Chapter 230 - 230: A Flying Broomstick I

Halora quickly ran off from the classroom and glanced up above the dark sky and terrifying thunderstorms.

She held her breath for a couple of minutes when she realized that Jasmine was right. "Damara must be the one to blame!" she murmured nervously.

After a temporary peace, darkness was yet to come for her. To rule all the humankinds and poison their innocent minds.

Jasmine touched her shoulders and gasped heavily when it became too darker and surprising. It was not an ordinary spectacle that would usually occur during the second semester of the year.

She said, "We need to do something, Halora!"

"Like what? I don't even know what is going on!"

Unknowingly, Halora asked her what to do. She has no idea and it would be too dangerous for all the students inside of the campus.

As the flash of lightning continued to strike, hundreds of students glanced up and witnessed how darkness devoured the warm, blue sky.

They were murmuring, making speculations about the sudden dimness that brought fear to the students.

"I… I can feel something, Halora! Something terrible!"

Jasmine began to panic when a strange feeling came back suddenly. It was the same like what she felt when Damara attacked the entire school a few months later.

Halora widened her eyes when she noticed something at the sky. It flew high until it became too vibrant from a distance.

Bafflingly, she pointed her index finger to the odd thing that was flying up above the sky. "Take a look, Jas!"

"What is that thing?"

Both of them looked closely while other students around them were gossiping and making predictions. They didn't know that a powerful enemy was yet to come to kill all human being and let the critters live eternally.

After a few minutes of waiting, Halora has finally saw what it was. "A flying broomstick?"

"Look, there's a flying broomstick!"

Hundreds of students were gathered at the field and at the entire department where Halora witnessed everything. It stunned and frightened most of the students who saw it for the first time.

They never believed that some of the legendary stories were real and existed thousands of years ago. It was unusual until the flying broomstick stopped in the middle of the wide field.

As quick as it should be, the students who were standing near at the field moved aside and embraced themselves. No one dared to walk closer to it even the most popular gangsters in the campus.

"What should we do right now? No one is attempting to touch the broomstick!" said Jasmine out of fear and excitement.

"W- what? I don't want either to touch that thing!"

Halora never imagined herself riding with a broomstick and fly high up above the sky. She had never the chance to see her parents using their powerful and faithful broomstick since before.

"No! I… I can't do that, Jas! I am afraid that I might be fall and there's a greater chance to be seriously injured!"

"It won't let you fall, Halora! It is like a loyal pet that will obey its master!"

Jasmine tried to convinced her but Halora was too persistent. She knew about the broomstick but it was not the right place to use it.

From behind, Johnny and his friends smirked and bumped Halora's back. "Move away! It's time to show what I've got!"

He told Halora sarcastically and before he walked away, he grinned and he said with confidence, "I will be the next campus bad boy and Sebastian will turn into ashes!"

He then opened his palm and blew it like there was ashes on it. Johnny giggled mischievously while Halora remained speechless.

She never understood why he would always compare himself to her boyfriend. It was the question that bothered her every single moment.

"Watch and learn, Halora! You will bow and fall into my knees when I break that worthless broomstick!"

"In your dreams, Johnny the fat boy!"

Jasmine tried to get even with him but he smirked and shrugged off his shoulders. He was arrogant type of man but deep inside, he was a weakling who would always hide under the skirt of his mother.

Right then, Johnny and his friends went downstairs to show everyone that he was not just a crying baby. He was a fat boy with abilities, connection and courage to win against his enemies.

From outside of their room, Halora and Jasmine looked at them and waited what would happen. Even some of the teachers remained calm and waited for the authorities who knew what to do.

But like a king who walked the aisle with confidence and grace, Johnny went closer with his head held high.

There was no trace of fear on his face until the students quickly moved aside and gave way to the new shining star of the campus.




Students who thought that he could touch and break the broomstick hailed and praised his name. They never did the same thing too before but at this moment, they cheered for him like he was a celebrity.

Johnny caught the attention of the students who never knew him. They screamed, waited for him to come closer and prove himself that he was not a weak fat boy anymore.

For a moment, he raised his arms and smiled widely in front of everybody. He liked how it felt like to be the center of attraction but he must fulfil his duty.

He said, "Okay, okay I want you to see how strong I am. I will come closer to that broomstick and once I break it or ruin it, I will be known as the new campus bad boy. Deal… or no deal?"

A few minutes left, a final decision has made and the most answers were... deal.

Right then, he surely took steps to the area where the broomstick landed. It was quite strange that it fell right inside of the campus premises after class hours.

Secretly, Halora gulped and regretted for doing nothing. She knew the broomstick came to look for her as she could use it when Damara showed up and tried to steal the ring of darkness from her.

"Don't let anyone touch you.." She murmured and the cold, howling wind blew up everyone's mind.