"Thank you for your blessing. I'm going to leave for a while now. When the party is over, I'll talk to you about something. Mr. Zhang, wait for me." Lisa said to us smilingly, then turned and left.

Lisa is the main character at tonight's birthday party. There are many things to do for her.

"Why didn't you tell me it was someone else's birthday party?" I am not angry to Gongsun Lanlan asked.

"You didn't ask me." Gongsun LAN gave me a white look and was charming.

I thought about it carefully, but I really didn't ask Gongsun Lanlan this question.

"Didn't you say you had to bring a man to the party? What's the rule for your birthday party? " I suddenly thought of what look bad looking at Gongsun Lanlan.

"I'm so sorry to come here alone. I always have a companion, don't I?" Gongsun Lanlan looked at me with a smile and said.

"Do you have anything else to be embarrassed about?" I disdained to curl my mouth. It seems that I was cheated by this woman again.

Michelin family is a famous aristocrat in France. Today, the little princess of Michelin family is celebrating her birthday. It must be European aristocrats who come to the banquet, right? This is a naked connection! I was wondering if I wanted to chat with two beautiful guys and talk about cooperation.

But think about the language communication may be very inconvenient, I gave up the idea.

"Didn't you say you didn't know Lisa last time? Why are you invited to a birthday party? " I asked Gongsun Lanlan with doubts.

Last time, Lisa was also present at the Xiaowu mobile phone promotion meeting. I thought it was Gongsun Lanlan's invitation. Later, I found out that Lisa was not invited.

Is this woman really interested in Xiaowu mobile phone?

"Isn't that your light?" Gongsun Lanlan's pretty eyes blinked and said with a smile.

"My light?"

I don't know what Gongsun Lanlan means. I only met Lisa once.

"Yes, but for you, I would not be able to connect with Lisa." Gongsun Lanlan is still smiling.

This made me even more confused. Looking at me, Gongsun Lanlan chuckled and said, "Gongsun's family has some businesses to expand in Europe, and they need a strong ally. Although I don't know why Lisa is interested in Xiaowu mobile phone promotion, it's enough for me to connect with her."

Hearing Gongsun Lanlan's words, I suddenly realized that this woman came to someone's birthday party just to cooperate with the Michelin family?

I'll tell you how this woman came to other people's birthday party when she had nothing to do.

"Do you think Lisa is really interested in little dance phones? Or interested in you? " Gongsun Lanlan looked at me up and down and said thoughtfully.

"I should be interested in Xiaowu mobile phone. Lisa tried to take a stake in Xiaowu mobile phone last time." I thought about it and said.

"I don't think so!" Gongsun Lanlan said with a smile.

Not necessarily a hair!

Although I'm handsome, I'm not so handsome that people like me at a glance, right? As the little princess of the Michelin family, I'm afraid that Lisa Michelin has had many boyfriends. Is there a lack of one who is more handsome than me?

"Is the Michelin family powerful in France? It's very energetic to make your Gongsun family look good on you, isn't it? " I asked.

I only know that Michelin group is very famous in the whole world, and I don't know anything about the rest.

"Of course!" Gongsun Lanlan definitely nodded.

"The Michelin family has a very strong position in France and has close ties with the major families in Europe. Do you know the name of the current mayor of Paris?"

I shook my head. I didn't know much about the distribution of power in Europe.

"Antoine Michelin!"

Hearing Gongsun Lanlan's introduction, I couldn't help opening my eyes.

"The Michelin family?"

Gongsun Lanlan nodded and said, "yes, he's Lisa's uncle, a member of Michelin's family, and a very strong candidate for the next French president."

Damn it!

Is this Michelin family really abnormal?

If you can establish diplomatic relations with the Michelin family, many things can be easily done in Europe. No wonder Gongsun Lanlan wants to connect with Lisa.

"How's it going? Do you want to think about soaking Lisa up? Then you can walk across France. " Gongsun Lanlan looked at me with a smile and said.

"Cut..." I waved my hand with disdain.

"What's the use of walking sideways in France? I'm not familiar with life and land! "

I wonder if Lisa will be given a chance to take a stake in Xiaowu mobile phone. If she can catch the big ship of Michelin family, Xiaowu mobile phone won't worry about whether it has sales channels in Europe, will it?While I was thinking, a handsome blonde man in a white suit came towards us with a glass of red wine in his hand.

To be exact, it should be towards Gongsun Lanlan, because this handsome guy's eyes have been on Gongsun Lanlan, and he never glanced at me.

"This beautiful lady, it's a great honor to meet such a beautiful woman as you at this banquet. If you don't mind, could you tell me your name?" The handsome boy nodded slightly to Gongsun Lanlan and politely said hello to Gongsun Lanlan in English.

Dare this man take a fancy to Gongsun Lanlan? If I tell him that Gongsun Lanlan has become a mother and that her daughters are as big as him, I don't know how this handsome guy will feel.

"I'm sorry. If I do that, I think my boyfriend will be jealous." Gongsun Lanlan also spoke fluent English, and then took my arm tightly again.

How can I be jealous? I'm a boyfriend and not a boyfriend. Dare you, Gongsun Lanlan is still using me as a shield.

Although my English is not very good, but simple communication with people can still be done, so the conversation between them can be understood.

The handsome blonde just put his eyes on me with an elegant smile, but I found a strong sense of superiority in his eyes.

"Sir, I don't think you have any opinion, do you?" Although the blonde looks polite when he talks, I still feel a little uncomfortable in my ears.

Is he making up my mind? For what?

"Of course, there are opinions. They are quite big." I nodded and said in the affirmative.

The blonde obviously didn't expect that I should not give him face. His eyes gradually cooled down and he said to me, "can you tell me what you think?"

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