Chapter 33:The Small Gremlin Knows How to Fish

Li Hanqiang had just asked the question casually, not expecting the Green Gremlin to nod and arch his hand: "Yes, just give me a fishing rod!"

"Huh?" Li Hanqiang was stunned. Could this really work?

An idea suddenly came to his mind and he quickly led the Green Gremlin out of the Dwelling Cave in Gremlin's Mountain and to the Blue Ripple Pond. He pointed to a pavilion and said to it, "Go, go fish!" 

The Green Gremlin somersaulted forward. When it reached the pavilion, it swung the fishing rod around and really started to fish.

Li Hanqiang stared in amazement. After some time, the Green Gremlin kept the fishing rod. It had actually caught a Green Carp!

"F*cking awesome, he has actually succeeded!"

Li Hanqiang could not help but shout out. He felt as if he had discovered a new land. The little gremlin could fish, so would that not help him to 'fly'?

After instructing the Green Gremlin in front of him to continue fishing where he stood, Li Hanqiang used the Small Chaotic Bottle to inject Chaotic Energy into the Chaos' Core. He then quickly ran back to the Dwelling Cave in Gremlin's Mountain and used 50 Chaotic Energy to recruit another 50 little gremlins. Among them, there were 25 Green Gremlins and 25 Red Gremlins.

The Red Gremlins and Green Gremlins were ordinary little gremlins that could be randomly recruited. They looked very similar, with their only difference being that Green Gremlins had a full head of green hair while Red Gremlins had red hair. Besides that, the Green Gremlins could be transformed into 'Little Drill Gremlins' after they underwent 'arduous training' while the Red Gremlins would be transformed into 'Little Thunder Gremlins'!

After the little gremlins were recruited, Li Hanqiang did not care about anything else. He immediately took the nine little gremlins to the Blue Ripple Pond so that they could start fishing. He then returned to the Dwelling Cave in Gremlin's Mountain and led the remaining 41 little gremlins to continue exploring.

Although the Dwelling Cave in Gremlin's Mountain occupied a ten-mile perimeter of land, most of that land was filled with forests and mountains. There was much to be explored. Under the guidance of the system, Li Hanqiang easily found six small Space-Time Wormholes at the back of the mountain. They were the entrances to the Gremlin Mountain Mine, Gremlin Mountain Workshop, Gremlin Mountain Lumber Yard, Gremlin Mountain Herbs Garden, Gremlin Mountain Farm, and the Robbery Passage.

Gremlin Mountain Mine: Send the little gremlins to the mines to mine ore. Currently 0/5 have been dispatched. 

Description: Ore is a very important resource.

Gremlin Mountain Herbs Garden: Send the little gremlins to Gremlin Mountain Medicine Farm to plant herbs. Currently 0/5 have been dispatched. 

Description: Herbal medicine is also a very important resource.

Gremlin Mountain Farm: Send the little gremlins to the farm to reclaim wasteland. Currently 0/5 have been dispatched. 

Description: Reclamation of wasteland can help to increase the maximum number of little gremlins.

Gremlin Mountain Lumberyard: Send the little gremlins to the lumberyard for logging. Currently 0/5 have been dispatched. 

Description: Wood is also a very important resource and is inseparable from various constructions.

Gremlin Mountain Workshop: Send the little gremlins to the workshop to develop technology. 

Description: The Gremlin Mountain Technology is of paramount importance so one must expand the scientific research team as much as possible.

Robbery channel: Lead the little gremlins to rob a random clone. There are the options of making a ten gremlin team, a hundred gremlin team, a thousand gremlin team, etc. (The Chaotic City Lord can personally lead the team).

Description: There is a risk of robbery, so please be cautious when opening it. Robbery is a life-or-death activity. You need to consume 10 gold coins each time you open it. If the robbery fails, the consequences will be unbearable. Lead more little gremlins or increase the level of the little gremlins to improve the success rate of the robbery. The player can explore the specifics by themselves.

Li Hanqiang sighed to himself. Game Creator Endless did not think like a normal human. He thought of the Gremlin Mountain Mine and Herbs Garden as a real mine and herbs garden, not that they would come in the form of 'clones'. He just needed to send the little gremlins into the Clone, which was an easy job to do.

Of course, apart from the 'Raid Passage', the other 'clones' were exclusive to the little gremlins and Li Hanqiang himself could not get in.

'It seems like ore, wood, and herbs are the three major resources of the Cave Dwelling in Gremlin's Mountain, which means they are extremely important. The Gremlin Mountain Workshop is also a research center. I wonder if it has Defensive Tower technology as well...'

