Hearing Liu Xianglan's words, Liu Tianxing on the other end of the phone suddenly trembled with excitement. Even because of the excitement, Liu Tianxing began to cough violently.

"You think I don't want to Cough Don't I want to be a father? If it wasn't for that old thing, would I be like this? Cough In the end, even my daughter can only treat me as a stranger. Have you ever thought about how your father and I spent these decades? " Liu Tianxing's voice suddenly several tens of decibels higher, at this time Liu elastic seems to be roaring, want to vent their injustice.

Even because of too excited reasons, Liu Tianxing said while coughing violently, which made Liu Xianglan frown.

"I know you are in trouble, and I didn't blame you, but if you really want to deal with the collapse of the city, I can only be rebellious once! This is my warning and my position! " Liu Xianglan said coldly.

"You Stupid! It's sheer stupidity Liu Tianxing roared again.

"Don't worry, everything in Yangcheng is under my control. If you really want to send someone to deal with Qingcheng, I will know for the first time. Then don't blame me for being rude." Liu Xianglan said again.

Liu Tianxing didn't speak there, and he didn't know whether he didn't want to speak or what to say.

"Well, that's the end of the matter. Don't call me again. I know how to deal with things here." Liu Xianglan said again, without waiting for Liu Tianxing to agree or not, Liu Xianglan directly hung up the phone.

At this time, Liu Xianglan suddenly felt a little irritable, threw her mobile phone on the tea table and put out her hand to wipe her hair.

Looking at the night outside the balcony, Liu Xianglan also fell into meditation.

After a long time, Liu Xianglan said slowly: "grandfather, is it right or wrong for you to do this? What kind of things did you do back then? "


By the lake.

At this time, I was holding Ye Qingcheng and kissing him. The main reason was that ye Qingcheng was too attractive and his mouth was very sweet. When I met Ye Qingcheng's mouth, it was like being sucked by a magnet. I couldn't pull it apart. Besides, I didn't want to pull it now.

I have learned to be smart. When I was kissing Ye Qingcheng in Yangcheng club just now, I was bitten by this woman with her teeth.

Now I don't dare to stick out my tongue. I can only bang on Ye Qingcheng's lips. Although I'm not strong, I still feel that I can't be stimulated.

In fact, I am also very ashamed. At the beginning, I just wanted to take a look at Ye Qingcheng. I wanted to see the woman's irresistible appearance. Who made Ye Qingcheng want to mess with me? That's the price she paid.

I didn't expect that in the end, I was the one who couldn't stop. I didn't bear the temptation. I jumped on it. It's a beast!

However, it seems that there is nothing bad about being an animal, and then I'm not as good as being an animal.

There is nothing wrong with what ye Qingcheng thought before. At this time, the more women struggle, the more they can arouse men's desire for conquest. At this time, ye Qingcheng struggles fiercely, which makes me feel more stimulated.


What a pervert I am!

I'm not satisfied with the little mouth of Ye Qingcheng. I moved my lips away and began to swim back and forth on Ye Qingcheng's delicate face, leaving my saliva all the way.

"You bastard Let go of me Ye Qingcheng can finally speak at this time. He opens his mouth angrily, but his tone is full of panic.

Do you really want to lose yourself in such a place?

I didn't pay attention to Ye Qingcheng, and my lips began to go downstream again.

"You You are committing a crime. I warn you I beg you to let me go. I promise you anything you want. I just beg you to let me go now. " Ye Qingcheng struggled again, but his tone was not so bad, and he began to beg for mercy.

At this time, where do I have the idea of pity? Men's sperm is very dangerous. For example, I am very dangerous now.

I directly filtered Ye Qingcheng's begging for mercy, continued my own action, and began to kiss Ye Qingcheng's slender white neck, which was as delicate as ivory.

Just when my goal was transferred to Ye Qingcheng's chest, ye Qingcheng suddenly gave up the struggle, and even didn't say anything. I couldn't help wondering. I thought, has this girl obeyed?

No? Didn't Ye Qingcheng listen to Ganglie just now?

I put down the action on my mouth, raised my head and took a look, then I was startled.

At this time, there was no expression on Ye Qingcheng's face, and there was no sadness or joy in his eyes, just two lines of crystal clear tears flowing slowly from his eyes.

Was bullied to cry?

I quickly got up and got up from ye Qingcheng. I felt my nose helplessly. This time, it was too big to make people cry.

Even if I had let go of Ye Qingcheng, ye Qingcheng didn't do anything. He was still staring at the top. The tears in his eyes were flowing out all the time, and there was still no expression on his face.This makes me a little anxious, thinking that I will not bully others, what's wrong with it?

Thinking about this, I quickly reached out and touched Ye Qingcheng's shoulder and said to Ye Qingcheng, "what's the matter with you? Don't you really cry? Come on, I was just joking with you and trying your reaction

When I said this, I felt guilty. Just now, I was really a wolf. If it wasn't for ye Qingcheng's sudden change, I guess I might have taken up the gun.

Ye Qingcheng did not answer me, just as he did not hear my words.

"I'm wrong. Don't do that, will you? In fact, I really don't mean anything else. Didn't you pit me before? I just wanted to revenge on you. " I said again.

Ye Qingcheng finally turned his head to look at me this time. At this time, I found that the depth of Ye Qingcheng's eyes was full of ridicule. I didn't know whether this woman was ridiculing me or herself.

Even I see disappointment in this mockery.

Is Ye Qingcheng disappointed with me?

Did what I did just now disappoint Ye Qingcheng? What's so disappointing about that?

"Don't be quiet. Smile and show me." I said again, and then stretched out my hand to the corner of Ye Qingcheng's mouth.

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