"Brother Han, as you said just now, Dahei died to protect you. How could it have something to do with your bad attitude towards it?" Lunzhu said again.

"Don't you think that Dahei is willing to protect you with his own life in order to come forward at that dangerous time? Doesn't that just mean Dahei thinks you are more important than his own life? If you are not good at Dahei, how can Dahei do such a thing? So you don't have to blame yourself at all. It's not you who should blame yourself, but the villain who killed Dahei! "

I turned my head to look at lunzhu, and lunzhu was also dull because lunzhu saw that my eyes were red at this time. I could see that the big black really had a very important significance for me.

Even though it has been more than three years, I will still have this kind of mood when I touch the scene here again, which makes lunzhu feel that it is really unexpected.

"You're right, but in the end, it's me who's done a lot of harm." I said to lunzhu again.

What else did lunzhu want to explain, so that I don't have such pessimistic and negative emotions, but I waved to lunzhu and said: "in fact, the situation at that time was that Dahei had foreseen that I was in danger. Since I went out, he had been pulling me not to go out. At that time, I didn't put Dahei's opinions in my heart, so I insisted on going out. Da Hei also followed me. Sure enough, I had an accident, but Da Hei died in that accident. If it wasn't for me, how could Da Hei have died in the hands of a villain? I'm sorry for Dahei. I'm really sorry for it! "

Because what happened three years ago is so unforgettable that I can remember it all the time, so I can't forget the details.

It's also for this reason that Dahei followed him, but died in the hands of others. If I could understand what Dahei meant and listen to him, would everything be different?

Unfortunately Things are not taken for granted. What has happened can't be changed. Dahei has also died in this place for three years. I don't even know where Dahei's body is. Dahei has paid his own life, but I can do anything to help Dahei. If Dahei knows at the bottom, it will be cold hearted, right?

"How can you blame you, brother of the Han family?" Lunzhu smiles at me again.

"Brother Han, I don't think you should impose such negative emotions on yourself. It's unfair to you. I don't think even Dahei would like to see you like this? It's not like this, isn't it? "

I Leng Leng, looking at the side of lunzhu, don't know what to say.

After a while, I sighed and said hoarsely again, "I'm really sorry for Dahei. It can't be changed."

"In that case, you should find the villain and ask him to repay Dahei." Lunzhu replied.

"I think that villain is still in the world now?"

"Of course My eyes turned cold.

"If not, who should I go to?"

I remember clearly that although I had a big fight with gouchen at that time, I didn't kill him.

At that time, I really wanted to kill him and pay for Da Hei's life. Unfortunately, I didn't have much strength at that time, so I could only beat the old man to death.

"Don't blame yourself like that, brother of the Han family." Lunzhu said again.

"Brother Han, this matter has nothing to do with you. Whoever has done such a thing to Dahei should take the main responsibility, shouldn't he? I think you should understand that most, brother Han. "

"Of course." I nodded again, and the sadness in my eyes was gradually hidden by me.

I didn't go on talking, but looked at the position in front of me for a long time.

After a while, I stretched out my hand and pulled down some grass from that position. Although it didn't represent Dahei, it could also express my love for Dahei, right?

I don't know where Dahei's body is, so I can only find such a sustenance.

I carefully folded the grass leaves in my hand and put them into my clothes. Then I said to lunzhu, "let's go."

Lunzhu nodded and carefully observed me again. After confirming that I didn't have any more negative emotions, lunzhu was relieved.

Lunzhu and I were just about to enter the woods when I heard a faint sound of footsteps. Someone came this way!

I frowned and whispered to lunzhu, "someone is coming. Let's find a place to escape!"

This place is so remote, how can ordinary people casually come to this place?And these days, lunzhu and I have been stretching our nerves to the extreme. We are worried about being ambushed. We don't know how many such things have happened.

Therefore, as soon as we encounter any disturbance, lunzhu and I become particularly sensitive. We are worried that someone will suddenly kill us and take us by surprise.

Lunzhu seemed to feel this, and nodded to me without hesitation.

Then I pulled lunzhu to a small bush nearby, completely hiding us both.

After a while, sure enough, two people came to this side. They seemed to be looking for something.

My eyes narrowed when I saw their faces.

"Brother, do you think anyone will come to this place?" One of them inquired to his companion.

"How do I know?" Another man shrugged and said helplessly.

"Tell the old man that the boy who died here three years ago may appear here again. I think it's really incredible. If I'm not worried about the old man's punishment, I even want to ask if he is dreaming. How could a dead man be in this place? "

"Isn't that right? When I received this task, I was ignorant. Do you think these people are too neurotic? " The man spoke again.

"Three years ago, our brothers saw that boy die in this place. Here! I still remember the place where I died by the lake. Can't the old man forget all these things? I remember it very well

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