"What's the matter?" Qin he, who is near Ouyang banner, also finds Ouyang Banner's behavior at this time, which makes Qin he look at Ouyang banner with some doubts.

"Uncle Qin, some guests have entered the villa yard. Let's go out to meet them." Ouyang Qi opens his mouth to Qin he.

"Is there a guest?" Qin he couldn't help but be stunned. Qin he didn't feel anything at all. How did Ouyang flag know?

"Yes." Ouyang Qi nodded and replied.

"This guest doesn't sound very polite, because he jumped in directly from outside the yard wall."

Qin he was even more surprised, because the living room was still some distance away from the yard, and there was a door in the middle. Could Ouyang flag even hear this? How good is Ouyang Qi's hearing?

"Who came in? Is that Neil? " Qin he asked with a frown.

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be Mr. Neal. Let's go out and have a look." Ouyang Qi didn't think much about it. He walked towards the yard with his hands on his back.

As soon as he entered the yard, Qin he found that there was a man in the yard, and he was a westerner covered with blood!

"Who are you?" Qin he couldn't help frowning. He didn't know the foreigner.

"I'm Caesar." The injured foreigner spoke slowly, but he was speaking French.

Qin he was stunned. Although he had never seen Caesar, Qin he knew he existed. "You're Neil's man? How can you be like this? Where's Neil? " Qin he quickly asks the man named Caesar. Qin he knows that Caesar is a master under Neil and is said to be a super killer in the black world. Now the killer named Caesar is in such a mess, which makes Qin he very surprised. What's wrong with Neil?

Caesar covers the wound on his chest and does not immediately respond to Qin he. Instead, he looks at the Ouyang flag beside Qin he. It is obvious that Caesar's purpose in finding this place is actually for Ouyang flag.

"What's the matter?" Looking at Caesar like this, Ouyang Qi could not help but frown, but Ouyang Qi is quite polite to Caesar so asked.

Caesar said a word to Ouyang Qi, but Caesar spoke French. Ouyang Qi didn't understand what he meant.

"Friend, since you are in China, you should be more polite to speak some language that I can understand. Is this a very difficult thing for you?" Ouyang Qi, of course, does not intend to accommodate this killer who is covered with blood.

Qin he was trying to act as a temporary interpreter. Unexpectedly, Caesar spoke again in a Chinese language that was not very fluent: "I'm Neil's friend."

Caesar is a top killer, not only famous in Europe, but also wandering in the whole underground world. A world-class killer like Caesar, of course, has to prepare more languages with him.

"Neil?" Ouyang Qi frowned slightly at this time and looked at Caesar again.

"How's Neil? Are you Neil's killer? "

Caesar nodded and then replied, "I wanted to cut off Zhang Cheng's back, but I didn't expect I have been detected for a long time, and I was assassinated before I formed an absolute arrangement. I almost didn't survive! "

"How could that be?" At this time, Qin he could not help but be stunned.

"Why It's going to be like this? Who found out about you? Did they keep up? " Qin he's face can't help changing. At this time, Qin he doesn't have any mind to consider whether Neil has encountered any accident like Caesar. Now for Qin he, the most important thing to worry about is whether Caesar has come here and brought others. If Qin he's identity is exposed, it's all over!

"I don't know. It's not something I should be thinking about now." Caesar shook his head.

At this time, Qin he even has the impulse to curse his mother. Isn't this something he should consider? Is that why he came to this place at will? God knows if this man came here with a tail behind him.

"I just want to invite you Mr. Ouyang, go and help. " Caesar once again put his eyes on Ouyang Qi.

"What's going on? Mr. Neal assured me that he could take it down by himself. Was it just a joke? " Ouyang Qi frowned again.

"I don't know." Caesar shook his head. "I only know that if my whereabouts are exposed, Neil's other arrangements may be more familiar. I'm not sure whether the person who tracked me down and assassinated me is Zhang Cheng's subordinate. I can only say that this is the most possible. If that is the case,

it's not Neil's layout today, it's Neil's trap. "

"A trap?" Ouyang Qi's face was cold.

"What about the imperial seal? Did Neil get the thing that he always wanted? also! How many people did Zhang Cheng bring? Is there a woman named Xia Shi around him"Before I could understand the situation there, I was chased. I can't answer these questions." Caesar covered his chest again and said.

"Well! waste material! It's all rubbish Ouyang Qi was not calm at this time. Ouyang Qi did not expect that the result was completely different from what he expected, and even the difference was too big. The person who used to set a trap for others has now entered the trap of others.

"I didn't want to do it, but I can't help it now. Are they still there? " At this time, the Ouyang flag actually exudes a strong breath, which Qin he has never felt from Ouyang flag.

"Yes! You should get there in time. " Caesar nodded. Caesar knows that he can't help Neil any more, but he once heard Neil say that this Chinese man named Ouyang banner has amazing strength, so in this case, Caesar can only think of Ouyang banner to find here, maybe this Ouyang banner can save Neil's life. Ouyang Qi didn't seem to be in any mood to stay here any longer. With a cold hum, he disappeared in front of Caesar and Qin he, which surprised both of them. They couldn't imagine how Ouyang Qi could achieve such speed.

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