Whether the imperial records, the confessions of relatives and related personnel, or various rumors, can prove that the miraculous illusionist trenwell has been dead for more than 200 years. Now his tombstone and memorial can be found in his hometown.

But a demigod said in a very determined tone that he was still alive

This is not impossible. After all, he is the top illusionist in history. It is not impossible to create the illusion of his own death and deceive everyone.

But how did he live to this day? Why do you want to hide your name? Now why do you want to erase a mountain for no reason?

Everyone present focused on the ancient chronicler and looked forward to his answer.

"In the air, I feel the residual fluctuation of illusion and the distorted aftertaste..."

The light green demigod said slowly, with a particularly serious tone.

The honor witness next to him added:

"He has been exposed to 'distortion', which shows that he has successfully promoted to demigod. Although he doesn't know how he passed the ceremony and can hide people's eyes and ears, it's reasonable to live to this day."

Although the demigods in active service in the Empire did not live as long as more than 300 years old, considering that they slept most of the time, it is not impossible in theory to live to this age.

"In addition, I saw traces of sacred object 1-000."

The paleontologist followed.

Several saints on one side could not help but be slightly surprised.

They have all heard of this holy object No. 1-001. From the number, we can see that although it is still the category of level 1 artifact holy object, the number in the first place is enough to show that this holy object is infinitely close to level 0 regular holy object.

But they don't know what kind of power this holy thing has, what kind of price it has to perform, or even what its shape looks like. From the perspective of confidentiality, scholars seem to have treated it with the standard of rule holy things.

"Why hasn't there been any news that such a powerful holy thing has been used?"

The nearby mystical Saint asked eagerly.

"Because this sacred object was not in the hands of the scholars' Association, they just made a record and gave the corresponding number, and then disappeared with trenwell's' death '..."

"Afterwards, they thought that this sacred thing had been destroyed by trenwell himself, so they sealed up this ancient history."

"Scholars 300 years ago were far less powerful than they are today. The binding force on the top strong was seriously insufficient, and naturally they could not recover this sacred thing. I think trenwell could deceive everyone through a perfect fake death, which is also related to this."

The two demigods answered each other's questions together.

Hearing this statement, several saints present couldn't help feeling a chill behind their backs and numbness on their scalp.

Let a demigod who broke away from the official constraints master a powerful weapon of an almost regular holy thing, and this demigod has lived for 300 years and has awakened recently

This is equivalent to tying the whole empire and even the whole world to a huge remote-controlled bomb. The controller is also held in a hand that may fall into madness at any time. Moreover, this man is also very powerful and very good at hiding himself

The seriousness of the situation is no less than that of case No. 12, which has not been investigated in detail before, that is, the arrival of evil gods.

From this point of view, Orianna's previous hope that nothing would happen has come to naught.

That is to say, the two demigods seem calm when they are separated. Of course, maybe their noumenon is actually very flustered, but they can't see it when they are separated.

"I'll try to divine his position."

The ancient chronicler suddenly said.

"No! No, it's too dangerous! The existence of such a high position as divination is very dangerous, not to mention that the other party is famous for being cunning and twisted."

"We can't lose a demigod at this juncture, let alone face two demigod enemies at the same time."

The honor witness quickly objected.

High end divination skills, especially if the object is still high, are not as simple and safe as a baby cat throwing branches, which is full of all kinds of unpredictable dangers.

It's ok if the other party remains sober and rational, but if the other party has fallen, it is likely to cause serious spiritual pollution to the diviner, leading to chaos and degeneration.

"I also understand the danger, but if I don't do it and no one else can do it, and let him go unpunished, the Empire will be in greater danger than losing me."

"Trenwell lives longer than us. No one knows how long he can last..."

But the ancient chronicler said stubbornly that there was no fear in his words, and he was not afraid of the terrible consequences. He was still very calm and had a taste of determination.

He is not an ordinary twisted demigod, or a demigod of the twisted way, but a rare mysterious demigod.

