ADA then worked hard all night with the help of his legendary adventurer Tudou neighbor. Apart from the sixth floor where the archaeological team is currently located, he has made various arrangements for the temple halls on the other floors, which can be said to be painstaking.

He also made a special trip to the new elf King's court and got some unique treasures with ELF characteristics.

This is also the suggestion of potato neighbors. Anyway, in order to make this adventure look more realistic, the last treasure house must be not less, let alone shabby, because it is the last and biggest surprise. It must not put a lonely coffin or a sledgehammer in it.

And we also need such a treasure house to give the village head more motivation instead of wandering every day.

So Tudou's neighbor suggested that ADA find a way to get some ordinary treasures with ELF characteristics, so he can only go to the current elf King's court.

In fact, a thousand years ago, elves still dominated the mainland. When they were the strongest force, they were still very rich and rich. Their ancestors were really rich.

Especially in the days when ADA was the elf emperor, with his strong strength of being proud of the world, he almost pocketed all the treasures of the whole continent, built a huge treasure house like a mountain, and accumulated an inexhaustible and unimaginable wealth.

He really didn't take part in human adventure because there was no need.

One of the reasons why he had to make great efforts to change the terrain and create the plateau where the temple was located was for the temple and the corresponding rituals; Another purpose is that he needs a large enough treasure house.

It is precisely because the foundation is too thick. Even if later, with the rise of mankind, Elves were expelled from the mainland, shrinking overseas desert islands and losing a lot of wealth, today's elves are still not bad for money. The treasure house is not like the original high mountain, but at least there is a small mountain.

Ah TA has personally confirmed this.

In order to reach the elves' territory far away from home, he also relied on the help of the six brothers who carried the coffin.

Today, the land of elves is an overseas archipelago called "Pearl Islands" by humans. They occupy several islands with good conditions and become maritime neighbors with other driven out orcs and other aliens.

It is too far away from the mainland, and Israel's great ability can't distort the distance between them, so that they can arrive in an instant. They can only rely on the help of the coffin carrying brothers.

At his suggestion, Ah Da disappeared. Only ah Er lay in the beautiful coffin he lent out and covered it.

It feels a little weird and creepy

But ah Er couldn't say a word

Then, he felt that the coffin floated and entered a mysterious field that he didn't even know. The coffin drifted in it like a canoe. It stopped about ten minutes later and fell to the solid ground.

Ah Er came out of the coffin, and Ah Da also came out from behind him, like a ghost.

They have crossed this long distance and come to today's elf King's court.

"It's really a magical means. How do you do this? Some unique distortion? Or the special use of chaos? Or the embodiment of some special law?"

"It seems that the gap between us and level 12 is really far away, so far that we can't even recognize his means..."

"What kind of existence should the village head be?"

ADA seems to have forgotten where he is. He is still whispering with emotion about the wonderful drifting just now, trying to analyze the magical means of carrying the coffin brother.

Ah ER was calm and gave him a reminder.

Ah Da just recovered, looked around and enjoyed the fairy Palace today.

"Not bad? Although I'm down, at least the aesthetic part is still improving, except that the scale is a little smaller..."

Then he walked to a corner not far away.

There was a guard, shivering in a corner.

He should have followed his patrol team to patrol around here.

Then a coffin suddenly appeared in the air and fell to the ground with a thud.

Before the patrol could recover, there was an unspeakable threat of terror in the coffin.

Three of the original five person patrol team fainted on the spot and fell to one side. Another person seemed to have lost his soul and ran away with strange cries. Only the last young elf soldier could keep his reason, shrink in the corner and harden his head to observe the situation.

Then the young elf saw the coffin opened by himself, and a strange human jumped out of it, and another more strange human suddenly appeared behind him.

With the leisurely stroll in their own back garden, they looked around and commented on the landscape layout here in human language.

Finally, one of them noticed himself and walked slowly towards himself.

The elf soldier felt that great fear enveloped his whole body, his brain was blank, and he had lost his ability to think and act.

But the strange man didn't hurt himself. Instead, he said slowly in an elvish language with a strange accent:

"Don't be nervous. You're okay."

"We're just here to pick up some things that have fallen, and we'll be right away."

As ADA said, he was about to turn around and leave. It was like a sudden interest. He stopped, looked back at the young elf carefully, and then asked:

"Where does today's emperor live?"

The soldier's face was numb, like a string puppet, slowly raised his hand and pointed to a palace not far away.

ADA nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"Well, yes, you can still stand when you see me. Your talent is really good... But why are you just a small soldier?"

"You should talk to the elders and let them give you a chance."

Then he reached out and drew a simple symbol in the air. The symbol automatically flew to the soldier and burned it on his forehead.

Then he followed ah Er, disappeared into the night and went to the treasure house of the palace.

Walking on the road, ah Er turned back and gave him a look of inquiry.

Ah laughed and explained a little embarrassed:

"Well... In a word, he should be one of our nieces and grandchildren? But I don't remember which woman it is related to?"

There was no shortage of women around him. To be exact, there should be no shortage of female creatures. He didn't need his hand. There would always be females who took the initiative to send them up.

But he never cared about his children, probably because of too much chaos?

In fact, this is the private life of a strong man in the world, rather than raising his own daughter like rolle.

Then, the two brothers were picky in this treasure house, which had shrunk several times and was still huge, and found several impressive things.

"I remember you seem to like this vase very much?"

