Liu Qingzhou has never been to the old house these days, so he has no idea what happened outside. Now when he heard his father talk about it, Liu Qingzhou's first reaction was that it was impossible.

The Liu family and the Yan family are old families in Beijing. They don't have much contact at ordinary times.

Although Liu Qingzhou knows that the sudden return of Yan she to Yan's family not long ago may have other purposes, which may have something to do with the Liu family, Liu Qingzhou doesn't think the two families can fight in a short time.

We need to know that once the Yan Family and the Liu family start a struggle, it will be a struggle between the two major factions. How many people can be affected? And can it watch these two monsters fight to death?

It is for this reason that Liu Qingzhou believes that if nothing special happens, the two families basically belong to the relative state of old age and death.

However, now Liu Tianqing has given such a sentence, how can Liu Qingzhou not feel shocked? Liu Qingzhou also knows that although he can't stand his own father, he can also understand that Liu Tianqing can't cheat himself in this kind of thing.

Is it true that, as Liu Tianqing said, there will be a fight between the Yan Family and the Liu family? What kind of conflict has happened between the two families?

"What's the matter?" Liu Qingzhou frowned and said.

"What else is going on?" Liu Tianqing glanced at Liu Qingzhou.

"At the beginning, I didn't understand what was going on. The girl of Yan she suddenly wanted to meet me. I really didn't understand what the girl was thinking, and it was hard to refuse. So I met Yan she in Shuhan garden."

"What did she say?" Liu Qingzhou asked again.

"Can I say I can't understand what this girl is saying?" Liu Tianqing squinted and said.

"At that time, I felt puzzled. It was my first time to deal with this girl, but it seemed that she was much deeper than some old foxes. At that time, I didn't understand what it was, so I separated from Yan she. Then something happened, and I figured out what Yan she meant to me

"Well? What is she expressing? "

"Threat Liu Tianqing replied.

Liu Qingzhou frowned and glanced at Liu Tianqing. Then he said in disbelief, "are you sure you're not kidding me? Threats? Does that woman threaten people, too? "

"I didn't believe this girl would threaten people for no reason before, but now it seems that Yan she met me for such a purpose!" Liu Tianqing confirmed.

"What happened?" Liu Qingzhou asked again.

"Haitian Group, you know?" Liu Tianqing glanced at Liu Qingzhou again.

"Of course I do." Liu Qingzhou nodded, but soon his eyes narrowed down, as if thinking of something.

"What? Has Haitian Group been exposed? "

"Yes." Liu Tianqing sighed.

"Originally, this was more than ten years ago. We thought that the Yan family would never find out if they didn't find out at that time. We didn't expect that the girl of the Yan family just came to the top of the blueprint group and pulled out the Haitian Group. The girl's analytical ability is really terrible to a certain extent!"

"Why? Which link is wrong? " Liu Qingzhou frowned even more.

Liu Qingzhou is very clear about the role of Haitian Group. Now Haitian Group has become bigger and stronger. Although it has completely got rid of the influence of blueprints group, if it is so positive with blueprints, Haitian Group will definitely be unable to bear it.

Not to mention the severance of all business ties with blueprint group, which is a great loss to Haitian Group, the prosecution of blueprint group alone is estimated to be enough for Haitian Group to drink.

"Shen He was pulled out by the girl in the Yan family. Before that, I thought about removing Shen He, because Shen He was so attractive, but later Shen He became more and more appreciated by the Yan family, and even became the second leader of the blueprint." Liu Tianqing explained.

"This kind of Shen He can really bring greater benefits to the Liu family, so I gave up the idea that the matter has been going on for so many years. As long as there is no problem with Shen He, nothing will be found in the blueprint. Now it seems that I still think too much. I guess the girl of Yan's family was already suspicious before she was in the upper position. Otherwise, how could Shen He be pulled out so quickly? All kinds of preparations have been made. "

Hearing Liu Tianqing's words, Liu Qingzhou nodded slightly to agree with his father's statement.

"This woman is the pronoun of terror. It's very difficult to hide anything from her." Liu Qingzhou replied.

"Yes." Liu Tianqing sighed again.

"Now Haitian Group is in danger of being sued by blueprints, which is a difficult choice for the Liu family.""What's the hard choice?" Liu Qingzhou asked.

"Since there is something wrong with Haitian Group, we should give up Haitian Group and let the relevant people replace it."

Liu Qingzhou is very clear about the impact of this incident, and he can also figure out what choices the Liu family will face.

If the Liu family wants to choose baohaitian group, the conflict with the Yan family is bound to expand, which is why Liu Tianqing said that the Liu family and the Yan family are about to go to war.

However, Liu Qingzhou believes that a small Haitian Group does not need the Liu family's efforts to protect it at all. If it's a big deal, it will not admit it to the outside world directly, and let a few unfortunate ghosts go to the top of the thunder.

"How can it be that simple?" Liu Tianqing glanced at his son again.

"Can Haitian Group give up so easily? Don't forget that this Haitian Group has a great relationship with your third uncle. Can the Liu family get rid of it? "

Liu Qingzhou was stunned, then frowned tightly.

"And if we just give up Haitian Group, what will members of the Liu faction think of us? Once the accident happened, the Liu family ran faster than anyone else. Who dares to say that they are members of the Liu family faction? This will do great damage to the reputation of the Liu family! " Liu Tianqing said.

"Shen He can't say everything, can he?" Liu Qingzhou asked, frowning.

"Otherwise Yan she that wench can find me without reason?" Liu Tianqing asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!