On his face, which had not yet completely disappeared, a stiff smile burst out and said:

"yes, little brother, you don't know, this little girl is deliberately seducing our team leader, but the men behind him do not agree. Our team leader is also worried that the little lady will be wronged in this group of men, so he will take her over. Who knows, these guys are going to fight with our team leader.

Their useless team leader was so careless that he used only three moves, which we all saw with our own eyes. Besides, they've just taken revenge. Well, you'll join us. "

Listening to this, Li Tian's mouth moved slightly, and he could not see the joy and anger in his heart.

When Hu Li and others heard this, Mao er was suddenly blown up. Such a statement is simply to confuse black and white, and to make a strong argument.

"You guys, what are you talking about? You Do not deceive people too much. "

Lu Song, who had a sickly but stubborn face, was so angry that he hit his teeth straight and said in a sharp voice.

However, the soldier of the Yongshi mercenary regiment did not pay any attention to the reaction of the tiger mercenary regiment at this time, and said with a strange smile:

"I said this young man, have you considered it clearly? If you agree to join our brave lion mercenary group, our captain is dead anyway. You are our leader.

Let me tell you the truth. This time we come out, we are led by the team leader himself. There are more than 300 people under one team of Shi Yong. If you like, your mercenary Corps will be more than 300 teams in a moment. "

Li Tian listens to these words. To be honest, he is certainly excited, but he is not a Li Tian. Such a team is just a temporary plot to protect their lives.

The brave lion mercenary regiment, who else is there? If Shi Yong's father was still alive and killed his son himself, wouldn't it be a trap?

Besides, he didn't care to join such a filthy team.

Li Tian glanced at each other, and the faces of the other people who had just squeezed out a little smile suddenly froze. Li Tian, instead of smiling, said:

"is that right? However, as far as I know, your Eagle mercenary regiment does not require people with high status and pure blood to join? I'm afraid I'm not qualified to be a Maoshan boy? "

Where such scum stays, Li Tianke has no interest in being a captain.

As soon as this was said, the members of the brave lion mercenary regiment shut up.

But in order to save his life at the moment, the villain still didn't give up and said:

"young man, this is an opportunity. If you are willing to kill these people, you will avenge our team leader. At that time, take their heads and go back. We brothers will give you some good words to make sure that the old leader will treat you like a son 。”


As soon as Li Hu heard this, he suddenly breathed in his nostrils, which he didn't like to hear. He angrily scolded:

"what are you doing? It's a mess. Do you want my elder brother to recognize an old man as Laozi without any reason? "

then, Li Hu said to Li Tiandao:

" brother, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense and kill them directly. Otherwise, they will be a trouble. "

Li Hu's point is reasonable. However, there are too many murders, and there are still flying eagle mercenaries behind them. Let alone whether these people should die or not, it is worth Li Tian's deep thinking to focus on the forces behind this.

For these forces, he Li Tian has never been afraid, but if this force is too vicious, it is a cancer of the whole fairyland, he Li Tian will not mind pulling out this tumor.

Li Tian's eyes dropped and said faintly:

"if you people really want to live, you don't have to say anything to me to be your team leader. If you erase the mark between your neck and the root of your ear and put it under the flag of the tiger mercenary corps, I can think about it


Those seven or eight people were suddenly dumbfounded.

This blood red mark shows the shape of a lion's head.

This is the most basic thing for a brave lion mercenary group. It is a landmark.

There are only two ways to erase the lion's head mark. One is to betray the mercenary regiment. The second is to successfully enter the upper level of mercenary regiment and replace the little lion head with the mark of flying eagle.

And these people, no doubt, will be regarded as the first by the whole mercenary regiment.

If they want to engrave the mark of the flying eagle, unless they are the descendants of the flying eagle mercenary regiment, they must see the mark of their affiliation before they can engrave that sacred and solemn mark.

It's not easy to engrave the lion's head mark for the people under the flying eagle mercenary regiment. The requirements for immortality are very high, not to mention, the lineage should be pure.

In the whole blood state, once a person has joined other mercenary regiments, he is called a person of impure blood.

If three generations of ancestors were members of this mercenary regiment, such people would be able to have such a mark at birth. Of course, there are still many such affiliated groups.Above them, there is a larger flying eagle mercenary group, which requires more stringent requirements. If all generations are members of the flying eagle mercenary corps, if they are born immortal, such a person will be the honor of the whole family and the star of the mercenary Corps.

The mercenary regiment will ask the mage to engrave a sacred mark on it when it is 100 days old.

If not, when the adult ceremony is completed, the immortal body will also let the mage concentrate on the adult etiquette and leave a mark of flying eagle collectively.

Of course, there are hundreds of vassal groups, large and small, under the flying eagle mercenary group. The ultimate goal of these vassal groups is of course to join the flying eagle mercenary group.

However, this requires each subordinate mercenary regiment to continuously complete the task. When the more tasks are completed, the league members whose strength has been upgraded to the level of true immortal can participate in the flying eagle conference.

After the assessment of the flying eagle conference, these regiments who originally had the mark of lion head or other mercenary regiment will erase the blood red mark and replace it with a glorious and sacred blood red flying eagle mark.

The rules of the river wolf mercenary corps are the same.

Every year, there is an annual meeting of the river wolf mercenary Corps. On top of the annual meeting, there will be practitioners who have made their way into the realm of true immortality. After a series of examinations, the seal of the blood wolf is engraved under the ceremony.

At present, a small mercenary will be able to enter one of the three big forces.

Therefore, this kind of mark is not only a symbol of identity, but also a symbol of status.

Li Tian put such a line in front of these people, of course, to test them. If they really want to erase the mark, then such people are no different from the waste.

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