"So it is?" I scratched the back of my head and said with a shy smile. I thought my cousin was worried about that foreigner.

I just said, cousin, how can such an evil person be interested in that blonde guy?

"I thought you were enlightened, but I didn't expect that you could not turn around in some things, and I didn't know when you could really grow up." My cousin shook her head slightly, sighed and said.

My cousin used to operate a lot of things for me. At that time, she felt that I was still young and should not participate in these things too early.

Now the form is more and more severe, and I just can get a firm foothold in it. In the future, the form will only become more and more complex, so my cousin hopes that now I should have a few more eyes to be the truth.

Although I have survived many times, my cousin didn't show anything on the surface, but in fact she was very worried about my safety.

If next time I encounter difficulties, I have no one else, can I just wait to die?

My cousin doesn't want to see me end up like this.

"Sister, to you, I'm just a wooden head. That's what I am now, and I think it will be the same in the future. It's impossible to be as intelligent as you are, elder sister. OK I said with a curl of my mouth.

If I could be half as smart as my cousin, how could I face so many problems?

I think it is related to the factors of growing up.

Before I came to Mordor, I didn't even know what kind of invisible war we Zhangjia had been involved in. It can be said that I was just a child growing up in the countryside during the second middle school of Kunnan.

Since I was a child, except that my mother asked me to learn something, I am no different from other rural children. I have done a lot of things to sneak up and down the mountain.

People like Xia Wanyu and Gongsun Lanlan grew up in all kinds of power struggles when they were young. Almost everything they did had to consider what factors would be involved in it.

So how can I be better than them in terms of scheming and means?

"Why not?" My cousin gave me a look.

I looked at my cousin in surprise and said to her, "sister, is there any way to improve my IQ?"

"There's no way."

“…… So that's it? " I depressed way, thought cousin is not in tease me to play?

With my cousin's habit, it's really possible.

"But cousin, do you think your IQ is low?" My cousin asked again.

I tilted my head for a moment, then shook my head.

I'm kidding. Who wants to admit that they have a low IQ?

And my IQ is really not low, otherwise I'm afraid I can't live until now, but I can't compare with my cousin.

My cousin seemed to see what I thought in my heart. She looked into my eyes seriously and said, "cousin, you think I have a high IQ because I see things very comprehensively. This is the so-called horizon. It really has something to do with the status and environment that I was in as a child, but it's not very important. It's not hard for others to raise their horizons, but it's not easy for you. "

Hearing what my cousin said, I was stunned.

What do you mean, cousin? In my cousin's eyes, I'm so stupid that mud can't support me on the wall?

It's not that bad, is it?

"Sister, what do you mean?" I asked suspiciously.

My cousin took a look at me and continued, "cousin, what do you think is your biggest weakness now?"

The biggest weakness?


Er - shouldn't that count?

I thought about it and then shook my head to show that I couldn't think of it.

"Your biggest weakness is that you are too emotional and righteous." My cousin continued.

"Sister, are you kidding me? Can this be a disadvantage? " I asked with wide eyes.

"I'm not kidding." My cousin said solemnly.

"If you pay too much attention to love, you will look one-sided in some aspects, not as comprehensive as others. Just like what happened just now, I asked you to protect Eli. You think I'm joking. In fact, you're worried that your sister will fall in love with him? "

Hearing my cousin's words, I scratched the back of my head with embarrassment. I didn't expect that my cousin could see this idea.

"If you jump out of this mood, you'll see what I mean immediately. When you are in Northeast China, your actions really make your sister shine in front of her eyes. It's reasonable to say that you don't want to understand this kind of thing. It's just because you attach too much importance to feelings that you don't have such an open mind in front of some people who are concerned about you or you. "

"Sister, do you think my action in the northeast is very eye-catching?" I asked happily, and finally heard an inspiring word from my cousin."Well At least it's true


When my cousin saw that I was flat, she couldn't help laughing and said again, "I'm kidding you. In Europe and the northeast, you can save yourself from danger. You can't be brave enough to do it. If you don't have the right thinking and direction, you may go the wrong way. And the way you choose, the wrong step will make you face the abyss. "

My cousin raised her head and gave me a strange look. She didn't know what she thought of. The expression on her face was wonderful for a moment.

I have been looking at my cousin's face. Naturally, I found the abnormality of my cousin and asked: "sister, what are you thinking?"

My cousin said with a smile, "I'm afraid many people think you are stupid, right?"

When I heard my cousin's words, I couldn't help being stunned.

Cousin really got to the point, isn't it today? Xiaodian Yuyu and Xia Wanyu are all indifferent to me, even Yuyu and Xiaodian said I was stupid before they left.

My opponents who thought I was stupid didn't come to a good end. It can be imagined that I wasn't really stupid.

But why did they say that?

"Yes, sister, what's the matter? I'm just wondering about that today. " I hastened to ask, want to know the reason in cousin here.

"Let me just say that when it comes to emotional issues, it's more appropriate. You're in that state right now. " My cousin looked at me with a smile and said.

Who's in charge?

So what am I obsessed with? Is there anything I find fascinating?

What my cousin said made me more confused.

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