With this in mind, I held back the pain of my body, held out my hand to the branch, and then turned over to the trunk.

I slowly slid down with the tree trunk in my arms. When I was halfway there, I stepped out with one foot, but I didn't hold my hand firmly. Then I fell to the ground directly.


This fall made me feel that my internal organs were about to shift.

My face is so miserable that I can fall half dead from the tree.

But if I'm really unlucky, I'll be broken to pieces now. I'll accept a lot if I think so.

At this time, I was not only in pain, but also in hunger.

I just turned my eyes to the corpses of the Wolves under the tree. Although the wolves were very miserable, I couldn't see them any more. However, in order to survive, I had to endure nausea and pick up the corpse of one of the wolves.

I want to pick up the carcasses of these wolves. It's really food for me for a long time, but at this time, I don't have much physical strength, and a wolf is really heavy, so I carry the carcass of the biggest wolf and walk towards the front.

I'm very lucky. I ran into a clear stream before long, and I really need water now.

I drank a lot of water and quenched my thirst. Then I sat by the stream and began to peel and clean the wolf's body. Although I was very hungry, I wanted to finish these processes quickly, but I was in pain. I fell from such a high ground. Although I was hanging on a tree, it was also very painful.

Besides, I was hung up all night. It's hard for others to imagine that.

It's so easy to finish all this. I found some wood to make a fire. I divided the wolf meat into pieces and began to bake it slowly.

After baking a piece, I began to gobble it up. At this time, I was so hungry that I soon finished eating a piece of meat and felt that it was not enough. I roasted another piece to eat. Then I stroked my stomach and lay on the grass.

I roasted the rest of the meat, but I didn't eat it directly. I kept it until I was hungry.

The meat should be enough for me to survive for several days. During this period, what I have to do is to provide for my own injuries. Otherwise, I think it will be difficult for me to cope with any dangerous situation.

And I can feel that this place is totally different from the place I was in before. There is no smell of virgin forest here. Maybe it will make me escape.

I haven't seen anyone else for more than a year. I was very excited when I thought that I might just run away and meet Wu Wu again. I had a word with my cousin Gao SHIMENG and Xia Wanyu.

I'm afraid it's hard for anyone to imagine what life would be like if they hadn't seen anyone for more than a year. I've already experienced it.

In this period of time, even if I don't see anyone, I will say one or two words from time to time, the purpose is not to lose my ability to speak. If I haven't said a word for more than a year, I'm afraid I don't know how to open my mouth now? It's a terrible thing for me. I don't want to be a beast.

Thinking that I might go out, I was excited again. I didn't lie on the ground any more. I stood up quickly, made marks in the same place, and then searched around.

I have found a lot of herbs these days, which are not found in the virgin forest.

In the primeval forest, if I suffer a serious injury, I almost dare not go out. I can only find a very secret place to hide and heal slowly, because if I meet a wild animal in that state, I must be dead. There is no discussion.

Moreover, there are few such herbs in the primeval forest. Suddenly, I found a kind of medicine that can be used to heal wounds. I can be happy for several days, and I have to use it carefully. I can't waste it.

But this place is very different from that primeval forest, and because of my good luck, I found these herbs which are very useful to me so quickly.

There are many such records in the blue book, and I have learned many medical skills that can save my life in the wild. I am very familiar with the use of these herbs.

After two or three days of recovery, my body has gradually improved up, has moved freely.

During this period, I didn't meet a wild animal, but a lot of rabbits.

Of course, these small animals have become my food. In such a living environment, it is impossible for me to have any compassion. People with such a mind may not survive in such a place.

Even if the monks who never kill are in such a place, they will have to compete with all kinds of beasts to eat meat the next day, right?

It's just because I didn't meet a wild animal, which makes me more convinced that this is a way to survive. Maybe I will leave this ghost place soon.I took another day or two off to make sure that I didn't have any injuries that could drag me back. I finally took a few pieces of dried meat and couldn't wait to go on the road.

I don't know how long I've been walking. I guess it will be more than a month or two? I finally got out of the woods, which made my heart more excited.

But in this place I still did not see a person, which makes me increasingly want to know where I am, why is it so deserted? Which son of a bitch left me here?

It's like a place that has not been seen and developed. I'm the only human in this place.

The weather is getting colder and colder. It seems that it has entered the rhythm of winter.

I calculated the days. It seems that it has been nearly two years since I left Mordor to go to these places without people.

Are they OK?

They Don't you think I'm dead?

Thinking of this, I have more motivation to go out. As long as I can see someone, that is my victory!

After walking for more than a month, another snow mountain appeared in front of me.

I have some doubts. How can I come to a snow mountain for no reason? What the hell is this place?

It seems that the snow mountain is not very high, and I don't know whether it's like this all the year round or because it's like this in winter. Anyway, the snow is all over the mountain.

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