Hongqiao International Airport.

At this time, the direction of the exit, come out a dress fashion woman, from the temperament can feel, this woman is absolutely a beauty.

This woman, with sunglasses and a mask on her face and a sun hat on her head, attracted many people's curious eyes.

They did not know that this woman was Gao SHIMENG, the national goddess of China.

At this time, Gao SHIMENG is excited. I haven't seen him for a long time. Gao SHIMENG is busy with new albums and concerts, and I have a lot of troubles every day.

It seems that what the ancients said is very correct. Xiaobie is better than newlywed. Gao SHIMENG only hopes to see me as soon as he gets out of the terminal.

Even Gao SHIMENG had imagined how I would greet her.

"I don't know if he will like the way he looks today?" Before he reached the airport hall, Gao SHIMENG began to get nervous.

In the past, Gao SHIMENG was a very independent woman, otherwise she would not have been in the entertainment industry.

But now Gao SHIMENG began to be afraid of all kinds of things that I didn't like. He even tried on clothes for more than half an hour before he left.

Gao SHIMENG thought, is this because of love? If he didn't fall in love with me, Gao SHIMENG would not care too much about these things.

Go to the airport hall, Gao SHIMENG excited look around for a week, but did not find my figure.

"This guy is not going to surprise me, is he?" Gao SHIMENG said to himself, and then he stood in place waiting for me to appear.

After ten minutes, my figure did not appear in Gao SHIMENG's sight, and the smile on Gao SHIMENG's face gradually faded.

"This bastard! Why don't you show up? " Gao SHIMENG said angrily, then he took out his mobile phone from his handbag and found my phone to call.

"Sorry, the number you dialed has been turned off..."

Hearing the sound of mechanization in the mobile phone, Gao SHIMENG hangs up the phone directly.

Did I forget what happened today?

Thinking of this, Gao SHIMENG couldn't help trembling.

Because he sent me a message several days in advance, Gao SHIMENG didn't call me when he flew to Mordor.

Gao SHIMENG knew that if she had any status in my heart, I would definitely appear in the airport hall on time, waiting for Gao SHIMENG.

And Gao SHIMENG is very confident of her position in my mind. Our relationship has gone through many tests.

But the reality makes Gao SHIMENG can't believe it. The result she had expected didn't appear. Does she really have no status in my heart?

Gao SHIMENG didn't believe it. She stood in the same place and continued to wait, hoping that I would appear in front of her next moment.

Unfortunately, ten minutes later, Gao SHIMENG was still disappointed.

Gao SHIMENG gave a bitter smile, picked up the phone and called her cousin.

Gao SHIMENG has a special identity, so it's impossible to take a taxi. If he is found by his fans, it's likely to cause a big stir.

Originally, Gao SHIMENG asked me to pick her up, but my person didn't show up. Gao SHIMENG wanted to leave the airport, so he had to ask for help from his cousin Yan she.

"Poetic dream?"

When my cousin got through, she said strangely. She didn't expect that Gao SHIMENG would call her at this time. She thought Gao SHIMENG and I had gone to the hotel to open a room now.

"Yan she, please come to Hongqiao Airport to meet me." Gao SHIMENG said to his mobile phone, in a tone full of unhappiness.

My cousin frowned lightly, and she had a sense of foreboding in her heart.

"What about Zhang Cheng? Didn't he pick you up? " Asked the cousin.

Gao SHIMENG was stunned. She thought I had forgotten about it, but listening to my cousin's words, it seems that I have already arrived?

But what about me?

"When did he come? I don't see anyone else at the airport right now. " Gao SHIMENG said.

"He should have been out for almost an hour. He should have arrived long ago, right?" My cousin's face became serious gradually.

"SHIMENG, you wait first, I'll come to pick you up right away."

Gao SHIMENG gave a hum and then hung up the phone.

This makes Gao SHIMENG happy again. It seems that I haven't forgotten her.

But Gao SHIMENG can't help but start to worry about me. If it wasn't for something, how could it be that he hasn't arrived yet?

Tomson one.

The cousin who hung up immediately dialed a new number and was soon connected.

"Miss Yan." Song Sisi's voice came over the phone.

"Sisi, now go to find out where Zhang Cheng went after he went out from Tangchen Yipin. Hurry up!" My cousin's face was icy and she gave the order, then hung up the phone.My cousin stood in the same place and thought for a while. Then she picked up her handbag and hurried to the door.


Suburbs, abandoned factories.

I can't help but squint when I hear the words of European men. It seems that their target is really me, but what are they leading me to this place for?


I'm afraid it's not that simple!

"If I mind, can you let me go?" I squinted back, but my heart was moving fast to think about how to get out.

The traps set by these people are so powerful that they even calculated my concern for Jiang Qingqing. They are not so clever!

And the person who set this trap must be a powerful person!

Who on earth dares to attack me in Mordor?

But after thinking about it, I found that there were too many people who would attack me.

Now I broke into here alone, and the exit was blocked by a group of people.

I left my mobile phone on the wrecked car. It's hard to send out a distress signal. It seems that I can't escape this time.

"Mr. Zhang really thinks too much and fails to get what the employer wants. I can't let you go easily, otherwise I will be punished." The European man looked at me with a smile on his face and said.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked, looking at the European man.

"Certainly, but I'll have to think it over if I can answer it." European men smile confidently.

The people behind the European men have calculated all the details. Now I'm a turtle in a jar, and no one will come to save me. European men don't believe that I can break the game by myself, so European men can still play cat and mouse with me.

"Who sent you?" I asked, squinting.

I doubt it is Jiang Qingqing in my heart. If it were not for Jiang Qingqing's car, I would not get into this trap.

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