While Aoqing was thinking like this, master Kunpeng, who was not far from him, sat cross legged on the ground, blooming with bright golden light, and began to evolve.

Though awesome as twelve dragons, Lagerstroemia indica, he has not been able to evolve many times. But now he sees the evolution of the Kun Peng master, but he still reveals the look of curiosity and expectation. He says that this super evolved altar has really given the power to such a top master of Kun Peng's master so quickly that it has evolved.

The ministers of civil and military affairs also focused their attention on the ancestor Kunpeng and several colleagues who evolved together, and their eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

"That's right, this is the gift that our Taoist ancestors prepared for you." at this time, Aoqing slowly said with a thick smile, "don't worry if you don't succeed in evolution. When the time comes, you will evolve naturally!"

The words fell, and the ministers of civil and military affairs were full of joy. Among the plopping kneeling sounds, they all kowtowed in the direction of boiling green, with the color of excitement and worship on their faces.

They are very excited at the thought that they can evolve and become stronger like their evolving colleagues.

"Prime minister turtle!" while everyone was evolving, Aoqing moved his eyes.

Turtle Cheng was like a roundworm in Aoqing's stomach. He quickly handed over all the prepared statistics to Aoqing.

Sure enough, in terms of statistics, Prime Minister GUI's statistics of the various forces of the dragon family are the same as those shown on his system panel, and the total population of the whole dragon Empire has reached an amazing 300 million.

Yes, yes, 300 million.

Don't underestimate this number. You know, at the beginning, all the powerful creatures on the coast of the four seas added up to just one million.

Behind the soaring number is Aoqing's hard work, sweat and efforts for the dragon people!

Even if my heart has long been prepared to boil green, my heart is full of sense of achievement and pride.

Next, Aoqing focuses on other data of the Dragon nationality, such as culture, finance, especially finance, which Aoqing is most concerned about.

The reason is very simple, that is, with the increase of population, the resources of the whole seventh boundary will soon reach the critical point of population and can not support such a large population, which will be reflected in finance.

You know, the daily consumption of more than 300 million people is an extremely huge figure.

But soon, Aoqing put down his heart, because in terms of finance, he found that Qin Shihuang and his ministers who were promoted by him had done very well, developed the resources of the seventh world to the greatest extent, and sought unknown wealth for the seventh world.

Just the water conservancy projects, salt industry, tea, silk and other projects carried out by Qin Shihuang and Li Sihuang did not know how much money and resources were generated for the whole empire.

Originally, Aoqing was worried about finance, but now it seems that Qin Shihuang and his courtiers have done very well one by one, which shows that Qin Shihuang's ability is very outstanding. No wonder this person can lead Qin to sweep Liuhe.

Concerned about the financial aspect of the Dragon Empire, Aoqing soon focused on the cultural aspect.

When it comes to the culture of the Dragon Empire, Aoqing can't help frowning.

Over the years, the whole dragon Empire has been developing rapidly, especially in terms of cultivation and military. However, it has lagged behind a lot in terms of culture. Many monsters even don't know big words and are very illiterate. Although it has been opened up a little wisdom by the nine-year compulsory cultivation education, it is only wisdom in cultivation, It's all a warrior.

Therefore, with the development of the Dragon Empire, the urgency of culture and education is also very important.

While Aoqing was thinking so much, Prime Minister GUI seemed to think of Aoqing's worry and hurriedly said, "Aoqing, Confucius is still waiting outside."

Hearing Confucius, Aoqing was stunned first. Then he suddenly remembered that the world has passed for hundreds of years, and Confucius has completed his mission. The people have passed away and reincarnated. But unexpectedly, he is still there.

"Mr. Aoqing, Prime Minister GUI was worried that a talent like Confucius would disappear after reincarnation, so he took him up on his own..." prime minister GUI simply scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

Hearing this, Aoqing took a deep look at Prime Minister GUI and said that he was worthy of being his good helper. This was also expected. Otherwise, he would spend a lot of effort to find the reincarnation of Confucius. When he thought of this, Aoqing waved his hand.

Soon, several guards brought Confucius who had been waiting outside the hall.

As soon as Confucius Saw Aoqing, he flopped and worshipped excitedly: "master, Confucius has never disgraced his mission, traveled around the world, publicized Confucianism and Taoism, and let the glory of Tianlong Shenjiao envelop the whole Central Plains!"

At the beginning, when Confucius was stranded in the world and confused and didn't know his direction, it was the sudden appearance of Aoqing Daozu, which pointed out the way for him in the future and gave him strong strength. Confucius simply couldn't forget this kindness.

"Get up, your efforts have long been seen by our Taoist ancestors!" Ao Qing waved his hand slightly. He actually respected Confucius very much: "in fact, our Taoist ancestors have never let you have six reincarnations. The reason is very simple. That is, I hope you can stay here and help our seventh world teach culture and education, Confucianism and Taoism etiquette and so on."

Hearing this, Confucius was even more excited to kowtow: "Confucius will not disgrace the mission of Taoism, deeply cultivate education and spread Confucianism and Taoism culture!"

"Well, in the future, you Confucius will also be a member of this court, the second grade official residence!" Aoqing said faintly.

The voice fell, and many civil and military ministers present were full of envy.

This official ranks second. It's already a big position. In the last step, it's a first-class senior, and the power goes to the government and the public!

"Thank you, Lord Aoqing!"

As he spoke, Confucius stepped back excitedly. He was very grateful for Cao Qing's reuse.

With Confucius' assistance in culture and education, Aoqing can naturally avoid a lot of worries. When Aoqing relaxed and prepared for the next resolution, suddenly, the ancestor Kunpeng sitting in front of him suddenly opened his eyes.

The original humanoid Kunpeng grandmaster, at the moment when he opened his eyes, a huge purple golden Kunpeng virtual shadow appeared. The huge evil spirit rushed around and shook the whole ZuLong temple!