Jiang Qingqing and I talked on the phone many times, but not once her voice was so weak, just like a sick person. When a sick person talks with a healthy person, the tone is totally different.

"Well, I'm not feeling well. I'm lying in bed." Jiang Qingqing answered me.

"Why not see a doctor?" I asked quickly.

"No one's with me." Jiang Qingqing said on the phone.

"You wait for me, I'll come." I don't know why. After knowing that Jiang Qingqing was not feeling well, I began to be careful in my heart. It seemed that I was more concerned than I was sick. Thinking about it, I quickly drove to Hongkou District.

Jiang Qingqing lives in a high-grade residential district in Hongkou District.

When I drove the car, because there was no door card, the security guard stopped me. Maybe I was driving a Mercedes Benz s600l in the back. It was not like a thief to drive this two million car, so they put me in. Jiang Qingqing's door was not locked, and I opened it as soon as I pushed it.

After entering, I found that there was no one in the living room, so I went to the bedroom.

Jiang Qingqing was lying on the bed in her bedroom, covered with a quilt. Maybe she heard the footsteps, so she raised her head slightly. When she saw me, she asked in a weak voice, "are you really here?"

I walked over, her face was a little red, but the red was due to fever. I quickly put my hand on her forehead and found it was very hot. Looking at Jiang Qingqing's beautiful face, I couldn't help sitting down beside the bed and asked her, "get up quickly, I'll take you to the hospital."

"I don't want to go." Jiang Qingqing is lying on the bed lazily.

I know that people with fever are lazy to move, just want to sleep so well.

However, looking at Jiang Qingqing's appearance, she should have a serious fever. If she doesn't go to the hospital again, she will be burnt out. So I put my face down and said in a deep voice, "how can I do without seeing a doctor? Get up quickly."

Jiang Qingqing looked at me, and then, er, he tried to get up from the bed.

"You go out first, I'll change." After Jiang Qingqing got up, she let me out.

I couldn't help laughing bitterly. I told her when it was time. We were going to see a doctor, not to play. What else would we change? But regardless of my opinion, Jiang Qingqing pushed me out and closed the door.

I waited in the living room for about half an hour before Jiang Qingqing opened the door.

She was very beautiful, but because she was ill, she didn't look very well. Her face was red and her lips were dry. I didn't dare to delay any longer. I took Jiang Qingqing downstairs. After I got on the bus, I asked her to fasten her seat belt, and then quickly drove the car to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, he showed the doctor that Jiang Qingqing had a fever!

After taking the temperature, it was 39.5 degrees centigrade. It was already a high fever. After I went to get the injection water for her, I took her to the temporary infusion room. After giving the injection water to the nurse, we found a bed near the window. Jiang Qingqing took off her shoes and lay on the bed. After a while, the nurse came to give Jiang Qingqing an infusion.

After the nurse left, I moved a chair and sat next to Jiang Qingqing. Looking at her needle pricked hand, I couldn't help asking her, "does it hurt?"

Jiang Qingqing shook her head gently.

"It's still cold. If it's cold, I'll find you another quilt!" I continued.

"It's not cold." Jiang Qingqing said, looking at the infusion bottle that fell on the infusion rack, he couldn't help but say: "so three bottles, I don't know when to lose?"

"At least in the early morning?"

I guess so.

Listen to me, Jiang Qingqing's other hand moved and said to put the infusion faster. Seeing her like this, I quickly stopped her and told her not to put too much. That's OK. The speed of the drip is too fast, and the body can't stand it. I have experience in this situation. I remember when I was sick in Grade 6 of primary school, I put the infusion faster while my mother didn't pay attention. Who knows In a few minutes, my body was shaking all the time, but for my mother's quick reaction, I almost died.

Jiang Qingqing didn't say anything when she saw me stop her.

After lying down for a while, she said she was sleepy and wanted to sleep.

I told her to sleep, I'll look at it for you. When the needle water in the bottle is finished, I'll call the nurse to replace it for you. Jiang Qingqing closed her eyes gently, and I sat by her bed, looking at her delicate and beautiful face. After closing her eyes, Jiang Qingqing's eyelashes trembled, and the sick Jiang Qingqing gave us a kind of pitiful feeling Taste, people can't help but want to hold her in their arms and take good care of her.

After a while, Jiang Qingqing began to breathe evenly. I know that she fell asleep.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, my mobile phone rang. It was Wu Wu who called me. She said that she had finished her work and asked where I was now? I took a look at Jiang Qingqing, who had fallen asleep on the hospital bed. I knew that if I left, Jiang Qingqing would have to be here alone. In case of allergic reactions such as water injection, no one called her doctor.Although I also want to see Wu Wu at this time, now Jiang Qingqing really needs people around her.

So after thinking about it, I lied and told Wuwu that there was some trouble in Huangpu District and I had to deal with it myself. Wuwu didn't doubt my appearance at all. After a word, she told me to be careful.

After hanging up the phone, I sighed silently in my heart.

Cheating Wu Wu in this way makes me very uneasy. But seeing Jiang Qingqing who is ill in bed, I can't leave. Since I have established a relationship with Wu Wu, I haven't told her any lies. Of course, I don't want to tell lies, but I'm afraid that Wu Wu Wu will be jealous after telling the truth.

After all, it does sound ambiguous to accompany a woman with an injection.

Time goes by.

Jiang Qingqing has been sleeping. During this period, as the infusion bottle was finished, when I asked the nurse to change the injection water, Jiang Qingqing did not wake up. Until the third bottle was almost finished, and the time was nearly 11:30, Jiang Qingqing gave a warning, and then opened her eyes.

After she opened her eyes, she looked at me and asked me what time it was. I told her that it was almost early in the morning. As she said that, my hand touched Jiang Qingqing's forehead and found that it was not as hot as before. I guess the needle water had burned back?

To this end, I have been holding the heart is also slightly more stable.

After the injection with Jiang Qingqing, I left the hospital with her.

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