Shisan was very anxious. He wanted to go out and see what happened. But he was afraid that something was wrong with the child. He could only go around the cradle.

Before long, a man in black rushed in. Shisan knew that the other party was one of the more than ten powerful bodyguards left by Yan she. However, the man in black hung a lot of colors, which made shisan's face change again. Who really broke in?

"What's going on? What's the matter? " Shisan asked the bodyguard in front of him.

"Someone suddenly broke in and was very powerful." The man in black replied solemnly. It seems that the comer is really powerful. Otherwise, why would the man in black look like this?

This let thirteen's heart also gradually sink down, is the other side well prepared to come? It's not a coincidence that Xiaodian has just left with such a powerful master!

Shisan is also a wise man. He immediately thinks that all this may be a conspiracy. The purpose of supporting Yan shexia Wanyu and Xiaodian is for the sake of children!

If not a child, how could the other party send such a powerful opponent to this villa? Obviously, only this child in the villa is attractive to them!

"The Jiang family is a beast!" Thirteen sternly scolded, rushed to the cradle and held the child in his arms.

"How strong is the other side? Can't you stop it? "

"Very strong." The man in black replied.

"We can stop for a period of time at most. We must inform the young lady to come back quickly, otherwise we can't stop each other."

"Only one person?" Ask again.

"Yes." The man in black nodded.

"Is there such a powerful master in the Jiang family? Is it... " Thirteen didn't know what he thought, and his face changed again.

"Let's go upstairs first. I'll give miss a call."

The man in black nodded, knowing that the downstairs is not a place to stay, because the powerful master outside the villa may rush in at any time. I'm afraid no one can stop him at that time.

With that, shisan rushed to the second floor with the child and the man in black. Shisan went to the balcony and looked down. His heart became more and more heavy.

"It's him!" Thirteen said with a pale face.

As the people in Black said, more than ten of them couldn't win each other. They even meant to be beaten. It can be imagined that if they wait any longer, the person below will rush up immediately!

You can't let him take the baby!

This is shisan's psychological thought. Shisan didn't think much about it. He quickly took out his mobile phone and wanted to make a call to Xia Wanyu who had just left, so that Xiaodian could come back quickly. I'm afraid that at this moment, except Xiaodian, no one would be the opponent of the white robed man below!

However, at this time, thirteen suddenly felt a thrill, this dangerous feeling came from behind.

"Be careful!" The man in black beside him gave a drink, and then rushed up.


As soon as the man in black rushed behind him, his whole body flew straight ahead, and then hit the floor heavily.


The man in black couldn't bear it. He vomited a mouthful of blood. It was obvious that he suffered a serious internal injury.

Thirteen's face changed again, holding the child for several steps before he stopped. Looking at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, thirteen's face gradually became pale.

"Lu Shan?" Looking at the man in green robe in front of him, his face is incredible.

"It's me." Lu Shan's face was expressionless, and he put his eyes on the child in his arms.

Thirteen retreated several steps again, staring at the man in front of him, and said in a cold voice, "what do you want to do? What do you want from the Chiang family? "

"Child." Lu Shan glanced at thirteen and spit out two words. It seems that Lu Shan is not a person who likes to talk.

"Dream!" Thirteen sternly scolds a way, the facial expression also more vigilant.

"I don't want to do it. I advise you to take the initiative to give it to me, otherwise it will only hurt the children." Lu Shan said again, still without any expression, just as he was telling something that had nothing to do with him.

"Well! Do you think it's possible? " Thirteen cold snorted.

"I didn't expect that the famous Jiang family sent out two experts in the family for one child. Is that how you bullied the weak?"

Obviously, the Jiang family now knows the child's real identity. Otherwise, how could they send Yandang wound and Lu Shan to rob a child at the same time? Shisan knew that this child could not be given out in any case, otherwise her fate would be very miserable.

Now shisan also began to worry about his master's safety. Since the Jiang family already knew the child's real identity, what was the Jiang family's idea of calling Xia Wanyu in the past?Shisan doesn't dare to think about it any more. Now shisan just wants to call Xia Wanyu to let her know what's going on here. But now it seems that she won't have any chance. Lu Shan is a famous master in front of her. Shisan can't guarantee that she can fight each other. Moreover, shisan still has children to protect, even shisan and his friends When Lu Shan fights, children will become the weakness of thirteen.

"This child is of great use to us." Lu Shan said again.

"Well! What's the use? Do you think I don't know what you think? " Thirteen spoke again.

"Even if the master has done something wrong for the Jiang family, the child is innocent. If you want to attack a child, aren't you afraid to go to hell?"

Hearing thirteen's words, Lu Shan was silent.

Although Lu Shan doesn't like to talk, he is not stupid either. Lu Shan can easily figure out what kind of end she will have if the child is taken back to Jiang's home by herself.

Even if the old man won't fight the child, I'm afraid the other Chiang family won't watch the child continue to live, will they? You know, this is a great disgrace to the Chiang family. No Chiang family wants to see such a disgrace. And Lu Shan can see from the time when the old man issued the order that the old man really wanted to kill a child!

In this case, if the child really returned to Jiang's home, Lu Shan himself could not understand what would happen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!