The road after reaching the demigod is not fixed. There are still other route choices, such as element system, present system, mystery system, pain system, etc. there are many routes that have been lost and exist only in historical records.

However, the twist system is generally considered to be the easiest route to succeed, the best to master and the best to control. The route with the strongest theoretical combat power is superior to other routes in all aspects, and has become the symbolic ability of the demigod.

However, like the mysterious system, it gave up the terrorist power of distorting reality and chose to specialize in divination, prophecy and magic. Although its combat power is much weaker, its functionality is irreplaceable by the common distortion system.

What he said before about "seeing" no danger and "seeing" No. 1-000 holy objects do not refer to what is seen by the naked eye, but what is perceived by his ability.

He even "saw" that a large number of people were mobilized to come.

But these things are safer than divining trenwell's position.

To find a demigod who is good at magic and has the ability to distort reality, only a mysterious demigod like him can do divination.

However, divination must take great risks, but the mysterious demigods are very rare, which makes the situation fall into an embarrassing contradiction.

"In fact, we can try to use a level 0 holy thing. There should be types that can deal with this situation."

The honor recorder continues to advise.

"Such a price is not necessarily greater than my fall..."

The paleontologist shook his head.

"At least, let me try. I have lived long enough. Please allow me to be free with glory."

"I have informed the scholars' Association, and they have agreed."

The honor witness hesitated for a moment, finally nodded, bowed slightly to each other and said:

"Well, please allow me to witness this scene and fight side by side with you, which makes me feel honored."

"It's my pleasure, too."

The other replied.

The saints present could also foresee the next thing. They bowed to the part of the ancient chronicler, then summoned their part again and picked up the weapons and sacred objects in their hands.

If there is any accident next and there are signs of degeneration and Madness on the ancient chroniclers, they will not hesitate to solve this great danger.

Olliana was shocked speechless by the seemingly calm but actually tragic scene in front of her.

As the youngest saint of the Empire, she can predict something in the future, but it is far less shocking than what she saw with her own eyes.

Really, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility

She once had the wild hope of being promoted to demigod, but now the idea has wavered.

In contrast, it's better to be a physical education teacher. Find a reliable and honest man to marry and have a lovely daughter like Cori.

In this way, I'm afraid the safest time in the past ten years is gone.

Orianna sighed silently in her heart, holding the hilt tightly in her hand.

The divination of the ancient recorder began quietly.

There are no gorgeous visual effects, and semi divine strong people will not waste their power on these things.

There are no specific rituals and actions. His separation is just floating in the air and motionless. Obviously, this important thing must be completed by the body. The separation is only used as a device for collecting information, which is equivalent to a remote camera.

But they still felt an unspeakable mysterious wave emanating from his body.

That wave is quite deep and has some magical temptation. Even the determined saint can't help but want to stretch out his perception to touch it.

It seems that through it, you can go back to the past and have a rebirth. I am xxx series.

Fortunately, the honor witness opened his mouth in time to remind:

"Stop feeling and don't touch his fluctuations. It's very dangerous and will sink your consciousness forever."

When he spoke, he used some power to distort the reality, so that the saints in the presence woke up in an instant, and instantly dispelled his covet for the fluctuation.

"I saw... I saw... He... Doesn't seem to have fallen yet..."

"It should be... Safe. He hasn't... Noticed me yet. I can... Go deeper..."

The ancient recorder murmured in a low voice, with some intermittent sounds, as if the signal was not very good.

The crowd could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, it was not the worst situation.

Everyone continued to wait for further divination results.

"I saw it again..."

"Stick... Thick... Golden... Full... Particles..."

"Seems... Sweet?"

"What is this...?"

The ancient recorder continued to whisper some inexplicable words, as if describing something?

What magic or terrible thing could this be?


Here is a new list:

Thanks to adgersh. It's hard to name and always repeat * 2. Don't shoot. I've raised my hand, Muyi ink shadow, heart to heart, netizens, Japanese names that can't be called, missisq4ever's generous rewards!