When the dog told me that he wanted to mix up and make a good appearance, his eyes were particularly firm.

I know him. If he has revenge, he will get revenge. Shen Xing's son used the Seven Star Gang to beat him like this. He must have wanted to get revenge from the Seven Star gang and get the court back. Of course, this is not the most important thing for him. I know he loves Zou Ziyu very much. He must be famous for Zou Ziyu.

An ordinary fitter electrician, with a top-notch learning, promising girl, right?

It's not suitable, so he has to mix. Only this way can he get ahead quickly.

Looking at the dog's firm eyes, I did not organize him, but solemnly asked him: do your parents know this?

The dog shook his head and said he didn't know for the moment. He didn't tell anyone about it. I said, when your parents know, do you think they will agree to you drop out?

The dog shakes his head and says he won't agree, so he doesn't plan to tell his parents or Zou Ziyu for the time being. He will tell them when he leaves school.

I nodded and asked where he was going to start?

In fact, when I learned from achu about the underground forces in our city, he told me a lot. The underground forces in our city are very complicated. Standing at the top is a man named Zhao Ye, who is the godfather of our city's underground world. Achu didn't give me the name of Zhao Ye, but I have a vague feeling that Zhao Ye will be Zhao Lin My dad? Of course, now I'm just guessing, not sure.

As for Mr. Zhao, there are Feng Quan, Li Qingguo and Jia Ming. These three people are called three wolves. They were all promoted by Mr. Zhao. When they were young, they made a lot of contributions with Mr. Zhao, and finally came to the top. They are called big men. Most of the places in our city are controlled by Feng Quan, Li Qingguo and Jia Ming .

Take Feng Quan as an example. Most of the night shows and casinos controlled by him, such as capitol one, are open files. That is to say, there are people in the police department who can get information in advance and react quickly as long as there is a little disturbance. There is a lot of oil and water in these places every day.

Achu said that master Zhao was very smart. He used Feng Quan, Li Qingguo and Jia Ming to restrain each other. At the same time, he cultivated his confidants to secretly supervise and firmly control his gray empire.

Under Feng Quan's three wolves, there are some small gangs, such as the Seven Star Gang, the bald gang and so on. Their territory is very small. Compared with Feng Quan and others, it's like making small trouble, but there's a lot of money in this business. Even if they make small trouble, they can make a lot of money.

Otherwise, that Xiaochuan can't afford Toyota's hegemony!

According to what achu told me, the forces in the city are complex, but the share is very detailed. It's very difficult for others to get in and have a share. Of course, if they want to join a force, they have to do something, just like the petition. If Lin Chong of Shuihu wants to join Liangshan, doesn't he also want to kill people and steal goods?

So I asked puppies, which faction are you going to join?

The dog is silent, and says that ghost Wang Long is going to join a gang near their technical school, called Qinglong gang. Which gang has dozens of people and controls a small entertainment city and two KTVs. However, the dog means that the pattern of Qinglong Gang is too small to make any trouble.

Or you can join a big power. Although it's hard, once you get through it, you can become the master of one power. Another idea is to form a power and fight slowly.

Then the dog looked at me and asked: Zhang Cheng, which method do you think is good?

I was silent and said: there are so many talented people in the big power now. It's not so easy to survive. Of course, if we form our own forces to fight, we also have to face the suppression and annexation of various forces, which is not easy.

The dog took a look at me and said that no matter how hard it was, the road must be continued.

I nodded and said that you should think about it carefully and discuss with ghost Wang long to see which way is better. After chatting with the dog for a while, I left the ward. When I left, Zou Ziyu bought things for the dog. Looking at her appearance, I couldn't help thinking that the dog had chosen such a day to lick blood on the edge of the knife for her. What would it do The dog is brilliant!

If he fails, how many people can remember him? He can only be reduced to one of the inconspicuous bones on this road.

On the way back to school, thinking of the way the dog is going to choose now, I can't help thinking of myself. As a kind of Zhang family, when I grow up, I have to bear what I have to bear, no matter how hard it is.

When I got back to school, I was thinking about it all night.

Goumao saw that I had something on my mind, so he asked me what had happened. Can't the dog recover well? I shook my head and thought about it. I asked him seriously: what do you think of your future?

Gou maoleng was stunned. He said that if he had any idea, he would go to school well. I would go to the school where Zhou Xiaoxiao went. Then I would chase her. After graduating from University, I would find a good job and live like this!With that, Gou Mao took a look at me and asked: what else do you want? Isn't your future like this, finding a good job, finding a good wife, getting married and having children?

I gave a bitter smile and said that I was different from you.

Goumaobai gave me a look and said, where is it different? You are human, am I not human?

I shook my head and said to myself: are we carrying different things?

Gou Mao was stunned, looked at me several times and said: Zhang Cheng, what else do you want? Want to stand on top of the pyramid of this society?

I gently shook my head, mouth did not speak, but the heart thought: I want to step up!

I fell asleep for a long time that night. After the class, I asked Goumao and Gao Dali to go. I found all the students in our grade. Gao Dali was obedient to me since I beat him. He almost didn't ask why. Instead, Goumao asked me what I wanted them to do?

I took a look at him and asked him, what do you say?

Gou Mao thought about it and said that you want to talk to them and deal with Li Da together, right?

I glared at him and said, "you pig brain, Li Da. I can clean up whatever I want now. Why use them?". Goumao was puzzled and asked me what do you want to do?

I smile, squint and say: I want to unify our sophomore, to be the boss of sophomore.

This time, not only Goumao, but also Gao Dali was stunned. Then, their eyes glowed with excitement.

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