Li Hanqiang pondered at this for a bit before sending the full amount of little gremlins to the Gremlin Mountain Mine, Gremlin Mountain Herbs Garden, Gremlin Mountain Farm, and the Gremlin Mountain Lumberyard. There was no limit to the number of little gremlins that could be sent to the Gremlin Mountain Workshop so Li Hanqiang just sent 10 of them. 

As for the clone robbery, Li Hanqiang was actually most curious about this because he could actually participate in the event. He was to be their commander and lead the little gremlins in carrying out the robberies.

This was interesting!

Li Hanqiang could only fish, build towers, and defend the city in the Chaotic City. He had been very bored, so it was not a bad thing to experience what this robbery would entail.

"Robbery, robbery, I want to go and rob someone!" He shouted with his hands on his hips. The little gremlins behind him immediately jumped up and cheered together.

Li Hanqiang looked back and his face stiffened again.

'I can only lead the little gremlin to commit robberies but what can a Level 1 little gremlin rob? They wouldn't be able to even rob Little Black Pigs!' Li Hanqiang doubted the little gremlin's Raid ability. He did not want to fail in the robbery and be beaten instead.

After giving it some consideration, Li Hanqiang could not stop his curiosity and decided to carry out the robbery.

There were currently 11 little gremlins that were free. Li Hanqiang picked one of the Green Gremlin to send to the Gremlin Mountain Workshop. The remaining five Red Gremlins and five Green Gremlins made up a ten gremlin team.

"You guys, follow me. We shall go and carry out a raid!"

Li Hanqiang shouted at them as he brought the ten gremlin team towards the [Raid Clone].

[System notification: Dear Chaotic City Lord, you have not yet reached Level 30 and your HP is only 100. You will have no self-preservation ability if you leave the Chaotic City. Are you sure you want to leave the Chaotic City?]

'Entering a Clone is even considered to be leaving the Chaotic City…'

Li Hanqiang was a little unhappy about this but chose to continue.

In the next second, the sight in front of him changed as he came to face a small patch of ruins.

[Ding, 10 gold coins consumed. You and the ten gremlin team you are leading are now in the [Raid Clone]. The current clone has been randomly constructed and the current difficulty is set at very simple. We wish you a happy raid.]

Li Hanqiang looked up, observing this small patch of ruin that looked similar to the original Chaotic City. Behind him and the ten gremlin team was the Space-Time Wormhole. It was now the exit out of the clone.

There was also a War Corridor in front and Chaotic Stone Slabs on both sides of it. However, there were no defensive towers on any of the Chaotic Stone Slabs.

At that moment, the group of little gremlins had already started to rush forward along the War Corridor. Li Hanqiang also began to use float walking.

Soon, they were at the end of the War Corridor. Instead of a Chaos' Core, there was a Gnome Stall in its place.

A Gnome Peddler with sharp ears, a sharp nose and green skin appeared from the stall. It was extremely ugly-looking and was about 1 meter in height, making it half a head shorter than the little gremlin with the words 'Gnome Peddler Bing Jiujiu' on its head. It was only at Level 3, had 300 HP, and was undoubtedly a target of the raid.

The Gnome Bing Jiujiu yelled in surprise when it saw Li Hanqiang and the group of little gremlins. It quickly closed the booth, looking as if it wanted to run away.

Li Hanqiang smiled, pointing to the Gnome Bing Jiujiu and said, "You guys, time to start work!"

The group of little gremlins immediately rushed up, surrounding peddler Bing Jiujiu as they began to punch and kick him. Those that could not hit him started to pile up and perform somersault at the side as they cheered.

However, the attack power of these little gremlins was really terrible. They could not even get 1 point of damage even with two or three attacks. Despite this fierce operation, the gnome Bing Jiujiu had not lost 50 HP even after a long time.

However, the gnome Bing Jiujiu was a coward and he did not fight back. He only cared about packing his goods in a bag and running away.

The ten little gremlins were not able to stop peddler Bing Jiujiu from escaping. They chased him as far as they could, but he still managed to run into a Space-Time Wormhole in the rear and disappear.

Despite that, the gnome peddler Bing Jiujiu had left a wheelbarrow behind that was now being surrounded by the group of little gremlins.

In this case, having read the raw multiple times, the Translator thinks the author refers to an 'instance' in a game sense. It is unclear why the author uses the term 'clone' or 'copy' instead. For the sake of faithfulness to the author's work in the raw, the Translator has decided to stick to 'Clone'.