in this feather gate. "Master, there is a tracker on the feather coat. Now the feather coat has turned on her tracking device. We can see her position at any time. The green dot on the screen is the whereabouts of the feather coat. The place where the feather coat is now should be Miss Xia Shi's position. Now it seems thatThey should be out of town soon. " Yu Xing looked at the watch screen and said.

I can't help but be surprised. I didn't expect that there was such a Sao operation in playing tracking. It really opened my eyes.

But I was also very happy. I was still worried about whether Xia Shi would be harmed if I lost the mask man. I didn't expect that this feather gate helped me a lot. It seems that the sky is full of me. "Let's go after it! Do you have a car? " I know I can't wait any longer. Although the feather coat is a talent for tracking, the mask man's strength is too terrible. Who knows if the mask man's accomplices also have such strength? If we don't get there, it must not be so easy for one person to save Xia Shi with his feather coat.

"Yes, I'll take the master right away." Feather line nods to reply a way, then then take me to look for a car.

"I'll drive." I gave the order, and I'm very confident about my driving skills. "You just watch the route for me and tell me the change of position at any time."

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