If you can learn some useful information about this wave of people, ye Fusheng may agree immediately.

But in front of this woman is suddenly emerged, ye Fusheng even feel that there are still some unreal.

Ye Fusheng decided to check the identity of these people after he went back. Only in this way can he feel at ease.

Mingyue thought about it, and then said to Ye Fusheng, "yes, but I will only give you two days, and I will not give you the contact information. You can come here at any time in the afternoon or before the day after tomorrow. I will have people waiting for your reply in this place all the time. If we don't see your people after the day after tomorrow, then this cooperation will be invalid. We will try to find another way, but maybe you will benefit at that time. "

Ye Fusheng cursed in his heart. These people are really cautious.

"Well, I think I'll give you a satisfactory answer the day after tomorrow." Ye Fusheng nodded and said.

"I hope so." The moon nods.

"But I need to remind you that it's better not to go out these two days when you're free. I don't want our partners to have an accident before they cooperate with us."

"Thank you for reminding me. I think I'll pay attention." Ye Fusheng said.

"If there's nothing else, I have to go back. It seems that it's dangerous for me to stay outside now."

Mingyue nods her head slightly. Ye Fusheng looks at the woman again. Then she turns her head and walks towards the rear, trying to leave here.

But I don't know what's going on. At this time, ye Fusheng only feels that his legs are soft. He flops and falls to the ground.

Ye Fusheng can't help but scold. It's bad luck. Everything will happen.

Mingyue looks at Ye Fusheng suspiciously and asks, "are you ok?"

"Nothing." Ye Fusheng smiles awkwardly and loses face in front of the beauty. It's really uncomfortable.

With that, ye Fusheng is about to stand up from the ground, but he fails. At this time, ye Fusheng only feels that his legs are paralyzed to the point where he can't make any effort at all.

"That Beauty, can you do me a favor? " Ye Fusheng thought about it and said, looking at Mingyue with embarrassment.

"What's the matter?" The moon looks at Ye Fusheng.

"I don't know what's going on. Suddenly my legs are numb and I can't stand up. Can you give me a hand?" Ye Fusheng said to the moon.

Mingyue hesitates and seems unwilling to help Ye Fusheng.

However, after thinking about it, Mingyue walked towards Ye Fusheng and bent down to help him up.

Ye Fusheng stood up from the ground and murmured, "it's strange. How can you suddenly feel weak? Why? Now there is no such feeling

Mingyue released her arm and asked to Ye Fusheng without expression: "are you ok?"

Ye Fusheng moved his legs for a while, then nodded and said, "it's OK. Just now, my legs suddenly feel numb, but now it's better. Maybe it's the reason why I just stood too long."

Mingyue nodded slightly and didn't speak any more.

Ye Fusheng also felt that he had no face to stay in front of this woman any longer. For fear that Mingyue felt that he was overworked last night, he said goodbye again and finally left here.

Ye Fusheng didn't see it. At this time, the smile on Mingyue's face behind him was a bit more amusing.

The man who just disappeared appeared again and said to the moon, "boss is coming."

Mingyue nodded slightly and said that she knew it. She looked at the direction of Ye Fusheng's leaving again, and then walked towards the rear.

Mingyue came to a black RV, slightly lowered her head, did not speak.

"Come in." A beautiful woman's voice came from the car, but it didn't sound emotional.

"Yes." Mingyue agreed, then opened the back door and sat in.

"How's it going?" Liu Xianglan asked.

"He said he had to go back and think about it." The moon replied.

"Hey! Ye Fusheng is not as stupid as he thought Liu Xianglan's eyes narrowed down.

"But I don't understand why he made such a stupid mistake today when he had this intelligence."

"Maybe Ye Fusheng is too eager for quick success and instant benefit. After all, he has endured it for so many years. Finally, it's normal that he can't bear this opportunity. After all, it really makes people feel inflated." Mingyue explained.

Liu Xianglan nodded slightly and said again: "in this case, if he can agree with your proposal, then ye Fusheng is not hard to control. Maybe this is a good opportunity for us to enter the Pearl River Delta."

"Yes, miss." The moon nods.

"So are you ready for him to disagree?" Liu Xianglan asked again.

"It's done." Said the moon."Just now, I have taken the opportunity to implant medicine H1 into Ye Fusheng's body. If he finally refuses to agree, we will use this medicine to control him, and then he will have to agree."

I'm afraid Ye Fusheng would never dream that his body has been moved by Mingyue, right?

Just now, ye Fusheng's legs suddenly softened. That's because when ye Fusheng turned around, Mingyue hit two stones on Ye Fusheng's legs, causing Ye Fusheng's legs instantly paralyzed and unconscious.

When Mingyue went up to help Ye Fusheng, she implanted the medicine in her hand into Ye Fusheng's body.

Even ye Fusheng asked Mingyue to help him. Ye Fusheng didn't think that when they contacted, he would never get rid of Mingyue's control.

"You've done a good job." Liu Xianglan nodded with satisfaction.

"Miss Xie praised me." The moon nodded again.

"If ye Fusheng didn't have to die, I wouldn't have found him. If ye Fusheng could bear it again and let Qingcheng come down from that position, then I would have achieved the goal I wanted to achieve. It's a pity that ye Fusheng's own head is pumping, and he is caught in the trap laid by Qingcheng. Then don't blame me. You always pay for your stupidity, don't you Liu Xianglan said with a charming smile, just like a poppy full of fatal temptation.

"Miss, that's right!" Mingyue nods and agrees.

What else did Liu Xianglan want to say when the phone suddenly rang.

Liu Xianglan took a look at the caller ID, then put away her smile, waved to Mingyue and said, "you go down first. If you have any information, please report it to me in time."

"I understand." Mingyue nods slightly and then gets off the bus.

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