"I don't know that either." Wu Wu shrugs her shoulders helplessly.

"To be honest, I can see a lot of people. I've never seen this woman clearly. When I heard about her, I was shocked for a long time. "

"Well! Isn't this woman really up to something? " Xia Wanyu snorted coldly.

"There's a possibility that we have to guard against." Wu Wu thought about it and then said.

"But If what this woman said is true, Zhang Cheng may appear in Tibet, and now the Liu family knows that Zhang Cheng is in that place. Even in recent days, the Liu family's big action is for Zhang Cheng. If we don't take any measures, isn't Zhang Cheng in danger? "

Wu Wu's brow also wrinkled, thought about it, then picked up the phone.

"Who are you calling?" Xia Wanyu asked in doubt.

"Fan Xuan." Wu Wu replied, but she didn't take it away from her mobile phone screen, looking for fan Xuan's phone number.

Hearing Wu Wu's words, Xia Wanyu can't help but be shocked. She rushes to grab Wu Wu's mobile phone and stops Wu Wu's action.

Wu Wu couldn't help but be stunned. She didn't understand what Xia Wanyu meant. Wu Wu looked at Xia Wanyu in front of her and asked, "Wanyu, what's the matter with you?"

"Wu Wu, do you really want to make such a call to fan Xuan?" Xia Wanyu put Wu Wu's mobile phone aside and frowned at Wu Wu.

"Why not? Now we have to dispatch people from her. I can contact the Wu family, but It's hard to get my uncle's consent. " Wu Wu replied.

"But Do you doubt fan Xuan? " Xia Wanyu said again.

"Doubt? Why doubt it? " Wu Wu was stunned again.

"Wu Wu, do you know who fan Xuan used to be?" Xia Wanyu thought about it and then said to Wu Wu.

"Yuxuanji?" Wu Wu looks at Xia Wanyu suspiciously.

"Yes." Xia Wanyu naturally nodded.

"Before Yu Xuanji rebelled, this fan Xuan was promoted by Yu Xuanji. Can you be sure that she has no problem? I'm not saying bad things about others behind my back. I'm also worried about Zhang Cheng's safety. If fan Xuan has any problems, we'll just tell fan Xuan about it and let him do it. Isn't Zhang Cheng dangerous? "

Hearing Xia Wanyu's words, Wu Wu's eyebrows can't help wrinkling and thinking about what Xia Wanyu said.

"There should be no such possibility?" Wu Wu says.

"I heard that fan Xuan once saved Zhang Cheng and hurt Yu Xuanji himself. If so, fan Xuan would not have any problems."

"Wu Wu, how can you be so naive?" Xia Wanyu said.

"Bitter meat! Can't it be a bitter trick? I didn't say there was really any problem between them, but who could guarantee it? If it is, then things may be beyond our imagination. "

"But Fan Xuan is Yan she's person, not Yu Xuanji's person. " Wu Wu thought about it and said again.

"Who knows if fan Xuan's mind is still on Yan she? Who knows if yu Xuanji has brainwashed fan Xuan? Besides, Yu Xuanji said before that she always knew that fan Xuan was Yan she's person, but Yu Xuanji didn't fight fan Xuan. At least fan Xuan is still living in this world. Don't you think it's suspicious? Who knows if there is something wrong with fan Xuan? "

Wu Wu fell into silence again. According to Xia Wanyu, it's really possible.

But Do they really not trust this fan Xuan?

"Wu Wu, think again. Just now Yu Xuanji asked us to find fan Xuan. Don't you think it's suspicious? Why would she recommend fan Xuan? And when did fan Xuan get in touch with five tones and six rhythms? Why didn't we know before? " Xia Wanyu said again.

"Well Yu Xuanji used to be fan Xuan's boss. It should be easy for him to know something we don't know? "

"Well, does this fan Xuan really have something to do with five tones and six rhythms? How did she come into contact with the pentatonic? Why did fan Xuan never mention it to us? " Xia Wanyu asked several questions again.

Wu Wu continued to ponder, thought about it, and said again, "is this yuxuanji trying to alienate us?"

"If it's really just like this, then it's good. The problem is that we can't be sure whether fan Xuan has other thoughts. Since we can't be sure, we can't tell fan Xuan about it, let alone let her do it!" Xia Wanyu continued.

"Wanyu, I know what you are worried about, but Now we don't have any other people to use. We can't transfer the five tones and six rhythms. If fan Xuan can be transferred, then we will have a large number of people to use. At that time, we can also send people to rescue Zhang Cheng. We can also find out whether the Liu family really sent so many people to confirm whether Yu Xuanji cheated us. If we don't rely on fan Xuan, we can't get the energy in our hands. " Wu Wu explains to Xia Wanyu.Xia Wanyu is also silent. She knows that this is really a problem. Now Zhang Jia is not as good as before, and I haven't seen her for three years. Even Xia Wanyu and even my wife Wu Wu have no power to transfer the five tones and six rhythms, so it's really difficult for them to do it.

But now this fan Xuan has to be watched out. If Wan Yi Fan Xuan goes wrong, he will have a lot of fun.

"Or Shall I go back to Xia's house? " Xia Wanyu thought about it, and then said to Wu Wu again.

"You go back to Xia's house? Wan Yu, do you really think it's useful to go back to Xia's home? And You haven't been back for three years. The Xia family is not sure... "

Wu Wu looks up at Xia Wanyu and doesn't say this sentence completely, for fear that Xia Wanyu will think more.

Xia Wanyu smiles at Wu Wu, shakes her head and says, "it's nothing. In fact, it's true. Even if I go back to Xia's family, I don't believe it. Gongsun's family is still like this."

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