The carriage drove slowly through the city gate. Facing it was a row of gallows, on which hung several corpses, some of them even with incomplete limbs, with a wooden card with a crime written on their chest.

Rolle also did not expect that such a primitive, barbaric and cruel "tradition" would still be maintained here. He could not help frowning and whispering:

"Are these people from the resistance?"


Jeanne shook her head and explained:

"They are just civilians who can't afford to pay taxes..."

"For the present principality, resistance organizations are nothing. Only non payment of taxes is a capital crime."

Luo Er was a little stunned. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

"Do you want to get out of the car for a walk? Can I show you the real principality of Maud?"

Jeanne followed the proposal.

Rolle hesitated and nodded.

So they jumped out of the carriage and walked side by side in the street.

Compared with the sweet frost City, the area of Gaoshan castle is much larger and there are many more people on the street, but most of them are skinny, ragged and dirty. They can't tell whether they are refugees or not.

There were few shops on the street. Most people squatted on the street at will with numbness in their eyes and silently looked at rolle and Jeanne.

Some people threw greedy eyes at Jeanne, but after seeing rolle nearby, they quickly turned away and whispered a few dirty words.

Sewage and all kinds of garbage flow across the street, full of a disgusting smell.

Some skinny children deliberately bumped into rolle and wanted to take the opportunity to touch the money in his pocket.

Rolle dodged quickly and let him pass.

Before they walked out of the street, they met five "small" thieves who touched porcelain in the map.

One of them was unlucky. He was just seen by a patrolling soldier. He flew up and stole the "little" into the nearby garbage pile. He turned back and showed a flattering smile to rolle and muttered something.

"He said, you can hire him as a guard, so that no one in the city dares to harass you."

Jeanne translated nearby.

"Refuse for me."

Rolle replied.

Jean Na said a few words to the soldier in local dialect. The other party didn't show any dissatisfaction. Instead, she bowed respectfully and let him go aside.

"You may not believe that this is the second largest city in the whole fertile valley."

Jeanne, as a guest guide, continued to introduce:

"It was once prosperous and brilliant. It is a beautiful place everyone yearned for, but now it is not as good as the sweet frost town in those days..."

Rolle originally thought that the sweet cream city was bad enough and backward, but at least it was relatively clean and tidy on the whole. There were normal shops on the street, schools to provide education, public security was also good, and there were no such private soldiers on the street.

Unexpectedly, this so-called second largest city is so unbearable.

They then strolled a street and happened to witness a case of wounding people by riding a horse.

The rider was a well-dressed fat man. What was knocked down was a middle-aged woman carrying sacks. She was like a porter. She was lying on the ground, coughing blood and was obviously hurt to her internal organs.

Soon there were soldiers on patrol, but instead of arresting the murderer, they roughly kicked the woman and told her to get away quickly and don't occupy the road.

The woman got up trembling, coughing violently and dragging the sack stained with blood on the ground.

The fat man rode his horse and left arrogantly under the escort of the soldiers.

"That man is from the United Kingdom."

Jeanne said again.

Rolle took a deep breath, calmed his mood, and asked:

"Is the Principality of Maud a member of the United Kingdom? Is that how they treat you?"

Jeanne smiled bitterly, shook her head and explained:

"You should also know that the fertile valley was a vassal of the alien alliance hundreds of years ago. When the alien was driven out of the mainland and retreated back to the North Sea Islands, it was ceded to the United Kingdom and the present principality of Maud was established."

"So we are just incidental booty. In the eyes of the United Kingdom, we are no different from animals and objects."

Rolle couldn't help sighing in a low voice, deeply sympathizing with it.

Can only show sympathy.

If the geographical location here is not so sensitive, if the Empire and barbarians are not so strong, and if people in the world are more peace loving, the fate of the fertile valley may not be so tragic.

Unfortunately, this place is so unfortunate that it seems to be cursed by an evil god.

The situation here can no longer be saved by a person or an organization. I'm afraid only God can do it.

However, in this world, there are no good gods, only evil gods

They continued to stroll for a while. Suddenly, they heard a series of screams and cries from a nearby alley.

They hurried over and saw a bent middle-aged man holding a few-year-old girl, enduring the punches and kicks of several soldiers, pleading in his mouth.

The little girl trembled and cried, and her voice was a little hoarse.

There were some onlookers nearby, but no one went up to help and dissuade. Everyone had that kind of insensitive expression on his face. What's more, there was a sneer of schadenfreude around his mouth.

"If he can't afford to pay taxes, these people will take his daughter."

Jeanne translated in a low voice.

Rolle clenched his fist slightly

"Let them stop."

Rolle said quickly.

Jenna stepped forward and drank a few words.

The soldiers looked back one after another. When they saw rolle, they stopped even though their faces showed an unhappy expression.

Rolle took a 10 eastnote from his pocket and asked:

"Is that enough?"

Jeanne nodded.

He threw the money in front of the soldiers.

The other party quickly picked it up. The original unhappiness instantly turned into a smile. He said some flattering words he didn't understand. He nodded and bowed while leaving the alley.

"You can't help them like this..."

Jeanne whispered a reminder.

Rolle shrugged and sighed:

"But that's all I can do."

After all, he could not be really indifferent and numb, and turned a blind eye to all the tragedies in front of him.

The guide Zaza ran over quickly, helped the poor father up, and hurried back to rolle.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. rolle, but we'd better leave now, or we'll have more trouble soon."

Of course, Rolle knew what the bigger trouble was. He nodded and left the alley quickly.

This place can't bear even a little kindness.

Behind him, the father and daughter were kneeling on the ground and worshipping him deeply.