It is estimated that she was proud to see that her dog was so fierce. Originally, she was pulling the tall white dog with a chain. When she saw that her dog was rushing towards the big black, she let go of the hand holding the dog.

When the white dog saw that his master didn't pull him, he became more arrogant and rushed up to Dahei.

At this time, I noticed that the beautiful foreign girl had a proud face. She seemed to see the scene of Dahei being trampled by her dog, and the man who was casual with her was also looking at the scene with a abusive face. It was estimated that they were all ready to see a good play!

After seeing this scene, I was also a little funny!

I didn't expect to come to the Golden Gate Bridge. I just took a selfie and caused trouble.

Looking at the white dog with a fierce look coming towards us, Dahei didn't make any movement at the beginning. He just stood on the ground so quietly and looked at the white dog coming.

The white dog is getting closer!

Just when Baigou was less than one meter away from Dahei, Dahei still didn't move. At this moment, I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. I was worried that Dahei was not new to the United States, so I was scared!

When my idea just came out, the tall white dog had approached Da Hei, opened his mouth, showed his sharp teeth and bit him. However, at this moment, Da Hei's body moved.

Da Hei is very flexible. He turns around skillfully to avoid the bite of the white dog. Then he opens his mouth and bites on the white dog's hind leg. It is estimated that he bites the white dog's blood vessels. So in a moment, the blood spurts and soon stains the white dog's white hair.

White dog, however, suffered a big black mouth and lost his ability to move all the time. He limped back to the beautiful foreign girl and cried with pain.


The beautiful foreign girl screamed and squatted down to check the wound of the white dog.

At this moment, I really want to laugh.

The beautiful foreign girl and the young man, especially the beautiful foreign girl, thought that the white dog was hers, so I looked at me with hatred in my eyes. After thinking about it, I said, "nozunodie"

of course, I don't know if this woman can understand this Chinese English.

After that, I pulled Da Hei to pass by them. Da Hei was more able to pretend to be B than I was. He deliberately made a valiant and arrogant look, just like a gladiator won.

"Boy, don't go!"

At this time, the young foreign man stood up and looked at me with a sneer. To my surprise, he was able to speak fluent Chinese.

"Woof, woof, woof..."

"Is it?" I laughed and then called out, "big black!"

Dahei understands what I mean. After barking a few times, he rushes up with a fierce face. Maybe Dahei just scared the man when he was cleaning up the white dog. So after seeing Dahei, the man's face turned white and the beautiful foreign girl was scared.

Of course, I didn't let Da Hei bite me. I yelled at Da Hei and took Da Hei to walk on.

"Pauline, are you ok?"

"I'm fine!" The foreign girl named Boleyn looked at me with hatred, and then said to the young man, "Willie, help me watch Xiaobai, I'll call someone!"

Listening to their conversation, I am stunned. Is this foreign girl unwilling to find someone to beat me?

But I didn't think much about it, so I took Dahei to go on, and planned to walk around the Golden Gate Bridge. I finally came to San Francisco once, and had to walk once. Dahei and I came to the end, took some pictures there, and then planned to walk back to the parking lot. But just before we went back, we saw not far away More than 20 men in uniform suits came to me and Dahei with sticks in their hands.

And behind the more than 20 men in suits, I saw the beautiful foreign girl Pauline and the young man named Willie.

What a tragedy!

Seeing the more than 20 men wearing uniform suits and holding steel pipes and other weapons in their hands, I can't help but scold them secretly. Is this NIMA too unlucky? When I came to the United States on my first day, I provoked the Mafia in San Francisco?

Looking at the arrogant and arrogant men in suits carrying steel pipes and other weapons on the Golden Gate Bridge, I know that the beautiful foreign girl's identity is definitely not simple. In a short period of time, such a group of people can be called together, and it's not an ordinary gangster. It can be seen from the uniform suits.

But to get to the parking lot, you have to go through the crowd!

After seeing this group of murderous people, Da Hei didn't show fear, but was excited. I took a look at Da Hei, untied the curtain from Da Hei's neck, and then said, "Da Hei, now we are in a foreign country, we can't find any help, we have to rush by ourselves!""Woof, woof!"

Dahei called twice.

"Let's go!"

I took a look at Da Hei, and then with a move, I rushed to the group of men in uniform suits. Da Hei was running beside me!

The weapon in my hand is just tied with a big black chain.

Da Hei is faster than me. After all, he has four legs. I can't compare with him. So he went into the crowd with a whew, and I rushed in quickly. After rushing in, my body began to dodge.

I like electricity, and I don't love war. I know that in this case, love war is not good for me. San Francisco is not magic capital. I can't find anyone to help me, so I have to run for my life.

But after all, there were too many people, so when I rushed out of the crowd, I got a stick on my shoulder. It hurt. Because of his fast speed, Da Hei didn't get hurt, but bit some legs by the way.

When we rushed out of the crowd like this, Pauline, the foreign girl, probably didn't expect that Dahei and I could rush out, so there was a look of surprise in her blue eyes, and Willie's eyes were also full of shock.

When I rushed to Boleyn, a foreign girl, I thought that she would provoke me first. Now I have someone to deal with me. It's too bad not to be cheap. So when I rushed to Boleyn, I pinched her high breasts!

At the same time left a sentence: "do not die, will not die!"

After that, Dahei and I ran as fast as we could. When we ran to the parking lot, I didn't stay for a minute. I got on the bus quickly and went to the center of San Francisco! , the fastest update of the webnovel!