I didn't tell the dog about my injury and hospitalization. I don't want him to worry about it. I'll talk about it when I have a chance.

Zhao Lin and Zhou Xiaoxiao came to see me on Sunday. They stayed with me for a long time. They went to class only after I urged them. I decided to call the head teacher and tell her. Because I have to live in the hospital for a few days, I just told the truth. Otherwise, the head teacher would not allow me to ask for leave.

But what I didn't expect was that after I told her about my hospitalization, she came to the hospital to see me.

After entering the ward, she had a cold face, but in her eyes Seems to show some concern?

Is the head teacher concerned about me?

The head teacher sat with me for a while, chipped an apple for me, then asked the doctor about my situation and left. She said that she would come to see me with her classmates the next day.

The next day, the teacher in charge of the class came with all the students in our class, except for Li Da.

They also pooled money to buy me a pile of nutrition, what I want to have a good rest and so on, Xia Shi said, let me rest assured, the course left behind, you can find her. As for Gou Mao and Yang Bo Gao Dali, while the head teacher went to ask the doctor about the situation, they told me that because of the quarrel with Han Yong, our reputation as a sophomore in senior high school has come out, and many people want to join us.

Goumao looked at me and said that you have become the real bearer of No.2 Middle School!

Because there were too many people, they were afraid to disturb me to have a rest, so all the students in the class left after a while.

In the next few days, I lived in the hospital, Wu Wu and my cousin took care of me respectively. During this period, the head teacher came to see me several times, Zhao Lin and Zhou Xiaoxiao came to see me several times after class. What hurt me a little was that one afternoon they bumped into the point, and the head teacher stepped into the ward, while Zhao Lin and Zhou Xiaoxiao came in behind. Anyway, the atmosphere was very awkward at that time, Zhao Lin doesn't seem to be in the right direction with the head teacher. She deliberately peels fruit for me and feeds me something.

My heart is so nervous.

When the head teacher left, his face was very bad. He must be angry!

I went through the discharge procedure on Thursday, because it was only Friday. I didn't want to go back to school, so I went home with my cousin. My wound was not healed, and my cousin didn't let me learn from animals and clothes, but let me have a good rest at home.

In fact, my wound has not hurt for a long time. It's OK to walk.

Anyway, the opening of golden sunshine is imminent. I simply took my cousin's car key and went to find the dog. After a week's negotiation, watermelon head and monkey had to drop out of school. Their family had no choice, so they agreed to drop out of school. However, like the dog, they both said they would stay in the city to work.

When I was in the past, everyone asked me about the opening of the night show. They were all very excited and eager to go to the bar street.

I told them that now everything is ready, it's a good day. After it's set, the opening time is set. The dog still jokes that I'm so superstitious, which day is not good, and it's a good day. I said that I have to ask my cousin, she said one, I dare not say two.

Now, wait for the easy wet goods to choose a day.

What I didn't expect was that Cao Cao would arrive. As soon as I left the dog and they were ready to drive back, my cousin called me and asked me to pick up Yi Shi's 4:30 train at the railway station. Cousin said so, I am very strange, asked her easy wet not live in the village, how to take the train. My cousin said that Yi Shi had been to Tibet recently. It suddenly occurred to me, but after thinking about it, I still asked my cousin: elder sister, are you sure you want to use Volkswagen CC to pick up Yi Shi?

Cousin silent, said: or the car back, and then you take a taxi to pick him up!


Sure enough, the strong cousin can't stand the smell of being easy to get wet. It's estimated that he will get on the car, and it's useless to spray a lot of air fresheners.

There is no train that is not late!

This is the law of iron!

Originally, Yi Shi arrived at the train at 4:30, but I waited for two hours at the railway station. At 6:30, I saw Yi Shi with her nose buttoned and her eyes scanning the beauties around her. When I saw which beauties were wearing less, I could see her eyes coming out quickly, swallowing her saliva without any scruple, and she looked obscene.

As for what he was wearing, it was still dirty, and the bag on his back was also dirty.

Wherever he went, people around him covered their noses and dodged.

After he saw me, he kept waving to me and said aloud that Zhang Cheng boy, there are so many beautiful women in the railway station, and they are all blind.

At this moment, I really want to pretend I don't know him.

Shame, Cao!

Sure enough, after he yelled such a voice, people around me all looked at me strangely, like a wonderful flower. I guess they were wondering how I knew Yi Shi, a "beggar". In fact, Yi Shi was more like a beggar than a beggar.

Later, the problem is met!I can't get the car!

The taxi driver refused to take the taxi after seeing Yi Shi. Shit!

Yi Shi said that she could see a lot of beautiful women when she walked. I said that it was far away. Finally, I spent 150 yuan to find a three wheeled motorcycle. I directly said that I would go to Bingfen road. When I got to Bingfen Road, I took Yi Shi to eat. I didn't take him to a restaurant. I went directly to the cooler to buy roast duck and chicken. According to Yi Shi's instructions, I gave him Erguotou and found him Sit on the lawn and solve it.

I've lived with Yi Shi for five years, and he's used to nausea, taste and so on, so I didn't react to eating with him.

I guess if Wu Wu and Yi Shi were sitting together, she would have to eat and vomit.

After eating and drinking, I took Yi Shi to the bar street where my cousin was waiting for us at the golden sunshine gate.

When they saw us, they met us.

Yi Shi stood at the golden sunshine gate for a while and said he wanted to go in and have a look. After going in, he also went around and made a mysterious scene.

Finally, he returned to the golden sunshine door and stood there.

My cousin asked him: Master Yi, when do you think Liang Cheng's auspicious day should be?

Yi Shi was silent for a while and asked her cousin: Miss Yan, which one was born in the lunar calendar?

My cousin was stunned by Yi Shi's sudden question, but she went back to him and said: the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Yi Shi nodded and looked at me again. Or did she ask me the same question, which was born in the lunar calendar?

I told him: January 23.

After hearing this, Yi Shi grinned and said: coincidentally, tomorrow will be another week.

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