With his sword turned into a two handed axe, Rolle walked slowly to the fog in the distance.

But after a few steps, he changed his two handed axe back to his one handed sword.

It's a little heavy. It's not easy. It's better to have a sword in hand.

As he approached, the fog in front gradually dispersed, revealing the dark street.

The place he had stayed behind was shrouded in fog again.

It feels like some RPG Games. The visual range is so small. Even if he took out the magic guide light stick for camping from his left hand, the visibility still hasn't improved.

It's cloudy all around. I really feel a bit cold in the spine.

Rolle walked on for a few minutes, vaguely heard something, and quickly approached in that direction.

As he moved forward, the fog in front gradually dispersed, and the dynamic and static listening gradually became clear. He sent out a low roar from his throat, as if he were threatening something like a beast, mixed with bursts of hoarse strange calls.

When rolle continued to approach and the fog in front of him dispersed further, he saw the scene ahead through the light of the lighting rod.

It's a monster that looks like a werewolf or ORC.

Although he was wearing an ordinary suit, he was not shaped by the swelling muscles on his body. His hands were also a pair of huge furry claws. His face was also covered with dense fluff, revealing only a pair of red eyes and a bloody mouth with protruding fangs.

This monster is being besieged by several things that look like ghosts and ghosts. They float in mid air, their body shape is a little erratic and empty, and they are wrapped in a gray black rotten cloth, revealing a pair of huge claws with only white bones.

Under the siege of the ghost, several terrible wounds have appeared on the monster, and he can't hold on.

Fortunately, Rolle did it in time.

He gently stroked the handle of the sword with his right hand and released several sword Qi. The sword Qi crossed the middle of the two monsters' bodies and cut them in half very accurately.

It was clean, flowing and finished at one go, and grabbed the dying wild monster in time.

However, after the orc like monster was split in two, its body became two clouds of fog, combined again, and then changed back to a normal human appearance. It looked like an unknown passer-by.

Not only did he not leave any scars on his body, but he looked particularly peaceful, just like falling asleep.

Then his body sank slowly into the lying street and disappeared.

Rolle also heard a relief sigh in his ear, like waking up from a nightmare.

As for the ghosts, they disappeared completely.

As they disappeared, the surrounding fog seemed to become a little thinner.

Although he didn't know what was going on outside, Rolle vaguely felt that instead of grabbing the blame, he saved someone?

Perhaps, just killing monsters all the way can solve this sudden crisis?

Is there such a good thing in the world?

Although Rolle's judgment was completely groundless, he thought it would work.

His spirit was shocked.

"I don't know where I am or what happened. I just know that I'm going to kill next!"

So he continued to stride towards the foggy street ahead.

Then when he passed the corner of a street, the fog in front of him dispersed, revealing a fierce scene of group fighting.

More than a dozen Orc monsters are being besieged by dozens of ghosts. The two sides have to fight each other.

But after noticing the appearance of rolle, the two sides of the hot fight stopped at the same time, Qi Qi turned his head and looked at the uninvited guest, then made all kinds of harsh noises and rushed towards rolle.

Really hospitable, Rolle called the good guy.

Then he flicked his right hand on the handle of the sword.

With the flash of sword light, the street became quiet.

The dozens of orcs turned back into human shapes and sank to the surface. There were a series of sighs in Rolle's ears, including men and women. It sounded as if they were playing a small film.

With the disappearance of those ghosts, the fog on the whole street dissipated. Rolle could see through the whole street at a glance. Even if he went far, the fog would not gather again.

This should indicate that the street has been cleared.

"It seems that this method is effective, but..."

"This city is too big. How can I be busy alone?"

Lol whispered and looked up at the buildings in the distance covered by fog.

In the family swordsmanship, there is no move that can cover the whole city, so we can only clean it up bit by bit.

"Besides, where is my daughter? Where should I find her?"

Rolle was a little worried. He couldn't help but habitually stretched out his hand and took out his shirt pocket. As a result, he felt empty.

The little milk cat had been shrinking in his pocket before. As a result, he didn't enter the dream city with him. Without maode map navigation, he was a little guilty.

At this time, he can only continue to go by feeling.

There are three buildings in the fog that look unusually tall and quite majestic, which should correspond to the three landmark buildings in the imperial capital in reality.

One is the truth tower of the Scholars Association, the other is the sky city where the royal family and Parliament are located, and the other is the imperial capital bell tower.

He has never visited any of the other two places except the bell tower, which rolle visited once.

Now, naturally, it's not the time for sightseeing. He can't tell which is which, so he can only move in one direction by feeling.

Along the way, he cleaned up hundreds of monsters, and then arrived at a place like a street park.

Here, he found a different elite monster.

It is still the image of an orc, but it should be a woman. She is much thinner and has no hair on her face. Instead, she shows a beautiful and lovely face and a pair of long ears on her head.

Is it still a beautiful girl?

But I always think it looks familiar?

The elite monster is facing the siege of more than a dozen ordinary orcs and ghosts at the same time. Although she is very flexible, she moves around in the strange group like a dancing butterfly. She is not only unhurt, but also very eye-catching.

But she seems to lack the means of output. She can only kick people with her feet in white silk stockings or hit them with her head, which can not cause effective killing. Therefore, she tossed there for a long time, which not only failed to break through, but attracted more monsters and sank deeper and deeper.

It seems that this elite monster is from another camp? Very agile. It's the type that's not easy to deal with.

Let's use upanishadism to solve her!

Raul muttered in his heart and gradually approached the street park.

The three sides in the scuffle noticed his appearance at the same time, and then ran towards him together.

