Yi Shi taught me this set of Dao techniques. Instead of learning this set of Dao techniques according to Yi Shi's routine, I realized my own experience and added my own elements.

Then this set of knife techniques naturally became mine.

Although this set of sabre moves is a little bit Insidious, but can achieve good results in the fight moves, regardless of it insidious or not insidious, anyway, let me win on the line.


That can only be the behavior of the weak!

Xiaoyin was obviously scared by my move. At first, Xiaoyin didn't react. However, when I saw my left hand muscle pulling, Xiaoyin finally understood that I wanted to use Yin move.


It was like the sound of steel colliding. My knife had no effect. Instead, I cut it on the heel of Xiaoyin high-heeled shoes.

It turns out that Xiaoyin's reaction ability is strong enough, and I've changed my moves when I started.

However, my speed is too fast. It's impossible for Xiaoyin to stop the move, so she can only block my attack by kicking her feet. Actually, Xiaoyin blocked my butterfly knife with her heel.

This makes me dumbfounded. It's not that I'm shocked by Xiaoyin's reaction ability. I knew from the beginning that Xiaoyin's reaction ability is outstanding, and I'm afraid few people can match it.

I'm sorry that Xiaoyin can follow or avoid this move, but I won't accept it.

What I didn't expect is that Xiaoyin's high-heeled shoes are so hard. Are the soles and heels made of steel? Otherwise, how could my sharp butterfly knife cut off the heel of a high-heeled shoe?

Damn it!

Isn't this little sound really abnormal?

The high-heeled shoes are all made of steel. How can this woman be so good?

No wonder Xiaoyin wants to use high-heeled shoes as weapons. At the beginning, I thought Xiaoyin had no weapons in hand, so I had to use high-heeled shoes instead.

Now I understand that Xiaoyin's high-heeled shoes are Xiaoyin's weapon. I'm afraid it's hard for ordinary people to imagine, isn't it?

This woman is really insidious enough!


Another sound of steel collision came from the air. Xiaoyin and I played against each other again, and then they separated, retreated several steps, and then stopped.

Xiaoyin and I narrowed our eyes at the same time, and looked at each other as if we had just known each other. Obviously, Xiaoyin and I had a new understanding of each other's strength.

"What kind of knife is this?" After a while, Xiaoyin asked.

"Butterfly knife technique." I told Xiaoyin the name of my self created Dao technique with pride.

"Butterfly knife technique?" Xiaoyin chews the term in her mouth, probably searching for all kinds of information about this set of Dao techniques in her mind?

In the end, Xiaoyin didn't think of any information about what I said about butterfly sabre.

It's strange that she can think of it. It's based on the nameless sword technique that Yi Shi gave me. How can Xiao Yin think of it?

"How did you just do it?" Xiaoyin thinks about it, then asks again.

"What, how?" I looked at Xiaoyin suspiciously and asked.

"I said," how did you change your knife? " Xiaoyin explains her problems.

At that moment, the butterfly knife on my hand disappeared, and then it appeared on my other hand, which made Xiaoyin feel confused, which completely violated the common sense of physics.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to pass it on." I said to Xiaoyin.

Of course, it's the ancestral Dao technique. I'm going to make it into a Dao technique, and then pass it on to Zhang Xiaowu, and then let Zhang Xiaowu pass it on to his son. If it's passed on like this all the time, it will be our family treasure.

Besides, how can I easily tell Xiaoyin the core secret of this Dao technique?

The reason why this set of sabre technique is so powerful is that it is secretive and changeable. The opponent doesn't know how to attack and which part of his body he will attack next time.

And change hands That's the essence of this set of sabre techniques!

In fact, there is no special technique, just one word: quick!

Whether it's speed, reaction ability, or secrecy, all three should be fast to the extreme, otherwise it's easy to be seen through by opponents.

These days, I have been practicing this set of sabre techniques at home, so I have already practiced the essence of this set of sabre techniques thoroughly. I won't let people see through any trace. Unless the opponent is a powerful character whose strength level is several steps higher than mine, the opponent won't be able to see it!

This little tone is similar to my skill. Maybe it will be a little stronger than me, but it won't be much stronger. So it's very strange how I did it.

Even though Xiaoyin's observation ability is very strong, Xiaoyin doesn't see the track of my changing hands, which makes Xiaoyin feel a little strange.It's my honor to be able to make the opponent feel incredible and confused.

It's my honor. After all, it's my ancestral Dao skill. I can't tell Xiaoyin the secret.

"Never mind. I'll see for myself." Xiaoyin squints her eyes again.

"If you have that ability, come." I said with a smile.


Xiaoyin starts her body again. This time, Xiaoyin takes the initiative to attack.

What surprised me was that Xiaoyin's fighting state changed greatly at this time. Just now, Xiaoyin mainly used her hand Kung Fu to fight against me, but this time, Xiaoyin directly kicked at my head.

The sharp heel is also shining with cold light. The whole pair of high-heeled shoes of Xiaoyin are made of steel. If they are kicked by Xiaoyin, it is estimated that my head will be kicked by her!

I didn't dare to be careless. I took out the knife again. I only heard the sound of Keng. The butterfly knife in my hand collided with the high heels on Xiaoyin's feet again. I blocked Xiaoyin's fierce blow.

But Xiaoyin obviously won't give me a chance to breathe, the other foot kicked out quickly, now Xiaoyin's legs have been off the ground, the whole person was suspended.

This is obviously very unfavorable to Xiaoyin. If I attack Xiaoyin at such a time, Xiaoyin in the air has no resistance and can only be attacked by me.

But now I can't get rid of it, and I even have to prevent the high heels on Xiaoyin's feet from moving forward.

I secretly scold in my heart, is this woman too difficult?

I think so, the other hand quickly leaned out, wanted to grasp Xiaoyin's ankle, and then directly subdued Xiaoyin.

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