Chapter 236 - 236: A Real, Living Doll

Halora calmed herself while Madam Sha tried her best to make her as beautiful as ever. Tonight, a precious gem who has been hiding for so long was ready to conquer the world and shock everyone with her jaw-dropping astonishing beauty.

She could feel the warm sensation caused by the chemical that was used to make her hair shining.

"Alright, we're almost done with your hair. Before you go, I'll make some changes with the color of the eyeshadow."

"Would it be fine to you, Halora?"

Halora knew nothing about beauty products and even how to wear make-ups. The only thing she could do was to nod her head and let the expert decide.

Madam Sha smiled sweetly when she looked at Halora's reflection on the mirror. She gasped as her heart melt away because of the young woman's perfect face.

She never saw a girl with such a powerful presence that buried beneath her humble smile.

"Let me spray some dry shampoo to make it more fragrant when you walk by in the center aisle."

"T- thank you so much for your kindness, but can I ask if what time is it?"

Halora was afraid that she might be late at the party. She never wanted attention, fame or even a bunch of money for a selfish ambition.

The passionate woman behind her smiled sweetly, glanced up at the wall clock. She said, "Quarter to five."

The young woman took a long sigh in relief. There was still time to prepare and thanked to Madam Sha for everything.

Right then, everything was done but she needed to fit a dress. She didn't know where to get such dress but the moment she opened her eyes, she noticed a sparkling white, long dress with a perfect slit at the left side.

To her surprise, she widened her eyes not because of her jaw-dropping makeover but because of the revealing dress hung behind her.

Without a blink of an eye, she said, "Is t-that for Jasmine?"

Surprisingly, she walked slowly closer to the dress that blew up her mind. It was a simple yet, glamorous design that captured her interest.

She lifted her arms, reached for the small details of the crystals and gems that was embroidered perfectly that formed into a dazzling white butterfly.

"I… I c-ca- can't believe it! I… I have never seen such stunning dress in my whole life!"

Aside from the gorgeous red gown she wore few days ago, this white dress with butterfly on it completely touched her soul.

How she hoped that she has everything to buy the same dress. "Jasmine will look stunning tonight, and I am happy for her."

"Of course, but won't you ask me if who will wear that gown?"

Bitterly like a brokenhearted girl, Halora shook her head, turned around and never looked at reflection. If only she has the confidence, she wouldn't completely know her name.

She weakly walked into the empty couch, sat down silently that made Madam Sha burst into laughter.

"What are you doing, Halora? Aren't you going to try it before Jasmine fit it?"

Her eyes twinkled like a bright star, pointed her lips like a wise mother that convinced her daughter to try something new unknowingly.

She waited for Halora's decision for a moment; crossed her arms, leaned back at the wall for a moment.

Until Halora turned her head and looked into her way. She seemed confused and nervous but deep inside, she badly wanted to fit it in.

However, there was a disturbing feeling that brought to her chest. Halora didn't want any misunderstanding with a girl she just knew a couple of weeks.

Deeply, she held back her breath, smiled widely. She said, "Can I wear it off right now? Would it not be an insulting matter to my friend?"

"Of course not!" replied Madam Sha. "Come with me, Halora! You're such a silly girl, if you only know about it."

Madam Sha quickly brought Halora inside of the fitting room that entirely surprised the young lady. She has no choice but to obey her orders because of free service that was being offered.

She gulped in excitement, walked back closer to the stunning white dress that has been waiting for Halora.

"If I have only the same figure, I should have wear sultry and sexy dresses like this!" she murmured and giggled adorably.

Inside of the fitting room, Halora closed her eyes and waited for the dress. Her forehead began to sweat, her palms shivered until Madam Sha entered with the dress.

Without any waste of time, she helped the young lady to wear the gown that was brought for her by a stranger. Earlier, a strange caller sent a black box and inside of it was a beautiful dress.

