Yes, that's right.

What really worries Aoqing is the disaster of the westward journey.

It is well known that every occurrence of quantity robbery is in the final analysis a reshuffle of forces.

For example, when the gods were robbed, the three saints continued to place their confidants around the list of gods in order to have the right to speak in the mythical world, and finally succeeded in secretly ruling the whole heaven.

At that time, if he had not been born suddenly and destroyed the plan of Sanqing, I was afraid that the current mythical world pattern would not be so.

However, even so, Aoqing's heart is still very clear that the upcoming disaster of the westward journey is also very likely to change the power pattern of the whole mythical world. He can't relax.

Although he has destroyed the Hinayana Buddhism of the West Tianling mountain, he has only destroyed part of the foundation of the West Tianling mountain. At that time, Taoist Duobao will surely come back with his men.

Of course, Aoqing also knows the importance of weeding out the roots, but Taoist Duobao and others are protected by the Western way of heaven. I'm afraid it's not so easy to eradicate them completely.

However, he has now destroyed part of the foundation of western religion, which can be regarded as completely opening the way for the development of Tianlong Shenjiao. He can take advantage of this time to let a large number of believers of Tianlong Shenjiao pour into the West and compete for the gas luck of the West.

When his Tianlong Shenjiao develops and expands, even when he travels to the west, what major things happen will not affect the foundation of Aoqing.

Even, he can take this opportunity to let the West learn scriptures and turn them into Western missionaries.

After all, it is simply unrealistic to rely on Jinchanzi alone to pass on scriptures.

While Aoqing was thinking, Prime Minister GUI on one side quickly and carefully said, "Aoqing, what you think should be the missionary work in the west? The small ones have sent some Catholics of Tianlong God to the West. However, the more Catholics of Tianlong God to the west, the better. The small ones have no right to transfer..."

Hearing this, Aoqing took a deep look at Prime Minister GUI and said that this boy often thought of his front. He is worthy of being the Prime Minister of the Empire and can shoulder this important task.

With a flash of his hand, Aoqing Xu threw something similar to a tiger amulet directly in front of prime minister GUI: "it should be enough to have this as a voucher. The plan of preaching scriptures in the West will be handed over to Prime Minister GUI."

Hearing this, Prime Minister GUI nodded heavily: "OK, adult Aoqing, please rest assured that the small one will complete the Western Scripture transmission plan."

As he spoke, the Prime Minister of the tortoise flashed and hurried away with something like a tiger amulet.

With the departure of prime minister GUI, then Aoqing briefly discussed the next development direction of the Dragon empire with the Minister of civil and military affairs, Kunpeng and other people.

Originally, Aoqing thought it wouldn't take long to discuss this direction, but unexpectedly, this discussion directly took a day and a night. During this time, countless civil and military ministers offered ideas and suggestions to find out and make up for deficiencies, so as to make the drug production of the whole dragon Empire more perfect and operate faster and efficiently.

After the court meeting, Aoqing is ready to get up and leave, preparing for the upcoming disaster of the journey to the West.

But at this time, a believer suddenly ran over in a panic: "adult Aoqing, the three kings of the Terran have something important to ask you to discuss in huoyun cave, and it seems to be related to the disaster of the westward journey. “

Hearing this, Aoqing frowned.

Every time the Terrans have to suffer a crisis, the three emperors will inform him. This time, they directly named names related to the western expedition robbery. I'm afraid it's not simple. At present, Aoqing is a flash of body shape and disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.

It happened that he was quite bored to stay in the ZuLong temple. He could take this opportunity to go to huoyun cave and relax.

When going to huoyun cave, Aoqing didn't go with the dazzling frame of the Kowloon aloes chariot. Instead, he turned into a purple dragon and swam quickly. He wanted to take this opportunity to observe the world. After all, he delayed so long in the West.

Aoqing soon found that hundreds of years have passed since the sea boundary.

In these hundreds of years, Qin Shihuang swept Liuhe and unified the super hegemony of China. Finally, it collapsed with the uprising of Chen Sheng, Wu Guang and others and the * * of Liu Bang, Xiang Yu and others.

Soon, the whole human world in the East was divided into two. On one side was the uprising led by Liu Bang, Xiao He and Han Xin, and on the other side was the uprising led by Xiang Yu. The two sides struggled for a long time, and finally ended with Liu Bang's victory and the establishment of the Han Dynasty.

With the establishment of the Han Dynasty, the withered Terrans began to recover. In addition, Liu Bang believed in Tianlong Shenjiao with the help of Han Xin and others. Therefore, Tianlong Shenjiao believers took this opportunity to get a larger scale development.

Then, the Han Dynasty came to the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Because Emperor Wu Liu argued that the leader of Fengtian Dragon God cult boil Qing and believed that man would win the day, he fought against the Xiongnu, who had always been close to him, and finally defeated the Xiongnu and beat the Xiongnu out of the central plains without disturbing the whole oriental world.

Later, a man named Wang Mang appeared in the Han Dynasty. He succeeded in usurping the Han Dynasty and adopted many new systems. As a result, he was opposed by many aristocrats and aristocrats. Finally, he was defeated by Liu Xiu, re established the Han Dynasty and forcibly renewed the life of the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years

But even so, there was a huge contradiction in the Han Dynasty, which came to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In other words, Aoqing is now in the human era, which is the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty!

As soon as I heard that my lower boundary had come to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, even Aoqing himself had to sigh. He said in his heart, isn't this the era of the Three Kingdoms in which Heroes rise together and heroes emerge in large numbers? I didn't expect to be caught up by him.

However, Aoqing also has some regrets, that is, he missed the era of Wang Mang and Liu Xiu. He really wants to confirm whether Wang Mang is a historical Strider? Is Liu Xiu the legendary police of the time and Space Administration... Specially came to the era of Wang Mang to repair the era bug.

While thinking about it, suddenly, a clear and pleasant powerful voice suddenly rang through:

"Heaven is dead, and the yellow scarf should stand! The princes and generals would rather have seed!"

In the vigorous voice, Aoqing clearly saw that many farmers wearing yellow scarves in the lower world rolled away with iron forks and other inappropriate weapons in one hand. He was quite brave to teach the sun and moon to change the new sky!