Zhou Xiaoxiao make complaints about this ticket expensive, and I suddenly feel soft. I came out of the countryside and stayed in Fenghuang Village for a long time. So I knew the life of the bottom people was very difficult. Just like the train train crowded every year during the Spring Festival, people even slowed down on the aisle. Whenever there was such a picture on the Internet, there were people on the Internet who said they could not make trains in their whole life, but they did not. Who would like to spend so many days and nights on the train, if it is not for the sake of saving money?

Zhou Xiaoxiao's family is not poor, but she and I have known each other for such a long time. She gives me the feeling that she is a girl who never wastes. Every time she eats in the canteen, she will eat all the food, no matter whether the food is delicious or not. In addition, in terms of clothing, she does not pursue expensive clothes, and the price is affordable for her family As for the price of mobile phones, she didn't ask her parents to buy an Apple phone, no matter whether she had financial ability or not. Zhou Xiaoxiao's mobile phone is a domestic one, which costs more than 1000 yuan and is well protected. I know she hasn't changed it until now.

I particularly appreciate her in this respect.

So, when I heard her saying that, I didn't retort. I thought that I would wait for the next Chinese new year to get together with her. I was also very uncomfortable. The taste of parting was always very uncomfortable. So I called another beer and told her to have a good time with you today.

Zhou Xiaoxiao obviously had a big tongue. He laughed and then continued to ask me to roll dice.

We had a lot of wine.

At the end of the day, Zhou Xiaoxiao's whole body was drunk and the dice couldn't be moved. He leaned on me and smelled the fragrance from her body. Because I had drunk a little wine, I was a little crazy and couldn't help thinking that if I went to have a room with her now

Damn, Zhang Cheng, what's in your mind? Do you want to harm such a good girl?

I severely scolded myself for being a beast, and then helped Zhou Xiaoxiao out of miik after settling the account. When I came out, I was blown by the cool wind outside, and my brain was sober for a while, but the desire didn't decrease. Maybe it was because Zhou Xiaoxiao's body was too soft and fragrant, but I could still control it. Zhou Xiaoxiao's current state, I'm afraid I can't put her in the back seat I took care of her, so I put her down and tied her seat belt. I went back to the driver's seat and sat down.

Although I had drunk, my body was clear and my brain was still awake. I didn't need to find a substitute driver at all.

Of course, if you run into a drunk driver, you have to admit your bad luck.

When I was ready to drive, Zhou Xiaoxiao was still sitting on the co pilot, his eyes closed, and he said he would continue to drink.

Seeing her like this, my heart laughs. I don't know which man is blessed to marry such a good girl in his life.

We both drink too much.

It's easy to pee in beer. After driving for a while, Zhou Xiaoxiao was in a daze and yelled to pee. I couldn't find a public toilet in a short time, so I stopped by the side of the road. Fortunately, it was too late at night, and the road was full of hardware buyers. There were few people in the evening, so I just had to solve it by the side of the road.

After I helped Zhou Xiaoxiao out of the car, I asked her if she could do it?

Zhou Xiaoxiao was obviously drunk and couldn't open his eyes, but he still faced me and said: what's wrong with peeing? Just don't peep at me.

I smile bitterly, say OK, don't peek at you.

After I let her go, I also urinated. I ran to a tree and began to release water. That kind of happy feeling made me shake twice. When I finished releasing water, I didn't turn back immediately, but asked: OK? All right, I'm going back!

Zhou Xiaoxiao didn't answer me.

I asked one side again, and then Zhou Xiaoxiao still didn't answer me.

I thought something had happened to her, so I turned around quickly. I was shocked when I turned around.

I saw Zhou Xiaoxiao peeing with his back to me. As for a certain part, I could see it clearly because of the light It's so white. I read it in my heart for several times. But men, it's hard to avoid curiosity in this case, so I continued to watch it.

But soon, after Zhou Xiaoxiao finished, I found that she drank too much and her legs were too soft to stand up.

After she tried hard for several times, she still couldn't stand up. Then I heard Zhou Xiaoxiao calling me: Zhang Cheng, Zhang Cheng, come and help me.

Help you?

You haven't brought your skirt yet? I was thinking about this in my heart. A little heart kept beating around and helped Zhou Xiaoxiao up. After standing up, Zhou Xiaoxiao could easily pull up the skirt. However, Zhou Xiaoxiao was so drunk that he didn't pull it up after several times. I had no choice but to help When I was helping, I felt a smooth position, and the feeling stimulated me to a great extent.

I helped Zhou Xiaoxiao back to the car.

I was afraid that Zhou Xiaoxiao would have to urinate again, so I drove to her neighborhood. Zhou Xiaoxiao talked drunk all the way. Finally, after driving for half an hour, I finally sent Zhou Xiaoxiao to their neighborhood.She is in such a state that she can't go upstairs by herself, so I helped Zhou Xiaoxiao upstairs. When she went upstairs, I was still a little afraid. After all, Zhou Xiaoxiao was so drunk after going out with me. Would Zhou Xiaoxiao's parents blame me?

So when I went upstairs, I was a little nervous.

After arriving at the door of Zhou Xiaoxiao's house, Zhou Xiaoxiao's whole body was lying on my body and began to talk about wine. I pressed the doorbell, and then I planned to push Zhou Xiaoxiao away. I couldn't let her hang on me like this again, otherwise I would miss her when her parents came out. Who knows that when I just pushed her away and supported her with my hand, she began to talk nonsense again But this time, I kept calling my name: Zhang Cheng Zhang Success Zhang Cheng

I wry smile, said: I am here.

Zhou Xiaoxiao continued to close his eyes and yelled: Zhang Cheng Zhang Cheng Zhang Cheng, I love you. I love you so much

Zhou Xiaoxiao's words made my brain roar. At this moment, the door opened and Zhou Xiaoxiao's parents stood at the door. Obviously, they also heard the last words Zhou Xiaoxiao said to me.

At this moment, my mind became blank!

What's going on?

Zhou Xiaoxiao said he loved me, and his parents just opened the door at this time!

However, what made me even more stunned was discovered. After Zhou Xiaoxiao said that I love you so much, she put her whole arms around my neck, and then put her mouth on my mouth.

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