As she spoke, Orianna came out of the bathroom. She was only wearing a translucent Tulle bathrobe. Her slim and hot curve was looming, and her wheat skin was hanging a little water droplets, revealing a little light pink.

Anyway, it's beautiful! Good lick!

With bare feet, Orianna walked behind Kerry, piled the weight on her head, and continued:

"At this time, don't write, lest Mr. rolle be involved."

Then she raised her pointed chin at the wooden man and signaled her to stay away.

The wooden man seemed to have no temper at all. He really stepped back to keep a distance convenient for monitoring and eavesdropping.

"Teacher, how long will it take to leave here?"

Kerry shook her head and threw off the burden.

Orianna smiled, went to the side, began to dress, and continued:

"This matter should come to an end soon... In other words, isn't it good to be with me? But I still want to stay with little Kelly for a while."

After getting along with Cori during this time, she found that the star sword Ji was far more lovely and pleasing than her appearance. She was obedient, sensible, polite, considerate of others, and always maintained simplicity and kindness.

Olliana felt that if she wanted children in the future, she'd better be a daughter like Kerry.

So these days, after contact, she also carefully taught Cori all kinds of knowledge, helped her make up lessons in many aspects, and tried to ensure that she would not show any tricks and flaws in front of Rolle in the future.

After class, she often teased the little guy.

"Little Cory, will you be my daughter?"

"Cory, do you think I can be your mother?"

"Eh? So Keli doesn't like me? Woo woo, I'm so sad..."

Although she made it clear that she would always be Rolle's daughter, Orianna didn't seem to want to give up.

This child is really the most beautiful and potential gem and jade in the world.

The most valuable and surprising thing is that Kerry is an extraordinary person outside the system!

She only accepted the enlightenment and opened the perception at the scholar's Association, but she has not accepted the extraordinary system of the scholar's Association and has not held the sacred objects provided by them for the time being.

This means that she is an extraordinary person outside the control of the academic society, and has been very strong. She also has amazing talent and has a lot of room for progress. It is only a matter of time for her to be promoted to the saint.

Orianna even believes that she has the possibility of surpassing the ten order shackles and reaching a higher level!

A super genius with unlimited possibilities outside the system

Orianna knows what this means. She has begun to doubt that this bombing will be handled in this way, which may be related to this.

She had a simple communication with the housekeeper who sent daily necessities, which confirmed this conjecture from the side.

At that time, the housekeeper turned his back to the wooden man's sight and shared some information with Orianna in sign language, mainly related to Kerry.

Only then did Orianna know that the first time she appeared in the public's view was to save Princess Anya, the daughter of the Lord Protector, and use this as a link to establish contact with the Lord Protector.

Later, he became active in the defense war of Qingquan city and captured the very important "0" experimental body alive, which was appreciated by the scholars' Association. He was certified as an eighth level strong man and quickly became the name of Xingchen Jianji.

Then the Lord Protector provided her with an opportunity to go to Newlin to accumulate her qualifications and meet herself. But once back in the imperial capital, she was immediately involved in the bombing and has been monitored so far

This process, chewed carefully, is full of the stench of political struggle.

Lord Protector, this is going to compete with scholars, and the winner's reward is likely to be this super genius

And I, the saint of inflammation, is only a foil

Ariana felt sick and angry.

The housekeeper then provided oreana with the latest information and her corresponding analysis:

A super swordsman who didn't want to be named has come to the imperial capital. His purpose is unknown, but he probably came for the bombing

The shadow of the super strong can be vaguely seen in the whole process of Kerry's rise.

Let such a powerful and ignorant Cori come out alone and appropriately save Anya.

Newlin had a slight accident and was easily solved by him immediately.

As soon as the explosion occurred, he immediately arrived in the capital and tried to participate in it.

The housekeeper believes that this is certainly not a coincidence, but a wonderful idea, obscure writing, in place, appropriate layout, magical means and exquisite placement.

The Lord Protector, the scholars' Association, even Orianna, and himself are already in the Bureau.

The deep meaning and purpose behind this make people dare not associate.

The super strong man is not only powerful, but also amazed and admired by his mind and strategy. Just thinking about it, he will tremble all over.

The housekeeper didn't report the matter to the Duke of national protection for the time being. He didn't even know whether to report it or not, so he inquired about Ariana's views in sign language.

Olliana was stunned by him. She thought it was too outrageous, but it seemed that it was reasonable?

After a brief contact with rolle, she felt that although his strength was unfathomable, he didn't seem to be the type with deep mind and good calculation, and even very attractive and charming

But men's mouths are deceptive ghosts. These are probably appearances.

After some consideration, Orianna changed her position with the housekeeper, turned her back to the wooden man and gave her own suggestions in sign language.

She still suggested that the Housekeeper should not rush to report the matter to the Lord Protector, but at least collect clear evidence or come up with more reasonable inferences.

She does not belong to either side of the protectorate and the scholars' Association, but has her own family and has a higher preference for rolle and her daughter, which will naturally give consideration to favoring her father and daughter.

"Be sure to keep it a secret!"

Olliana finally said in sign language.

Naturally, the housekeeper nodded and left.

Orianna continued to pretend that nothing had happened and continued her routine teaching with Cori.

However, although Cori has great respect for Orianna, she is always less close, and even refuses to take a bath with her.

In her heart, she always felt that the holy teacher had some thoughts about herself other than teachers and students, and even her father!

She probably really wants to be her mother!

But this is absolutely impossible!

Kerry swore in her heart:

Even if I starve to death, I will always be my father's daughter!