Chapter 603

Name:My Dear Mr. Gu Author:Canmiao Aiyu
Colonel Yang, they came out of the cabinet.

His sharp eyes look at the Huo Wei dance.

Huo Wei dance actually understands that if you want to add a crime, you have no choice.

Whether she is a spy or not, she has a clear conscience.

Standing on the high platform, Col. Yang announced with righteous words: "Huo Weiwu, a criminal, has a bad moral character. He does not want to repent. He deceives the superior and conceals the truth. He speaks nonsense and tarnishes the honor of the soldiers. He not only commits the crime of stealing other people's names to start a company, but also hides in our country..."

Everyone held their breath.

On the contrary, Huo Wei dance is very calm and has a sense of relief.

It's time to come. It's coming.

Life, such, disappointments of ten * *, with the encounter, and peace.

"Wait a minute." Someone called at the door.

Colonel Yang pauses and looks at the door.

A man in his fifties in a suit came in.

He nodded respectfully to Yu Jing and Gu Ting, went to the high platform and said to Colonel Yang, "I'm Yelu Hongye, director of the Chinese Embassy in your country. I received a call from Madame Yipin. She wants to make sure whether the keepsake you have is from China."

Colonel Yang looks at Yu Jin.

I was suspicious, but still nodded.

Colonel Yang delivered the keepsake to yeluhongye.

Yeluhongye presses the button in the middle of the necklace.

The buttons are separated.

There's nothing in it.

He closed the necklace and returned it to yeluhongye, saying, "I'm sorry, your necklace is not a keepsake of our country."

Yu Jin looks pale and looks at Feng Zhiyao.

Feng Zhiyao held up her eyes and was shocked.

"How could it be?" I was surprised.

"Our Keepsake needs the fingerprint of a specific person to open it. I am not that person, but I can open this keepsake. There is only one explanation, which is highly imitated." Yelu Hongye nodded, "I have to report to Madame Yipin of our country."

He left from the main gate, of course, with the garrison of M.

I can't return to God for a long time.

He did all his tricks, but he didn't expect this result.

"The president, the president, the president." The steward called several times.

I just want to slow down.

"What should I do now?" Asked the steward.

If country m withdraws its arms, it has a 30 percent chance of winning.

Now it's not that he crushed Gu Ting, it's Gu Ting who kills him.

He stood up, looked at Huo Wei dance, cleared his throat, and said, "since the keepsakes are all fake, it may be someone's fault, and it's not Jiang Ke's thing at all. There's no spy saying. It's just that if you register a company with someone else's name, you need to discuss how much you'll be fined."

Yu Jin said, not in the scene to leave more than one point, deep fear, not careful, on the head of a different place.

He fled through the side door.

Huo Weiwu heard that she was innocent.

Actually, not guilty.

Tears in my eyes.

She looked in the direction of Gu Ting.

Now, the crisis between them is over.

He won't be held back by country B any more.

She doesn't have to marry Yu Yi.



Gu Ting stood up coldly, put one hand in his pocket, looked at her eyes, there was no temperature at all.

He turned and walked towards the gate.

His soldiers opened the door.

The light, coming in from the door, fell on his clear body, as if covered with a layer of clear light.

In a flash, he disappeared at the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!