Hearing Gongsun Lanlan deliberately tempting me, I couldn't help but scold him.

"Don't tempt me. Don't rush me. I've really done you!"

I glared at Gongsun Lanlan and said, "hurry up, drive to the nearest mall."

"Zhang Cheng, don't forget that you are begging me now!" Gongsun Lanlan looked at me seriously and said, "if you make me unhappy, my aunt won't help you!"

"What do you want?" I looked at Gongsun Lanlan and pretended to be soft. In fact, I said so, in fact, Yu Guang fell on Gongsun Lanlan's bag, but now what I want is money!

I'm thinking, if Gongsun Lanlan doesn't take me to the shopping mall, I'll do it hard. Anyway, Gongsun Lanlan can't do it for me. Anyway, the car keys are all here now. I'll take her out of the car and drive away by myself!

I can do this easily, but first I have to make sure Gongsun Lanlan has money.

After all, I can't be naked all the time. Only when I have money on my hand, I won't be arrested as a pervert when I go to the shopping mall. Otherwise, if I go to the clothing store and don't throw money to others immediately, they will treat me as a pervert with mental problems!

"Auntie's request is very simple!" Gongsun Lanlan looked at me with a smile and said, "you just have to talk to your aunt about why it has become like this. Tell your aunt honestly and she will take you to the shopping mall to buy clothes!"

"Do you have to say it?"

"Sure!" Gongsun Lanlan's charming eyes look at me.

"Said, you take me to the mall to buy clothes, don't cheat me?" I looked at Gongsun Lanlan suspiciously and said, "didn't you forget to bring money?"

"I've got it!" Gongsun Lanlan said.

As soon as I heard that Gongsun Lanlan had brought money, I was very happy. Of course, I didn't dare to tell Gongsun Lanlan the truth. If I told her that it was because of Zhao Lin's appearance that I became so embarrassed, I would be laughed off by her?

What's more, it's a secret that Zhao Qin and I want to be together. No one can tell us!

However, now I know that Gongsun Lanlan has money in her bag, so I suddenly showed my true colors. With a smile, I grabbed Gongsun Lanlan's white and pink arm, then opened the door and pulled her out of the car!

Gongsun Lanlan was extremely smart. Seeing my action, she naturally knew what I was going to do, so she immediately sneered and said, "Zhang Cheng, I had expected that you would cross the river and tear down the bridge. In fact, my aunt didn't tell you Aunt's bag is not with cash, with a card, so you want to buy clothes, credit card, you need a password


"Auntie, I'm joking with you. You see what you think. How can a good man like me break the bridge?" With a smile on my face, I took Gongsun Lanlan to the Mercedes Benz and said with a kind smile: "Auntie, let's drive!"

Gongsun Lanlan squinted at me, but he didn't ask me why my clothes were not there. He took the initiative to start the car.

When Gongsun Lanlan and I went to the mall.

Zhao Qin's villa.

Second floor.

Balcony location.

Zhao Lin leaned against the balcony railings, turned to look at Zhao Qin, said: "sister, you are my good sister all your life!"

"You are my good sister, too!" Zhao Qin said with a smile, but her eyes were full of remorse.

Zhao Linjiao smiles, then reaches out her arms and hugs Zhao Qin's body. She looks at Zhao Qin with a beautiful face and says, "elder sister, I don't have much desire. I just hope our sisters will be good all their lives and will always be good sisters."

"Linlin!" Zhao Qin listen to Zhao Lin say so, also can't help holding Zhao Lin tightly.

After a while, Zhao Lin suddenly asked, "sister, why are you crying?"

"Ah It's nothing. Maybe the sand is in your eyes! " Zhao Qin put a smile on his face, wiped his tears and said: "Linlin, you are very tired when you come here by plane. Take a bath first and relax!"

"No, sister, I have to go back to the capital tonight. The air tickets have been reserved. I have to train with Mr. Mu at noon tomorrow." Zhao Lin said: "in less than a month, there will be a piano exchange meeting. I have to step up my time to practice!"

"Why do you come here for such a short time?"

"Hee hee, spend your birthday with my sister!" Zhao Lin said with a smile.

"You silly girl!" Zhao Qin said, his eyes turned red again, and then asked her, "it's more than ten o'clock now. What time do you fly?"

"Half past eleven!" Zhao Lin said: "when we fly to the capital, it's about 3:30 in the morning."

"Then we have to catch a plane!"

After looking at the time, Zhao Qin picked it up casually, took his sister downstairs, turned on the light downstairs, and found Zhao Qin's delicate pink bag on the ground. After seeing this scene, Zhao Lin asked strangely, "sister, how is your bag on the ground?"Where Zhao Qin dared to tell the truth, he said, "ah, I just went upstairs with my clothes in my arms and accidentally dropped them. I was going to put them away and clean them up. Who knows you came in with a candle!"

Zhao Qin explained, quickly took the bag and walked out.

Just out of the gate of the villa, before he got to the front of the car, Zhao Qin seemed to think of something. He quickly took out the car key from the bag, and then handed it to his sister Zhao Lin, saying: "it's late, don't miss the plane, sister, start the car first!"

"Sister, don't be in such a hurry!" Zhao Lin took the bag and said.

However, Zhao Qin had already run towards the 911 in a gust of wind. After running, she got into the co pilot's seat and quickly cleaned up the suit of clothes and shoes with her hands. At this time, Zhao Lin had already walked in. When she saw this scene, she asked, "sister, who are you wearing?"

"Oh, a friend's I accidentally landed in my car! " Zhao Qin explained, with a bag on the clothes up.

After my sister Zhao Lin got on the bus, she quickly started the car.

"Elder sister, where's your data line? I'll charge it. My mobile phone is running out of power!" Zhao Lin asked, while looking at Zhao Qin's bag, this open it, Zhao Lin saw two mobile phones in the bag, can't help but say: "sister, you use two mobile phones?"

"Ah Yes After seeing this scene, Zhao Qin took the bag, quickly turned out the data cable and handed it to Zhao Lin, saying: "one is used in business!"

"Oh..." Zhao Lin's eyes changed slightly.

At this time, Zhao Qin kept praying in his heart: "my sister and Zhang Cheng have been separated for so long. Zhang Cheng's mobile phone has been changed for a long time. Should my sister not recognize it?"

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