When the assistant stylist caught a glimpse of it, she hoped she have a special someone who would send such versace dress.

"Raise your arms and look straight."

"Do I have to wear a tube?" said Halora as she was referring the white corset.

"A tube? It's corset, and not a tube, Halora! Where have you been for so long as you don't even know about women's stuff like this?"

Halora embarrassingly blinked her eyes and swallowed greedily like a thirsty animal that has been longing for a well of cold, sweet water.

She didn't know anything about dresses but when Jasmine bought a red dress for her, her interests suddenly changed and shifted into fashions.

"Oh, that was too tight!" Halora narrowed her eyes when she felt that her entire organs were twitched up because of the corset.

It was painful but when she touched her stomach, she noticed that it was quite helpful. Her cleavage was shown, her bloated belly became too flat and her small waist flaunted effortlessly like a doll's perfect body.

"Hold your breath, one more time." spoke Madam Sha who seemed satisfied with her efforts that was put on tonight's event.

"I… I c- can't believe this all necessary, for heaven's sake!"

With a long, genuine patience, Madam Sha has finally finished the final step. And before she smiled genuinely, she fixed Halora's long, straight ginger-red hair for tonight's party.

After all, her hair would naturally come back to its original form when all the chemicals were taken off.

"Are you ready to see yourself, Halora?"

"Yes, Madam Sha! Let's do this before Jasmine see me wearing her dress!"

Both excitement and nervousness drawn on her face as she walked out from the fitting, listening to the sound of her heart.

It was one of the best moments in her life that would never be forgotten. After some quiet time of grief, Halora slowly appreciate the world's beauty despite its flaws and humans without humanity.

"You looked stunning, Halora! Why don't you wear it tonight, for sure Jasmine will understand?"

Halora shook her head in disagreement. If she would choose between the dress and the friendship that she has built with Jasmine, she would always choose the friendship.

It was maybe hard to trust people but Halora never wanted to regret in the end of the day.

She gasped, bowed down and looked into her feet for a second. "I'd rather wear a simple jeans and t-shirt if I will lose everything over a dress."

"Jasmine is too lucky to be your friend, Halora! How I wish I have the same friend as you when I was younger."

"You will meet her on the right time." Halora gave her hope that sooner or later, good people would come out and welcome lonely souls genuinely.

Right then, Halora walked closer to the life-size mirror before her eyes. She seemed nervous but slowly, she lifted her head, looking at her vibrant reflection.

A loud, intense feeling fluttered her heart as it thumped too fast. She could only hear the wind that blew inside the room and gave a cold sensation.

Ever since in her life, Halora never tried to wear heavy make-ups aside from lip balms that made her lips shining and soft.

"Take a deep breath. You will certainly ask yourself if you are truly Halora!"

Silently, she obeyed Madam Sha's advice that simply helped her to be calm and confident. The smooth texture of the dress rubbed on her skin, the smell of the dry shampoo that filled around made her the most special girl ever.

There was no time left until she fearlessly stared at the woman's reflection before her.

A deafening, silence meddled in between the moment she saw her face. It was completely a stunning transformation as she almost forgot her name.

Halora looked into the mirror without a blink of an eye. She was found speechless when she realized that a straight hair suited to the shape of her face. And the dress itself fitted on her perfect body's shape.

Suddenly, the door opened widely as Jasmine entered inside, lifted her head and saw Halora wearing the white dress.

Her eyes widened, held her breath back that shocked Halora and Madam Sha who didn't expect her arrival.

"It's not what you think, Jas!" Halora tried to clear out her name.

But Jasmine looked into her eyes for a moment that left Halora frightened and guilty.

"Please, it's not what you think!"

She repeated while behind her, Madam Sha was laughing hardly enough that caught Halora's attention.

"What the hell, Halora? You entirely nailed it tonight! Look at you, you seem like a real, living doll! Oh goodness, I can't believe it you're standing right in front me!" said Jasmine that left Halora dumbfounded.