Chapter 981

Name:My Dear Mr. Gu Author:Canmiao Aiyu
"Say. GG + WWX hesitates for what. " Said supien irritably.

"Huo Wei dance has no parent-child relationship with Gu Ting." Cheng Yi said.

"Didn't you report last time? Did they have it this time? " Impatiently, supine raised his position to the wall and sat down against it.

"Huo Wei dance has no parent-child relationship with Quan Ling, but Huo Wei dance has a parent-child relationship with you." Cheng Yi carefully said.

Supine was completely stunned. His brain didn't respond for three seconds. "What did you say?"

"Huo Wei dance is a parent-child relationship with you, and, very close to you, belongs to the direct blood relationship. She is your sister, the daughter that a lady has been looking for." Cheng Yi is more cautious.

This matter is very important and has a great influence.

"You say hovie is my sister?" Supien was shocked and didn't believe it at all.

There is a strong gap in the heart, forming a dark current, squeezing in the heart.

It is not easy for him to have a respectable woman who is actually his sister, which is too bloody.

He fell in love with his sister.

That woman is still so ugly, how can she look like his sister.

"Haven't I been doing paternity tests lately? Some people are not related by blood, but there are several similar chromosomes. The researchers say that the similar ones may be relatives hundreds of years ago. I was curious and tested you and Huo Wei's dance. As a result, I was scared. I thought it was a mistake. I did it again. She was really your sister, my sister. " Cheng Yi explained.

Su Peien calmed down and said, "this matter should be kept secret first. If you say one more word, your whole family will go to see the king."

"Yes." Cheng Yi's solemn nod.

Supine put up his cell phone, his chest heaved violently, and stood up.

In my mind, I remember how I got along with Huo Wei dance.

Her character, her temperament, her way of doing things, her kindness, her atmosphere, and her fraternity.

"No wonder it's so good. It's my sister." Su Peien said to himself, and his eyes grew red.

If he had not lost his sister, perhaps Su Li would not have been so cruel to leave him.

Now, he found his sister.

However, I don't want Su Li to find her daughter easily.

She had a daughter, and he was even more insignificant.

"I won't tell you. I'm not going to let you find it yet Su Peien said angrily and called Quan Ling.

Seeing Su Peien's phone call, Quan Ling answers in surprise, "Mr. Su, what can I do for you?"

"How did you pick up Howie?" Asked supine coldly.

"What are you talking about? Howie is my daughter. " Quan Ling said worried.

"You have no parent-child relationship with Howie." Su Peien exposed the way, dignified said: "you finally do not cheat me, otherwise, I can not save you."

"I just found it. My husband couldn't bear any children. I just found a child and brought her back to be a daughter." Quan Ling said with twinkling eyes.

"Do you know Su Mei? A member of the dark lurking in the palace. " Asked supine suspiciously.

Quan Ling clenched his fist nervously and denied: "I don't know. How can I know the members lurking in the palace

"I hope not." Su Peien hung up the phone, ruimou deep taboo looking at the air.

He was lucky to be his brother-in-law.

He is not so lucky, a woman who has a good feeling becomes a sister And grab the same mother with him

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