"It's not too late. Let's start early! It's bad if the Dragon Saint Aoqing notices here!" the Cyclops took a deep breath and endured his inner excitement.

He was very excited and excited at the thought that the ancient demon Saint Donghuang Tai was resurrected and led them to reunify the heaven and dominate the six realms, and his Cyclops could become the first hero.


The reputation of the demon family has always been very good. Dapeng Jing nodded slightly and shook his empty hand. He gently took out the porcelain bottle that had already been filled with Nirvana Phoenix blood.

At this time, under the control of several demon wizards, the light flickered more and more brightly. The dazzling light shone on the dark sky again and again like day, and also lit up the face of every demon wizard.

In the array, the huge cocoon also emits strong light, which shines and fluctuates rapidly with the light of the death array.

Vaguely, I could see that there was a demon shadow in the huge cocoon.

Aoqing is not in a hurry. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi has not fully resurrected. He wants to take advantage of the moment of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi's resurrection and start directly to earn the greatest benefits.

Poor Dapeng Jing, Cyclops and others can't imagine that his dragon Saint Aoqing has already come here!?

While he was thinking, the Cyclops had already taken the nirvana Phoenix blood and carefully brought it to the middle of the array.

Until now, the Cyclops' heart is still excited, and his body is shaking uncontrollably.

God knows how much effort, energy and time they spent in order to revive the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

After several eras, they finally gathered everything together and successfully built the six samsara reincarnation array, which can perfectly revive the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and summon him back from hell!

In those days, when the Eastern Emperor Taiyi commanded thousands of demon families, how energetic and vigorous were the demon families at that time!? It's no exaggeration to use the three realms of hegemony! It can be said that it is brilliant!

But now... The demon clan is declining, the Qi of the demon clan is severely suppressed, driven out by small humans, and there is no paradise for their own activities. How can they tolerate this, this, this!?

1、 Once the demon Saint Donghuang Tai is resurrected, everything will change!

With such a mood, the Cyclops slowly walked to the middle of the array of death array and gently dropped the precious Nirvana Phoenix blood on the giant cocoon.

Even now, the Cyclops' hands trembled slightly.

The Phoenix blood of nirvana is just a drop. Where it passes, the strong taste of Phoenix blood envelops the whole cave and makes people feel inexplicable in their hearts.

At the moment when the giant cocoon received the Phoenix blood of Nirvana, it had a very violent fluctuation. At the moment, it is more intense. If there is no weak sound, the faintly visible figure is more clear at the moment.

"Yes." the Cyclops took a deep breath and could confirm that the nirvana Phoenix blood brought by Dapeng essence was not fake. He quickly winked at a small Cyclops behind him. The Cyclops went there directly with Dapeng essence. It was obvious that he was going to release Zu Feng.

Aoqing was not flustered. He could feel the energy fluctuation. If he expected it well, almost soon, the six samsara reincarnation array would successfully revive the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

For Aoqing, whether it's Taiyi or Zufeng, he will destroy them without hesitation and seize their terrible luck!

While he was thinking, the six samsara rebirth array burst out a bright brilliance. The huge cocoon with violent ups and downs suddenly burst out an unprecedented light. Immediately, he only heard a bang, and the huge cocoon suddenly broke into stars in the sky.

The next moment, the looming figure in the giant cocoon slowly appeared.

At first, the huge figure was just a shadow of nothingness, but soon the shadow became more and more solid and clearer.

"Welcome the emperor Taiyi!"

"Welcome the emperor Taiyi!"

"Welcome the emperor Taiyi!"


"Welcome the emperor Taiyi!"

The one eyed giant watched the changes of the past life array from beginning to end. After seeing the increasingly staring array, the one eyed giant directly flopped and knelt on the ground, and his eyes were full of excitement. The demon wizards who released the array were also excited and excited. They shouted in unison.

And in the respectful welcome of everyone, the giant cocoon suddenly heard a clicking sound, and cracks appeared without warning.

Then, the incomparably solid figure, like a chicken molting, slowly appeared.

What caught the eyes of the public was a young man dressed in the clothes of the demon emperor. He was surrounded by an unimaginable evil spirit, which shook all around and rose into the sky!

Even in the distance, Aoqing can clearly feel the surging and strong evil spirit of terror, which is unimaginable!

However, when the Eastern Emperor Taiyi commanded the ancient heaven, he already had the strength of saints. Although he was later killed and suppressed in the underworld by the empress Houtu and endured suffering, after his resurrection, his strength of saints was also there. It is reasonable to have such a strong evil spirit.

"Haha, after waiting for several centuries, Ben Sheng has finally resurrected!" the Eastern Emperor Taiyi felt the fresh air around him and showed a very happy smile.

For several centuries, since he was killed, he was suppressed in hell by the backland of one of the twelve ancestors, and endured the suffering of eighteen layers of hell day and night.

Every day, for him, is a kind of suffering, and he has endured this suffering for several centuries, just to one day, he can be resurrected and return to the peak... Thousands of commanders and dominate the three realms!

Now, after several centuries, he finally achieved his wish. His men summoned him back from the 18th floor of hell with the six samsara death array!

"You resurrected Ben Taiyi. From now on, you will be the first hero of the demon family!" the Eastern Emperor Taiyi looked down at the Cyclops kneeling on the ground: "Although Ben Taiyi is in hell, he still knows about the changes in the mythical world. Now that the dragon family rises, it is likely to replace Ben Sheng's command of the demon family? It's time to tell the little demon dragon who is the leader of the demon family!"

As soon as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi finished speaking, a faint voice came: "you don't have to tell me yourself that Ben Longsheng has come!"