A chance like that!

As a good man, I think I can stand the temptation.

Therefore, no matter what conditions Gao SHIMENG proposes, I will strictly refuse.

"Zhang Cheng, if you kiss me, it will do you good!"

Gao SHIMENG said, staring at me with a smile. Her eyes are full of ambiguity. Gao SHIMENG's eyes are very charming. I think her songs can be popular. In addition to her good voice, her beauty, especially her eyes, are inseparable.

Take Han Hong as an example. Han Hong has a good voice, but compared with Gao SHIMENG, she lacks a lot of things, temperament, figure and beauty, so she is doomed not to be as hot as Gao SHIMENG. Everyone loves beauty. Who is more popular, a singer with a sweet voice or a fat singer?

After listening to Gao SHIMENG's words, I feel a little strange.


So I can't help but ask: "what's the advantage?"

"Isn't your snow white cosmetics on sale? If you kiss me, I can help you to make your cosmetics more popular, and then you can make a lot of money. At the same time, how about calling out the brand of beauty company? " Gao SHIMENG's tone is full of temptation.

"Gao SHIMENG, I'm not the kind of animal who sees money with open eyes Wait, what you said can help me sell well. How can you help me? "

"Cluck It's very simple. You know, our MV has been shot, and my new album will be released soon. So I'll ask Simon to make up a soft advertisement for me to use your snow white series cosmetics on my new album MV. In this way, I think the sales of your cosmetics will only be more and more popular. How about that? "

I'm excited!

I admit, I'm excited!

In fact, song Sisi had told me before about the insertion of soft advertisement in Gao SHIMENG's new song MV, but I refused because I was afraid that I would owe too much to Gao SHIMENG, and I didn't know how to return it at that time, but now I didn't expect that Gao SHIMENG would take the initiative to put forward it, and her requirements were very low, so she asked me to kiss her!

To tell you the truth, any man with normal physiology will not refuse to kiss Gao SHIMENG, the most attractive beauty. The reason why I don't kiss her is that I try to restrain myself. She is so attractive. Who doesn't want to kiss her?

Now, losing in front of me is a good chance.

Kiss, you can get the soft advertisement of cosmetics, insert the soft advertisement in Gao SHIMENG's MV, this is the first time I think, by virtue of her fans, my cosmetics will be in hot sale again, and there will be a serious shortage of production capacity!

"How's it going?" Gao SHIMENG looked at me and thought about it for a while. He stared at me and asked.

"This It's a deal! " I said quickly.

Gao SHIMENG may be stunned by my reaction. After she calmed down, she raised her pretty face slightly to me, pouted her little mouth, and looked like Ren Jun.

Looking at her sexy little mouth, I can't help it!

So I hugged her and kissed her.

The soft touch made me fly. After our mouths banged together, Gao SHIMENG's little tongue reached into my mouth. We chased and played together, feeling each other's tenderness.

After kissing for about five minutes, I heard a familiar sound of high heels.

The sound of high-heeled shoes shook my heart!

It's cousin!

When my cousin walks in high-heeled shoes, the heel strikes the ground rhythmically. At this moment, my mind immediately reflects that my cousin has gone downstairs. The position where Gao SHIMENG and I stand is about 10 meters away from the path. My cousin has to go through the path. Will she find me then?

Although my back is to my cousin, and my mouth is with Gao SHIMENG's mouth, so my head covers Gao SHIMENG's face!

Now I dare not push away Gao SHIMENG, because if I push away Gao SHIMENG, my cousin will find out Of course, it's only 10 meters away. I think as long as my cousin is more careful, she should be able to see that my back is me, right?

At this moment, I want to cry, how just not to a nobody's corner in the kiss!

But now, I can only pray that my cousin will not find me!

Cluck, cluck

High heeled shoes and far to near, and then close to far!

With the sound of high-heeled shoes far away, I know that my cousin has gone far away. At this time, I dare not make any more noise, so I quickly let go of Gao SHIMENG. I don't know if Gao SHIMENG has just heard the voice of her high-heeled shoes. If my cousin knows that I kiss Gao SHIMENG like this, I will be miserable!

As for shooting the MV, my cousin was not present at that time. I can fully explain that the kissing scene was shot from the wrong angle. If I was caught on the scene, it would be different. I don't know what happened. Anyway, I don't want my cousin to see that I have an affair with other women.

After I let go of Gao SHIMENG, she stared at me vaguely. Then she sighed and said, "Zhang Cheng, I think I'm a failure!""Why do you say that?" I wonder.

"I want you to kiss me, and I want you to be seduced by my dismissal conditions. Don't I have any attraction in front of you?" Gao SHIMENG looked at me with some bitterness in his eyes.

Listening to Gao SHIMENG's words, I can't help but scold him. I think you are so charming. You always tempt me, and I'm almost fascinated. But you're the best friend of Wu Wu and my cousin, and you're engaged. If anything happens to you, there will be a lot of troubles. I guess I'll be bored to death at that time!

Of course, I'm not stupid enough to say what I think, which is just thinking in my heart.

Seeing that I didn't answer, Gao SHIMENG didn't seem to let me go. She continued: "you say, do I have any attraction for you?"


I smile bitterly in my heart and wonder how to get rid of Gao SHIMENG today.

However, at this time, Gao SHIMENG took the initiative to stick xiangruan's body to me and said in a soft voice, "it's boring tonight. Would you like to accompany me?"

"With you?"

I instantly understood the meaning of Gao SHIMENG!

This is to "seduce" me!

Now, there's a chance for me to do that. Should I or shouldn't I?

However, it was also at this time that my mobile phone suddenly rang. After I said sorry to Gao SHIMENG, I pushed away her body and took out her mobile phone to have a look. I found that it was Jiang Qingqing calling. When I saw the caller ID, I thought it was bad.

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