Seeing the head teacher suddenly appear at the door, I was directly frightened.

The head teacher has made an agreement with me. It's not allowed for me to contact Zhao Lin. as long as I don't contact Zhao Lin, she will touch her white and tender leg for me three times a week. If I contact Zhao Lin, I will not only cancel the welfare of touching my leg, but also punish me severely.

At this moment, I am really wailing in my heart, thinking about my own luck. Before Zhao Lin sent the meal, the head teacher came and was caught by her.

After that, the welfare of touching the leg three times a week is gone, and the cooked duck flies like this.

I was very painful. The head teacher saw that Zhao Lin was helping me wash the rice bowl, and her face was not very good, but she came in and coughed deliberately. When Zhao Lin heard the voice of the head teacher coughing, she turned around, looked at the head teacher, said hello, and then continued to help me wash the rice bowl.

Class teacher in front of Zhao Xiaohua eat shriveled, don't know what's going on, see class teacher like this, I especially want to laugh, class teacher looked at me, glared at me a few eyes, eyes in the meaning I also understand, later in clean up you.

After a while, Zhao Lin helped me wash the bowl.

The head teacher also spoke and said: Zhao Lin, the school does not allow boys to enter the girls' dormitory, and girls are not allowed to enter the boys' dormitory. You have violated the rules of the school.

Zhao Lin snorted and said: Mr. Jiang, Zhang Cheng's arm is injured and he can't have a meal. Can't I bring him a meal?

The head teacher shook his head and said no, you are a girl, entering the boys' dormitory is against the rules of the school.

Zhao Lin said that the school rules are not humanized at all. Zhang Cheng and I didn't do anything in the dormitory.

Zhao Lin says so, my heart is a little itchy, what's the matter? What can I really do in the dormitory? It's not so cool.

The head teacher shook his head and said, in short, you can't come to our class's dormitory in the future.

Zhao Lin snorted, and directly told the head teacher that you care about me. Then she took her lunch box and left. When she came to the door, she looked at me and said to me: Zhang Cheng, have a good rest and remember to take medicine.

The concern in that tone was more obvious.

With that, Zhao Lin left, and my heart also hung up. When Zhao Lin left, the head teacher must clean me up, right? Sure enough, the head teacher looked at my face and asked me: did you take the medicine?

I quickly nodded, said eat.

The head teacher sat down opposite me, then looked at me seriously and said: tell me, what happened when Zhao Lin just came up? You just promised me on Friday, don't you forget?

I quickly pretended to be innocent and said that it was none of my business. I asked Wang Kai to help me with my meal. Wang Kai brought all my rice pots with me. Unexpectedly, after waiting in the dormitory for a while, Zhao Lin came with my rice pot.

With that, I took a look at the head teacher's face and added: Mr. Jiang, you know, Zhao Lin, she brought me dinner. If I don't pay attention to her, it will be too impersonal for me.

After listening, the head teacher directly asked Wang Kai, why hasn't he come back?

As soon as I heard the tone of the head teacher, I knew that the head teacher was angry with Goumao. I couldn't help praying for Goumao. Don't blame me for Goumao. I didn't mean to.

Just at this time, Gou Mao came in humming a song. When he saw the head teacher in the dormitory, he was scared to shut up. He quickly called out to Mr. Jiang. The head teacher was very angry, so he asked him: Wang Kai, what's the matter with you? Zhang Cheng asked you to help him with the meal. How did you ask Zhao Lin to bring him the meal?

When gou Mao saw the head teacher's face, he was scared to pee. He hesitated and couldn't give a reason for it for a long time.

When the head teacher saw Goumao like this, he was even more angry. He patted the table heavily, and Goumao almost jumped up. The head teacher looked at her coldly and said, "what's the matter?

I see Gou Mao's expression is almost crying, he bowed his head, submissive explanation: Mr. Jiang, I met Zhao Lin when I went to have dinner. She heard that Zhang Cheng was injured, so she snatched Zhang Cheng's bowl and said that she would personally deliver the meal to Zhang Cheng.

After hearing this, the head teacher snorted and said that it was you and Zhao Lin who talked about Zhang Cheng's arm injury?

Goumao let out a sound and quickly lowered his head.

The head teacher was very angry. He said Wang Kai, Wang Kai, you are really a big mouth. You can say everything. It's time for me to make up my mind about copying homework that day. I'll punish you to copy it 50 times and give it to me tomorrow.

After teaching Goumao a lesson, the people in our dormitory came back one after another, so the head teacher called me out. When I got to the corridor outside, she saw that there were still people walking around, so she asked me to go to the playground downstairs with her.

After going down, she told me that today's Zhao Lin thing, can forgive me, after all, this is not my fault, but I later Zhao Lin how to make friends with me, ignore her, she said that girls have self-esteem, so after several times, she certainly won't come to me.

After that, the head teacher looked at me and asked if I could promise?

I said yes, nodded.I opened my mouth and wanted to ask her if it was wrong for her to touch my leg three times a week, but I still couldn't open my mouth. If I asked, the head teacher would think I was very attractive.

However, the head teacher seemed to be able to see through my mind, see my expression, and directly said: don't worry, as long as you promise the teacher not to contact Zhao Lin from now on, what I promised you on Friday night will still count.

Hearing what the head teacher said, I was very happy. I took a look at the white and tender legs under the head teacher's short skirt. The saliva in my mouth was continuously secreted. I secretly gulped several mouthfuls, and my heart was itching.

I especially want to ask the head teacher a question, that is: how long does it take to touch your leg?

But give me ten more courage, I don't dare to ask her. I think I'll wait until I touch it. Anyway, I'll try my best to touch it until she won't let me touch it.

After the head teacher told me a few words, remember to take medicine, I will go back to the dormitory to rest.

As soon as I got back to my dormitory, Gou Mao glared at me and said that I was to blame for his being punished by the head teacher for copying his homework 50 times. If I asked him not to help me, would the head teacher punish him like this?

Seeing the appearance of Goumao, I wanted to laugh and said: I have a way. Do you think it's ok?

Gou Mao was stunned and asked me what to do?

I pointed to myself and said that like me, no matter how the head teacher punished, he would not copy.

Goumao scolded you directly. What a bullshit way is this? I said you dare not copy it. God can't save you. Goumao copied it obediently. He didn't even sleep in the afternoon. He was lying on the table all the time.

When I thought that the head teacher would take the place of our grade English teacher who asked for marriage leave, I thought that I could send wechat chat to the head teacher. Even if I did, she didn't have time to ask me out, did she? , the fastest update of the webnovel!