Listen to me, the head teacher seems to believe that I have been to slow shake, she asked you to leave without even saying hello to me? I said that things at home were too urgent. At that time, I didn't know if you had arrived, so I hurried away. I thought about telling you on the way, but my mobile phone was dead.

She asked why you didn't tell me when you got home. I said that I was busy with things when I got home. I forgot the charger of my mobile phone. My parents used the old people's machine. Without wechat, I couldn't contact you if I didn't know your phone number.

The head teacher snorted and said that I thought you deliberately stood me up. I quickly went back to her and said that if it wasn't for a sudden event, I would have left you in the slow shake bar. Later, I asked her how long she had stayed in the slow shake bar. She said that she couldn't wait for me, so she took a taxi back.

When she sent this message, I thought that the head teacher wanted to cheat me. So I asked her, why don't you play in the slow shake bar for a while? She said you're not here. What's the point.

Later, she sent another message, saying that next time we meet, you are not allowed to stand me up.

I can see that the head teacher seems to have forgiven me, which means that I can chat happily with her, but I'm a little worried that if she asks me out again, what should I do.

Next, when I chatted with her, I deliberately led the topic to me and asked her how she was today. She said she was bored. She said she liked eating when she was bored. Now she has eaten a lot. I sent a foodie to him, and then asked him why he was upset. She said that because of the student, I guess the student she said should be me, so she continued to ask her if it was the student you said to me last time that you wanted to deal with. She said it was the one. Today, she quarreled with him again, which made me angry.

If I think about it, I'll send a message to her, saying that middle school students have serious rebellious psychology. Maybe he quarrels with you just on impulse. It's unnecessary to have the same opinion with her. I don't know why I want to send these words to the head teacher. Maybe I know my mistakes in my heart, and I'm eager to be forgiven by the head teacher.

The head teacher snorted. I'd like to have a common understanding with him. You don't know how ugly his words are.

I said how ugly, tell me to listen to see, she said no, afraid I make fun of her. Then she said that the student went to the grade director to transfer classes today, but she didn't agree.

That's the point. I took a deep breath and typed a line quickly: so disobedient and troublesome student, you should clap your hands and welcome him when he leaves. Why don't you let him go.

The head teacher made a sinister expression and said that I didn't like him very much, but I want revenge.

I said you are a teacher and a student so competitive? The head teacher said that you don't know how he bullied me. As soon as I saw the news she sent, I knew what the head teacher meant. I hated that I held her and touched her last night and forced me to kiss her. I think, with a joking tone asked her, he is a student, how can bully you, can you give you how?

The head teacher made an arrogant expression and said that he would not tell you.

When I got to the back of the conversation, the head teacher asked me when I had time. I estimated that she would want to ask me out again. She said that she was bored to death recently. Wait and see. If I have time, I will ask you out.

The head teacher said that's OK. If she dares to stand her up again, she won't talk to me any more.

I hastened to say no, there was something urgent last night, not next time.

Later, we chatted for a while and then went to sleep. Through this chat with the head teacher, I know that I have to be careful of her. Women are very careful animals. Once you provoke her, she will certainly retaliate against you. But I know that this time, the head teacher will never be the same as last time. Last time, she only let me be a coolie at most. This time, I'm afraid that she will punish me severely. After all, which teacher can tolerate her being bullied by her students?

Later, I couldn't sleep. When I logged on QQ, the netizen named little woman sent me a message again, asking: what are you doing.

To tell you the truth, this netizen annoyed me recently, so I told her that I was thinking of you.

Soon the little woman answered and said what she wanted me to do.

Now I directly back to a: miss you!

This time, the little woman went straight back to me: get out.

Later, I ignored her. Anyway, I was like this. The more I didn't tell my name, the more annoyed I was.

The next day, because of the flag raising ceremony, I didn't read early. After the flag raising ceremony, I had a stomachache and went to squat. Maybe I was too addicted to playing with my mobile phone when I was squatting, which caused me to be half a minute late for the first class.

The first class is the English class of the head teacher.

I stand at the door and shout a report. Generally speaking, as long as the time of being late is not too long, the teacher will not ask anything. I was late for English class before. After the report, the head teacher would nod and signal me to go in. Today, however, she seemed not to hear my report. She wrote words on the blackboard, and then I called out a report. The head teacher turned to look at me and asked why I was late.When I said I went to the toilet, the head teacher said with a straight face that the flag raising ceremony ended so early, why can't other students arrive on time?

Then she did not give me a chance to answer directly, and said that I would stand at the door to listen to these two classes.

In my heart, I thought that this woman's revenge was really cruel. It was almost corporal punishment to let me stand at the door for two classes. Later, the headmaster just came to our grade to inspect. When he saw me standing at the door, he asked our head teacher what was the matter. The head teacher said that he was late for class, so the headmaster began to scold me, which made me lose face.

Because of this, I feel no guilt for the head teacher in my heart, and I begin to think about how to meet the retaliation of the goods.

In this way, I stood at the door for two classes, both legs were numb.

I didn't get back to my seat until the third Chinese class. Later, Gou Mao told me that I had to apologize to the class teacher. She said that maybe it was because I made her cry yesterday that she did this to me. Gou Mao also said that all the students in the class knew that it was the class teacher who deliberately did this to you. The class teacher usually wouldn't punish a classmate for being late for two classes.

I don't know why. If you want me to apologize to the head teacher, I can't say it.

When gou Mao saw that I didn't want to, he didn't persuade me any more. Instead, he comforted me that the head teacher was very good to the students. This time, she might be too angry with you. After two or three days, she won't punish you.

My heart said that if you know what I did to the head teacher, you won't think so. , the fastest update of the webnovel!