"No? What's wrong with that? " Lunzhu didn't quite understand what I said. She looked at me and asked.

"Well Ha ha, after all, men and women are not compatible. You can find lunzhu by yourself, and I'll watch. " I waved my hand to lunzhu and said.

Lunzhu finally understood what I meant, and her face turned red as soon as she shuashed, just like a ripe red apple, which was lovely and full of amorous feelings.

Lunzhu didn't dare to look at me. His voice was like a mosquito and he whispered: "actually irrespective. If it's Han's brother, I won't care. "

I Leng Leng, and then looked at lunzhu suspiciously, thinking that lunzhu would not be another kind of confession to me? Otherwise, how could lunzhu say it's me and she wouldn't care? If it wasn't for me, then lunzhu would be very concerned, right?

Is lunzhu agreeing to let me eat her tofu?

I quickly shook my head and forced myself to stop focusing on lunzhu. With a dry cough, I said to lunzhu: "this Lunzhu, you'd better find it yourself. It's not a good influence. "

"What's the impact of that?" Lunzhu bravely raised his head and looked me in the eye.

"Now it's just you and me, and there's no one else. How can it have a bad influence? Brother Han, don't think much about it! Lunzhu doesn't mind. "

Lunzhu's mouth is very relaxed, but I still see her red ears. I can see that lunzhu is not as calm as she is now. In fact, lunzhu's heart is still very nervous. After all, she said such bold words, which is not in line with lunzhu's style.

Is this an invitation to me?

Lunzhu is still worried about whether I will think more and whether I think lunzhu is a casual girl?

Think of here, lunzhu feel very tangled, the original woman should also be contradictory.

"Cough." I coughed again, and felt that pushing it down would make lunzhu feel sad.

"Well, lunzhu, search your body by yourself. I'll see if there's anything wrong with your hair."

"Hair?" Lun Zhu Leng Leng, then touched his hair.

"What's wrong with your hair?"

"Of course." I nodded, of course.

"Some tracking devices are so small that it's not easy for others to detect them when they are hidden in the hair, so we need to have a good look at this place. Lunzhu, if you can't see it, I'll help you. "

Let me search lunzhu's body, I really can't do it. It's not my affectation. After all, in this wild place, who knows if I can't control it and just go off?

You know, lunzhu is also a very attractive girl, especially the amorous feelings just now let me reflect that lunzhu is already an adult woman. This kind of lunzhu is full of allure for men. If I have too close contact with lunzhu, what can I do when I can't control it? This situation does not allow me to think more about this aspect, otherwise danger may come at any time.

Lunzhu naturally couldn't think of what I was thinking about. Instead, she thought what I said was reasonable. After thinking about it, she nodded to me and said, "brother Han, come and see if there is anything in my hair."

I agreed, and then got up and went to lunzhu's side, began to look for something wrong in lunzhu's hair.

Although I didn't search lunzhu's body, lunzhu thinks that our present action is still a little intimate, because lunzhu can clearly feel the heat of my body.

These days, although lunzhu and I have been running for our lives, lunzhu always keeps a considerable distance from me. After all, I don't have that idea, and lunzhu is embarrassed to be too close.

Now I feel my hands on lunzhu's hair, which makes lunzhu feel shy and sweet. Lunzhu even thinks, if only we could go on like this all the time?

Think of here, lunzhu a time unexpectedly crazy, even forget what to do, Leng in situ in a daze.

I don't know how long it took. At this time, I took back my hands disappointedly and said to lunzhu in front of me, "lunzhu, I've looked for it. There's nothing wrong with your hair. Where are you?"

Lunzhu then reacted and lowered her head quickly, pretending to look for it seriously. Without raising her head, she said: "I I'm still looking for it. "

"Lunzhu, what's the matter with you?" I heard that there was something wrong with lunzhu's tone and asked in doubt.

Now lunzhu didn't lift his head up, so I couldn't find his face at this time.

"Nothing. I'm looking for something strange." Lunzhu replied again that she still did not dare to raise her head. She was afraid that I would find some "dirty" thoughts in her heart from her expression.

But fortunately, I didn't ask, which made lunzhu feel relieved."Well, you look carefully and I'll wait for you." I sat cross legged in front of lunzhu again, looking at lunzhu's action and didn't speak any more.

Lunzhu agreed, and then continued to observe his clothes carefully.

I looked at lunzhu's action at this time, but my brow was slightly wrinkled.

In fact, I don't think it's possible that there will be any tracking device on the clothes, because lunzhu has never contacted those people in black and the dead old people before that. How can they get any chance to install any tracking device on lunzhu?

What's more, lunzhu and I have been on the run these days. After such a violent action, it is estimated that what tracking device on lunzhu has been shaken off for a long time. How can it still be attached to him?

If there is not something wrong with lunzhu, then what is the problem? I can't be the one with the tracking device?

That shouldn't be!

As I said before, if I had such a tracking device on me, how could those people find me when lunzhu was hijacked last time?

At this time, I fell into meditation again. I always feel that something has been forgotten by me, but it's really difficult for me to think about it again.

I looked at lunzhu in front of me again, and then decided to see if there was any problem with myself. After all, what I thought was not absolute. Maybe there were other possibilities?

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