"This sword is good. The genuine Dragon Ridge sword was drawn from an ancient dragon? But it seems to be the last ancient dragon in the world, so it should also be the last Dragon Ridge sword in the world."

"The village head should like it very much?"

"I also have some impression of this set. It was worn by our eighth wife. She is indeed a very beautiful woman, but what race does she come from? Orcs?"

"Take it with you. You can give Xiao Keli a dowry in the future."

They took some high-value treasures in the treasure house and put them away close to each other.

He grabbed some worthless treasures, turned them into mosaic fragments and picked them up.

They didn't receive any harassment throughout the process.

After that, they went to the bedroom of the current elf emperor, grabbed him from the woman's belly and talked with him.

Finally, Ah Da disappeared. Ah Er lay back in the coffin alone and continued to prepare for the adventure under the arrangement of his brother who carried the coffin.

At the moment before that, he was still a peerless strong man who looked up to the world and walked in the palace; But the next moment, he immediately became an ordinary villager who worked hard for the village head.

Fortunately, both of them have adapted to such a change of identity.

After they left for about two hours, the seriously frightened elf emperor and the elf soldier gradually woke up and issued a series of exclamations and strange screams.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"The former Emperor! I dreamed that the former Emperor was! He is still protecting our family!"

"Come on! Someone broke into the king's court!"

"With the protection of our ancestors, we will be able to recover our hometown!"

Two elves with different identities said different words and ran around in the king's court to tell each other.

Unfortunately, Ah Da and ah Er didn't care at all. The two brothers finished the general layout of the temple before dawn, and then immediately left the temple and returned to the village. They only relied on some monitoring means left to pay attention to the situation and changes there.

Although with the help of the corn man's gold pocket watch, they can hide their body shape in front of Rolle temporarily, it is not lasting and there are still some risks. They dare not challenge the village head's inexplicable and strange intuition.

Last time I just touched the little donkey and got a sword. I almost didn't kill anyone.

It's the limit to hide in the crowd and help the village head open the gate of the temple and do something while he is asleep.

The fat man nodded and said:

"All right, that's enough."

"What else should I do next?"

Ah Da asked humbly.

The sweetheart fruit neighbor on one side helped answer:

"Wait and hope."

"If our inference is correct..."

The potato neighbor smiled and said:

"But if you're really bored, go and help me turn over the potato field."

Ah Da nodded very readily.

But it made a bad start, and then I heard the neighbor of sweetheart fruit say:

"In that case, my fruit trees should also help me build branches and leaves. Pay attention to the cut branches and leaves. Don't throw them around. It's very dangerous!"

"Well, especially if you can't let my piglets eat, it will affect the taste and meat quality, so if you're free, help me cut a basket of ordinary pig grass back."

The neighbor who raised the pig also said.

"That's just right. I'll be busy filling the space crack. I'll leave my wine cellar to you to take care of..."

Seeing this group of guys who make progress by leaps and bounds throw all kinds of chores at themselves, Ah Da can only show an expression of sadness and laughter, but he dare not refuse.

And there is a bad feeling in my heart. Even if everything goes well and I have completed the long-awaited advancement, it seems that the status of the brothers in the village can not be changed much.

However, the two brothers have built up a lot for this, and even the crown of power has been sent out.

You won't lose your money in the end, will you?

ADA was a little worried. He silently carried the basket on his back and went up the mountain to cut pig grass.

In other words, should I find the young man to the village and add some new people to the village?


On Rolle's side, after waking up, he took a look at the temple and found that everything was normal. His daughter and Orianna had completed the shift change earlier and are now busy inside.

When he wanted to go in and have a look, he was stopped by other archaeologists and politely advised him not to destroy the site.

Rolle didn't mean to continue to disturb, so he had to turn back and think of taking the team out to patrol.

As a result, as soon as the patrol saw him coming, they ran away

This time even major Anderson ran away with him and didn't stay to stop him.

"I don't seem to be as popular as before? Is it because of this mask and this dress?"

Rolle scratched his head, a little depressed.

In the past, his image of a simple, honest and simple man with online appearance and extraordinary temperament was quite popular.

Now the appearance of the spy leader is really not so popular.

"What about the spies? Will they come or not?"

Rolle felt a little bored. After waiting these two days, his agents searched everywhere and didn't notice any signs of espionage.

Did they get scared and run away?

There is no possibilities.

Rolle shook his head and denied his unrealistic idea.

He has deeply understood the importance of an ancient relic, especially such a relic left by a super powerful elf emperor at that time, which may make a big news.

Enemy spies, there's no reason not to act at all.

Well, they may be more cunning than I expected

As rolle said this, he couldn't help looking up at a towering snow mountain in the distance.

"Can't you hide in that place?"

He smiled and shook his head in a self mockery, not taking the sudden idea seriously.

The snow mountain is tens of kilometers away from here, far from the normal warning range, and the environment is worse, and all kinds of strange phenomena are more frequent.

And listen to the officers under their command say that even if they look at the big snow mountain from a distance, they will feel a strange discomfort.

No one should dare to camp in that place.


Here is the list of these days:

Thanks to the devil jiabaili * n, a pig who loves reading, the Internet ghost ghost * n, Muyi ink shadow, one flower, two is three, nine and four leaves in May, bingpengshen mace, my operator, it's not generally difficult to get a name, dabundan and other friends for their generous rewards!