"Is there anything selfish or unselfish about this I looked at the martial dance in front of me in doubt.

"Why not?" Wu Wu asked.

"What would you think if I were really selfish and let you cut off any contact with other women, otherwise I would divorce you?"

I was stunned. If Wu dance is such a reaction, I really don't know what to do. It seems that how to choose is a mistake.

Wu Wu didn't wait for my answer. I think Wu Wu Wu's heart is clear, right?

"So I can only turn a blind eye to these problems. If I care too much, it's not just the two of us who are involved. I simply don't care." Wu Wu waved her hand and said.

I turned my head and looked at Wu Wu. After thinking about it, I asked Wu Wu, "do you want to care?"

"Why not?" Wu Wu asked.

"Love is actually selfish. Selfless is called fraternity, not love. I'm also a woman. I also want to let my man love me alone, but my man can't do that. "

"Well, in fact, if you want to say that I'm being naughty, you can say it clearly." I have no choice but to say.

Wu Wu smiles and continues to say to me: "you are not irresponsible, which means that you are different from other dregs who only treat women as playthings. Excellent men always have a lot of confidants around them. So what? I don't care about sharing a good man with others. The premise is that the man must have enough sense of responsibility. Of course, as long as other people don't affect my position

"Wait, wait, wait." I quickly interrupted Wu Wu.

"Where are you?"

"Yes." Wu Wu nodded with a smile, with cunning in her expression.

"I'm your wife. No one else is. Compared with this, I'm much luckier than them. When people mention your wife, they will think of me first. That's enough for me. What else do I need to care about? I don't care what affects my identity, so I pretend to see nothing. "

I looked at Wu Wu in front of me. To tell you the truth, Wu Wu's words really made me feel like destroying the three outlooks.

"You Do you really care about such a question? " It took me a long time to ask such a question.

"Why don't you care?" Wu Wu inquired.

"I'm also a woman. How can a woman not care about fame? I'm very lucky. I'm the only one with such a position. They don't have it. Isn't it enough? You ask them, "which one doesn't want me?"

"This I thought you didn't care I swallowed my mouth. It seems that I don't know enough about Wu dance. It's a shame.

"If I don't care, I'm not a woman." Wu Wu looked at me with a smile.

"Of course, there are women who don't care."


"The musk deer." Wu Wu replied.

I was stunned again, and then I began to smile bitterly at Wu Wu.

"In fact, it's the most suitable position for her to sit in. She's the only one who's the most suitable. I'm not more qualified than her in front of her, but she gave it to me." Wu Wu said to me. When he said that, the smile on Wu Wu's face gradually disappeared.

"Cousins really don't care about that." I'm a little hoarse.

"When are you going to go to the capital? I haven't seen Yan she for such a long time. I think you can't help it? " Wu Wu turned her head and looked into my eyes.

"I'll go when I have time." I said to Wu Wu.

"Now I have something else to deal with. "

In fact, before I planned to wait for this period of time to stabilize, I would go to the capital to see my cousin. Now my cousin has started to work in Yan's family. I can figure out what kind of idea my cousin is. My cousin just wants me to leave her completely.

In the past, I was too dependent on my cousin. When I couldn't make a decision, I would ask my cousin. With my cousin by my side, my independent thinking ability would decline a lot.

Now, after three years of baptism, I really don't need to rely on others for some problems, but it doesn't conflict with my missing for my cousin.

I want my cousin to return to Mordor and me again, but now it seems that no matter how much she misses me, she will not choose to return to me again. My cousin can easily make me become what I am today. How can she make me return to what I used to be?

I think that's why my cousin took over blueprint group, right? You should know that the former cousin never asked about things at home. Even so, no one in Yan's family would gossip about her.

Now my cousin has chosen to do so. I can see that it's all for me.Although I didn't want to be such a result, I could only comply with my cousin's kindness.

But now I met Hao'er, so my journey was delayed. I don't know if my cousin would blame me for not seeing her even after I came back so long. Of course, I don't think my cousin would have such an idea? My cousin never really blamed me for anything.

"I'll be with you then." Wu Wu smiles at me and says.

I nodded and said to Wu Wu again, "did my cousin call you?"

"Yes, I just had a video call with her a few days ago." Wu Wu smiles at me.

"What did she say? Did you mention me? " I asked quickly.

"Why don't you just call Yan she and ask him?" Wu Wu smiles again.

"Well, I'll call when I'm free, but now my cousin seems to be free only in the evening. I don't know if she can cope with it." I was a little worried.

Wu Wu gave me an interesting look and said with a smile: "you're also worried about Yan she? Usually, it's Yan she who cares about your problems. "

I scratched the back of my head awkwardly and said to Wu Wu again, "it's not that I don't believe my cousin's ability, I just After all, the former cousin has not managed this kind of things. What if some people trip her? After all, there must be a lot of unconvinced old foxes in the blueprint for such a young leader

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