The beautiful girl with long ears ran the fastest, as if she was going to take one of Rolle's blood.

However, her beautiful face did not show a ferocious and bloodthirsty expression, but a pitiful face and tears in the corners of her eyes. It was not like attacking rolle, but more like asking for help.

Rolle originally planned to launch the fastest aoyi III and poke the fastest guy right.

But when the other party got closer, he hesitated again.

Because he saw a cartoon carrot hairpin pinned to the long pink hair of the elite monster.

He was a little impressed by the hairpin and recalled why he thought it looked familiar.

On the way from the doctor's airship, he dreamed of the girl when he slept. At that time, he grabbed the ear on her head and asked her whether she was a rabbit or a donkey.

As a result, he didn't wait for the other party to answer, the airship had an accident, and this strange dream was forgotten by him.

I should be able to ask this question clearly today.

So he let go of the elite monster for the time being, took a few swords and solved the orcs and ghosts behind him first.

As a result, the elite monster of the beautiful girl's appearance seemed to have failed to understand the situation. She actually pushed an inch into Rawl's arms and rubbed her cheeks on his chest, like a kitten.

It's a little coquettish.

As a result, Rolle grabbed the ear on her head and asked fiercely:

"Are you a rabbit or a donkey?"

The beautiful girl's red eyes showed wronged eyes, and her thin pale pink lips quickly opened and closed, but she couldn't make any sound.

"I can't hear! I can't hear at all!"

Rolle replied a little impatiently.

The beautiful girl was very worried. She quickly picked up a small cloth bag hanging around her waist with her small hand with white silk gloves and made a gesture in front of Rolle.

Rolle couldn't help but be stunned. He looked familiar with this little cloth bag, much like the one hanging on the belly of his little donkey.

The beautiful girl then took out a carrot from her small cloth bag, stuffed it into her cherry mouth and chewed it slowly.

"Eh?! are you a little donkey?!"

Rolle almost jumped up.

The beautiful girl immediately showed a happy expression, nodded hard, took the carrot out of her mouth, pushed her legs in white silk stockings, put her hands around Rolle's neck, then stretched out her pink tongue and licked Rolle's face.

This is often the case when the little donkey interacts with rolle. Rolle doesn't feel anything.

But now after becoming a beautiful girl, I feel something is wrong

Rolle quickly grabbed her ear, took her off her body, and then fiercely scolded:

"You can't be like this now! If you are seen by others, you will be misunderstood!"

"And why don't you wear shoes?"

Lol looked down again at her little feet in white silk stockings, and up there were a pair of slender, straight and slender legs and a short pleated skirt.

"Who did you learn to wear such a short skirt from?"

The little donkey bowed his head wrongfully and looked like he was going to cry.

She usually has a circle of white fluff on the edge of her hoof. It looks lovely, like wearing a pair of white gloves.

So after becoming human, nature is dressed like this.

As for short skirts, don't all human girls like short skirts? Doesn't the host often peek at the girls' legs?

Why can't I do this?

My legs look better than theirs!

Just when the little donkey felt very wronged, Rolle reached out and rubbed her head and comforted:

"Forget it, it's a strange dream. You will become like this. It should also be the influence of the dream. I shouldn't scold you..."

"Tell me what happened after you came in."

As soon as the little donkey was touched by Rolle's head, his dissatisfaction disappeared. He narrowed his red eyes slightly, took the initiative to twist his head and rubbed it in Rolle's palm.

Then she waved her hands and described what had happened to rolle in body language.

First she put her hands together, put them on the edge of her cheeks, tilted her head and closed her eyes to show that she was asleep.

Then he made a cat claw shape with both hands and waved it indiscriminately in front of his chest. His face showed a fierce expression, indicating that he was attacked by the monster.

Finally, she got into Rolle's arms again and put her hands around Rolle's waist to show that she was saved by rolle.

Basically no special experience

"It's OK. It's OK."

"Now, let's hurry to find Kerry. I don't know where she is and whether there will be any danger."

Rolle didn't get any useful information, so he had to say reluctantly.

The little donkey nodded again and again, then stood next to rolle, took the initiative to hold Rolle's arm and showed great intimacy.

This is a move that neither Jenna nor Orianna dare to make, not even Kelly.

It's not that my daughter can't hold my father's arm, simply because she is too short to reach

Rolle didn't say anything, but comforted softly:

"Don't be afraid. You'll be fine with me."

The little donkey's face was full of happiness.

If she wasn't afraid of being pulled, she must have jumped up and licked Rolle's cheek again.

Rolle had a companion, continued to clean up two blocks, and then came to a place that should be a tram stop.

Here, they met another elite monster.

It looked like a little tiger. The hair of the whole body exploded. It kept meowing and meowing. It was confronting several ghosts and looking at the fierce milk.

Ror subconsciously wanted to release the sword Qi, and a wave of AOE took all the monsters away.

But the little donkey quickly put his arm around him, shook his head, then ran quickly and picked up the little tiger.

As soon as the little tiger saw the little donkey, he was so happy that he meowed and licked and rubbed in her arms.

Then he saw rolle behind the little donkey, became happier and waved his furry paws.

At this time, those ghosts were not idle and rushed together.

The little donkey didn't care at all. He looked back calmly and showed his back to the monster generously.

Just as these ghosts raised their bones and claws, they were split in two by a sword light from the middle, and then disappeared.

It's so reassuring to follow the master.


Alas... The list is still too short

Wait a little longer

I went to buy a Kerry's initial number. It's very cute. It's really cute!