Rolle rode the little bear back to the village, and then let the little donkey take the little bear and the baby cat to play.

"Remember not to eat the neighbor's crops. Pick me some sweethearts."

He specially warned.

The little donkey nodded.

The baby cat and the little bear showed a pair of speechless eyes.

Then, Rolle turned out a short wooden sword from the basement of his home and planned to practice the sword at will and keep it in shape.

Speaking of this wooden sword, she used it when she was very young to practice basic fencing, but it didn't take long. She changed it into an iron sword with a sheath when she was about 7 years old.

The wooden sword has no scabbard, so it can't show its sword spirit. Rolle can only dance two sets at will. The action is very slow, like doing old-age radio gymnastics.

After moving freely, he took another book that had not been swallowed by his left hand, lay down on the bench and read it.

This is a book explaining the "third civil war". The war took place more than 300 years ago. It is considered to be the most tragic, longest and crucial battle between the Empire and the barbarians.

Both sides have invested nearly ten million combat power and fought for five years. Both sides have suffered heavy losses. Five level 10 demigods have fallen, and the following saints and legends have suffered heavy casualties.

Finally, the Empire won the most crucial decisive battle and wiped out the enemy's main force with its advantages in extraordinary fields.

It was also through this battle that the Empire established its strong position among several major forces.

A illusionist named trenwell was particularly active in this battle. He repeatedly used illusions to interfere with the judgment of the main force of the barbarians, allowing the Empire to complete the encirclement that was theoretically impossible.

Later, he was crowned with the top title of "miracle illusionist" and became famous all over the world.

"The magician of miracles sounds fascinating. I don't know what level his magic can reach? Confuse the false with the true? Or is it like the one in eye hegemony that makes people never wake up?"

Raul murmured, looking forward to this great hero in history.

"But these are people 300 years ago. Now I'm afraid the ashes have melted?"

He smiled again and looked up at the sky. It was almost noon.

Then he went to the entrance of the village and saw that the reserved game had not been brought.

"This bear express is not very good?"

He murmured, ran to find the fat man and asked him how a bear should eat better?

At this time, the little bear was having a good time in the village. The little donkey generously gave him a carrot, and then told him what he had seen outside.

The little milk cat stood on the little donkey's head and danced for a while. She used body language to describe the situation at that time. How wonderful and dangerous it was, and how intelligent she and the little donkey were to deal with that situation.

With big round eyes, the little bear was stunned. He forgot to chew the carrots.

There were chickens and ducks raised by other villagers, rhubarb dogs, old sows and so on. They all surrounded the little donkey and listened very carefully. They also made several excited calls from time to time, like cheering.

The story didn't come to an end until the bear father and mother rushed to the village with rabbits, pheasants, honey, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and other game in their mouths before the meal.

But the little bear's playfulness is a little heavy. Obviously, he hears his parents roaring at the entrance of the village, but he still refuses to go.

Obviously I want to spend more time with this beautiful donkey sister.

"You're here at last? Just in time. If you're late, your son will be gone!"

"But it doesn't seem to go. Come in and call it yourself."

With a lot of fresh game in his arms, he said to the father and mother of the bear who were still anxiously wandering at the entrance of the village.

Father Bear hesitated for a while before he summoned up his courage and carefully slipped into the village. He just saw his son bumping his ass behind the little donkey, like a licking dog.

It ran over unhappily, slapped his son on the head, and then dragged it away.

As a result, the little bear waved his paw reluctantly and said to play again in two days.


While rolle was enjoying a leisurely life in the mountain village and temporarily left behind the lack of a piece on the mountain, several airships were floating in the sky and flying towards the mountain.

In front of the airbags of these airships, there is a huge secret arts array, and there are devices like flame throwers at the tail to spit out flames.

The combination of extraordinary power and magic guide technology makes the flight speed of these giants several times faster than that of rolle, which is close to the speed of helicopters on earth.

In the following pods, a total of more than 800 well-equipped elite soldiers, hundreds of ordinary extraordinary people, 20 eighth order legends and five ninth order saints were loaded.

And the separation of the two demigods

Such a lineup is simply luxurious enough to easily destroy a small country like the Principality of Maud.

Obviously, they didn't come for an outing. There was a serious and slightly anxious look on each face, even a little nervous.

Elena, the saint of inflammation, is also one of the PE teachers.

Oh... Really, I made an appointment to have lunch with my little Cori, but I actually met this kind of trouble.

In the middle of the night last night, the scholars knocked on her door like a reminder, forcibly woke her up, and conveyed the highest emergency assembly order, indicating that the Empire had entered the highest level of war preparedness.

Even in the war with barbarians, the Empire has only entered the second level war readiness state

On the other hand, for ordinary people, first-class war preparedness is like nothing happened. There is no national mobilization and no evacuation. Even the headlines of all newspapers publish entertainment news about singing and dancing, living and working in peace and contentment.

Because there is no need

Orianna has met this highest level of combat readiness twice. The last time was 18 years ago, the year she was just promoted to Saint.

At that time, it also caused a burst of tension at the top of the Empire and urgently awakened several demigods. However, in the end, it was just a false alarm. The worst thing I feared did not happen.

I hope so today?

The secret skills of the two demigods floated in the command room of the airship, staring at the mountain in the distance.

Their split body is also wearing armor, only the upper body without the lower body, which looks no different from the saint level split body.

Because the separation is always floating, and the legs are just decoration, the big people on it still understand.

But obviously, their noumenon must stay in the truth tower of the imperial scholars' Association. It is obviously impossible for the saints to control their separation from a distance.