Until now, no one has been able to tell where I went, even Yan shewu dance, let alone someone who can understand my situation at this time.

Gao SHIMENG didn't show it at ordinary times. That's because Wu Wu and Yan she are not worried. If they are worried here, what should Wu Wu and Yan she think?

Gao SHIMENG thinks that he can still bear it, but the dream just now completely makes Gao SHIMENG collapse. At this moment, the worry that has always been suppressed in his heart completely breaks out. The more he thinks about it, the more worried he feels, and he can't help thinking about it, which makes Gao SHIMENG feel more scared.

Wu Wu and Yan she look at each other. They all see each other's helplessness in each other's eyes.

Gao SHIMENG is like this, and they are like this?

It's just that Wu Wu and Yan she have been doing very well, and they didn't mess with themselves.

Moreover, Wu Wu and Yan she both know that I have been away for a long time. Maybe they will never meet again in the second half of their lives. They are all prepared for this, so they can survive better than Gao SHIMENG.

Now Gao SHIMENG is worried like this, and the worry in Wu Wuyan's heart is also aroused. After all, she is worried that this thing will be infectious. Wu Wuyan's heart is also worried about my safety, but it's a pity that only I can know what kind of situation I am now.

Even those two people who know my whereabouts will not know whether I am alive or dead at this time.

"We all have to trust cousins, OK? And now we have only such a choice. I believe my cousin will not disappoint all of us, nor will he disappoint himself, will he? " Yan she says to Gao SHIMENG.

"But..." What else does Gao SHIMENG want to say, but she doesn't dare to say it. She is worried that she is a crow's beak. What should she do if she says everything?

"Well, poetic dream." Wu Wu also said.

"Let's sleep. I'll sleep with you tonight, so you won't have nightmares."

Gao SHIMENG doesn't want to sleep now, or dare not. He is afraid that he will close his eyes again, and the nightmare will come to him again.

But looking at the smile on Wu Wu's face, Gao SHIMENG can't bear to refuse.

Maybe what Wu Wu said is right. Dreams and reality are opposite. If you have such a terrible dream, it won't affect me in reality, will it?

Maybe this is a good comfort for Gao SHIMENG. At this time, Gao SHIMENG also suffered a lot.

Gao SHIMENG once again looked at Yan she and Wu Wu, two of his best friends, and finally nodded slowly.

"I'll be with you, too?" Yan she said with a smile.

"Our three sisters haven't been lying in the same bed chatting for a long time, have they? Anyway, I'm awake now. Shall we have a chat? "

Wu Wu and Gao SHIMENG look at each other, and then nod their heads to agree with this idea.

As their best friends, Wu Wu, Gao SHIMENG and Yan she have done a lot of things between them. It is because of this that their relationship is so good.

The three women chatted in bed for a long time. They were all unimportant topics. No one mentioned me, as if it was a taboo.

They all know that if I am mentioned again at this time, maybe all three of them will have a nightmare at the same time.

It's not an interesting thing to add some worry to yourself for no reason, is it?

I don't know how long I've been chatting, but the three girls fell asleep.

Of course, the first one to get up is Yan she. She has the habit of getting up on time. No matter how late she goes to bed the first night, she will get up automatically at that point the next day.

Looking at the two girlfriends who were still sleeping, Yan she couldn't help laughing, but with a smile, some sadness appeared in her face.

If Wu Wu Wu and Gao SHIMENG saw Yan she's expression at this moment, they would be shocked at this moment, right?

Want to know Yan she such woman, where can appear such expression?

Almost everything in Yan she's eyes seems to be under control. Such an expression should not appear on Yan she's face.

Yan musk deer also only at this time, will show such an expression.

Because Yan she is the backbone of the three, even in addition to her two best friends, Xia Wanyu also put all her hopes on Yan she.

If Yan she is at a loss in front of them and worried about my safety, what should other people do? I'm afraid I have to worry about it?

Is Yan she worried about me?

Of course, I'm worried. How can I not worry? I'm Yan she's cousin. Yan she puts almost all her thoughts on me. Where I went? Yan she doesn't know. Even this is the first time Yan she didn't know my whereabouts. Yan she worries about me to the extreme.However, Yan she didn't show such worry on her face. She always did what she should do. She didn't appear anything in front of people.

Only when she is alone, can she release her worries.

Cousin, where are you now? You Are you okay?

Yan she put her eyes out of the window, as if she could see me in the distance. She didn't know where to fly.

Yan she seldom lost her mind, but this time, when she lost her mind, she couldn't control it. She didn't even find that Wu Wu around her woke up.

Wu Wu came to Yan she's side and said in a soft voice, "you're usually very tired, aren't you?"

Yan she turns her head and looks at her best friend. Yan she knows that she can't hide Wu Wu's idea, because Wu Wu is also a smart woman.

It can even be said that children who grow up in big families have no corresponding wisdom?

Yan she didn't deny it. She said with a smile to Wu Wu: "in order not to let you worry, I can only do this."

Wu Wu sighed, but didn't go on much on this topic.

"You said Xiaoqing Zhang Cheng Is there really something wrong? " After the disturbance of Gao SHIMENG last night, Wu Wu could not suppress her feelings. She wanted to call her little lover, but she changed her words when she thought that she was not alone with me.

Wu Wu hasn't seen me for nearly two years. She misses me more than anyone else and wants to know what my situation is now.

"I don't know." Yan she shakes her head.

"If someone can have a tacit understanding with Zhang Cheng, that person must be you?" Wu Wu said with a smile.

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