After all this, Gao Nianshan and I were sweating, just like what we had just done for children.

I was sweating out of pain, but Gao Nianshan was sweating out of tension. It seemed that this woman was more painful than me just now.

"Zhang Cheng, how are you?" Gao Nianshan looked at me with a crying voice and said.

No matter how strong Gao Nianshan's heart was, it would be impossible for her to maintain her previous attitude in the face of such a thing for the first time.

Maybe this will be her unforgettable memory!

"How come it's like you've just been shot?" With a smile on my face, I said that although I am in pain now, I still want to make a little joke to ease the atmosphere.

"It's all my fault! If I hadn't just moved You won't suffer like this

At this time, Gao Nianshan couldn't keep her cold attitude towards me any longer, crying like a pear blossom with rain on her face.

Just now, a toad appeared in the grass where Gao Nianshan was hiding. Although he knew that this kind of creature would not cause any actual harm, it was like a mouse, a natural killer of women.

Just a little body movement, was responsive to the dwarf BALs to find!

In the end, it turned out that I had to cut my flesh to get the bullet out of my shoulder. Gao Nianshan thought it was all her own fault. A strong sense of guilt came into her heart and could not be removed.

"Don't feel guilty, give me a burning branch!"

I continued to issue an order to Gao Nianshan, who had been crying. Now the bullet was taken out, and the bleeding posture of the wound was bigger.

Although she didn't know what I was going to do, Gao Nianshan choked and took out a burning branch from the fire and handed it to me.

When I took over the branch, I immediately sent the burning end to the wound on my shoulder. I only heard a wheeze, and the smell of burning flesh and blood spread in the air immediately.

Gao Nianshan quickly closes her eyes. Although she has just experienced more cruel scenes, she still can't bear to see the scene in front of her again.

I tried to make myself hum without pain, and let the burning branches burn my wound.

Although the pain is incomparable, it's much better than just picking up the skin and using the teeth to take the bullet.

There is no needle and thread in this cave. If it is simply bandaged, it is impossible to stop a blood hole as big as my shoulder from bleeding.

Although this method is a little cruel, I have to be cruel to myself in order not to die in this place.

After a short time of burning, although the wound looks more bloody, it has well prevented the loss of blood. At this time, I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, at least my life is temporarily saved.

"Shh -"

I made a voice to Gao Nianshan, who was still closing her eyes.

"It's done. Open your eyes!"

This woman, even just using her fingers to pick up the flesh and blood, and then using her teeth to take out the bullet in the wound, can't stand the scene now?

Looking at my more bloody shoulder, Gao Nianshan took a puff in her heart, and her tears almost fell down again.


There was a sound of broken clothes. Gao Nianshan grabbed the hem of her shirt and tore it off, revealing her round and lovely navel. At this time, Gao Nianshan stood in front of me like a sexy goddess, which immediately attracted all my attention.

So unrestrained?

I was surprised to think that this woman actually likes this tone?

But now I can't afford such a toss, can't I go to battle with injuries?

Just as I was daydreaming, Gao Nianshan stepped forward and wrapped the cloth she pulled off her body around my wound. It turned out that she was going to make a bandage for me, which made me very disappointed.

In fact, after my action just now, this kind of bandage is no longer necessary. Anyway, the blood has stopped. It's unnecessary to do so.

But this is Gao Nianshan's good intentions after all, and I can't tell the truth to attack others.

Gao Nianshan wrapped the cloth around the wound several times and tied a beautiful bow. Her work was temporarily completed.

"What? Guilty? " I looked at Gao Nianshan with some tears on her face and tried to pull out a smile.

"It's all my problem! I'm sorry... " Gao Nianshan's guilt didn't weaken at all at this time. Looking at me, she felt more painful.

"What's the use of saying I'm sorry? It's better to make some substantial compensation. " I rolled my eyes and said.

"What kind of compensation do you want?" Gao Nianshan looked at me seriously, as if she had made up her mind.

I look surprised, just that sentence is just my joke, don't want to let Gao Nianshan continue to feel guilty.

You know, Gao Nianshan hates me very much, especially when I kiss her by mistake not long ago. I even think it's very difficult to change Gao Nianshan's attitude towards me in the future.I didn't expect that Gao Nianshan would agree to my request.

"Whatever you want?"

"Whatever you want!" Gao Nianshan nodded.

"Then you quickly help me move my body. There's a stone under my butt. It's too hard. I've endured it for a long time!" I was quite annoyed and said that I was afraid that I would touch the wound on my shoulder. Although the blood was temporarily stopped, the pain there did not decrease at all.


Gao Nianshan didn't react at all, and her face was dull.

She thought I was going to make some rude demands, and even Gao Nianshan was ready.

"Ah, what? Come and help me

"Oh You don't move! I'll help you! "

Gao Nianshan responded and held my right body carefully to prevent the wound from touching any other place. Then she found a rather flat place to help me sit down and carefully covered my bare upper body with her coat.

At this time, Gao Nianshan acted like a virtuous wife.

In fact, I have no intention to Gao Nianshan in my heart. She is Gao SHIMENG's little aunt. If there is any super friendly relationship with Gao Nianshan, how can I face Gao SHIMENG?

After today's disaster, I think Gao Nianshan's opinions on me will be eliminated, right? After all, it's the same thing.

"Zhang Cheng, thank you very much today!"

Gao Nianshan, who helped me lie down, looked at me seriously, and then, in my astonished expression, she took the initiative to lower her head and kiss my lips.

This woman's lips are so fragrant! , the fastest update of the webnovel!