Song Sisi's words cooled my heart a lot.

Yes, did I ask Gao SHIMENG to speak for me?

The answer is no!

I'm not sure!

Although Gao SHIMENG has a good relationship with me now, she may not give me the face to speak for my products. Because she speaks for my products, I can't give her any benefits, money? She's not rare, fame. Please, does she need me to give her fame?

Even if she spoke for me, it was a risk!

My cosmetics company is a new company. This is the first product. If my product goes wrong and causes harm to customers, Gao SHIMENG, the spokesperson, will certainly damage her reputation. If her fans use this product, it is estimated that all her fans will go away. The product of idol endorsement is fake. Who can bear it?

Therefore, such a thankless thing, in terms of Gao SHIMENG's character, will definitely not do.

Song Sisi looked at me frowning, comforted me and said: of course, don't be too anxious, there is still a month or so, you can use this month or so to have a good relationship with Gao SHIMENG, and you can also ask Miss Yan to help. After all, she and Gao SHIMENG are best friends. If Miss Yan spoke, Gao SHIMENG would be hard to refuse.

I nodded. I didn't want to do it the first way.

Try to please Gao SHIMENG?

Jokes, I know who Gao SHIMENG is these days. It's very difficult. If I try to please her, maybe I'll be pestered by her again. Why don't I let my cousin come out and chat with her? How about her face?

Song Sisi and I separated after lunch.

After the separation, I haven't had class in the last two days, so I went to school to check in in the afternoon. Of course, I'm not interested in the course. After I signed in, I slipped away. As for whether to call the roll after class, I don't care.

Now I feel the freedom of college life.

However, when I drove away, I saw an acquaintance in front of Fudan University.

Jiang Mingxin!

He squatted at the gate of Fudan University, smoking. He seemed to be in a bad mood or something. His face was full of sadness. Because I was in the car, Jiang Mingxin didn't see me. I didn't have any good feelings for the Jiang family. After seeing him, he drove away directly.

When I got home, my cousin hadn't come yet. I called her and asked her. Knowing that she had more than an hour to come back, I took the initiative to cook.

Four dishes and one soup.

I was full of sweat. When my cousin came here, four dishes and one soup came out fresh. She was surprised to see that I took the initiative to cook. She asked me if the sun was coming out from the West today, and our little Zhang Cheng took the initiative to cook.

I said to her, elder sister, you are so kind to me. You cook for me every day. It's nothing for me to cook for you today.

After my cousin washed her hands, she sat down to eat. I also took the initiative to pour wine for her. We chatted while eating. After dinner, I took the initiative to clean up the dishes. When I finished cleaning up the dishes and returned to the living room, my cousin waved to me.

I ran to my cousin and asked her: what are you doing, sister?

My cousin looked at me with a smile and said: come on, is there anything I can do for you?

I Leng next, a serious way: sister, what do you say, to give you a meal is something to help you ah? Is your cousin so realistic?

My cousin glared at me and said, "what's the matter? I've watched you grow up since I was a child. What's in your mind? What's your usual habit? I don't know? Come on, what can I do for you?

I smile and flatter you. You are so smart. You can't hide anything from me. You know I'm going to shit before I pucker. Cousin told me one eye, charming way elder sister just ate a meal, don't say so disgusting words, quick say, what's the matter?

I said with a smile: elder sister, actually it's no big deal. My mother left me a business department, you know?

My cousin nodded and said: I've heard about it. What's the matter?

I said: Well, our commercial department has set up a cosmetics company and will soon launch the first cosmetics. At that time, we will definitely need someone to speak for us.

Cousin Oh a, said it was originally this matter, no problem, you want sister entertainment company which star, just say, sister can make the decision for you.

I shook my head and said: I want Gao SHIMENG to speak for me?

Poetry dream?

My cousin was stunned. She immediately showed a smile on her face and said: cousin, I didn't expect that you've become smart. If you know that SHIMENG is a spokesperson, the promotion effect will definitely surpass that of other stars.

I wry smile, said: is not it, so I need your help!

My cousin looked at me seriously, then shook her head and said, "I'm afraid I can't help you.

I'm in a hurry!

I jumped up from the sofa and asked my cousin why?

My cousin narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: my cousin, SHIMENG and I are best friends.I couldn't laugh or cry. I said: it's because you are my best friends that I asked you to help me? As long as you come forward, Gao SHIMENG can't refuse, can you?

My cousin nodded and said, "it's because I'm my best friend that I'm not good enough to show myself.".

Said, cousin on a serious look at me, said: cousin, you say friendship between friends want forever, what need?

"True to each other?" I thought about it and answered.

My cousin said that they really treat each other. On the one hand, there should be no interest disputes. I have two friends who can be called my best friend since I lived. My No.1 best friend is Xiaowu. Although I have my own business, Xiaowu also has its own business. Although our business is interlinked, we have no cooperation, Do you know why?

"Conflicts of interest?" I said.

My cousin looked at me with approval and said: Yes, if the friendship between friends wants to last forever, there can be no interest disputes. My sister has many friends. When I was in Kunnan before, Guan Tingting and Li Jing had a good relationship with my sister. However, because we have business cooperation with each other, our relationship is not as good as Xiaowu. Do you understand?

I nodded and said: got it!

My cousin is telling the truth.

Let alone friends, even brothers and sisters of the same father and mother will have all kinds of interest disputes and contradictions when they cooperate in business. In this case, often good relatives and friends will become enemies.

Take a family as an example, there are all kinds of contradictions in inheritance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!