Chapter 136 - 136: Waiting For Nothing

Unexpectedly, all of the teachers was summoned to the principal's office because of an urgent matter. It was three in the afternoon and it supposed to be the last subject of all grade levels.

Despite all of these, most of the students hailed that the dismissal period was too early. Few of them quickly packed their things up, while the rest chose to stay inside of the classroom as they were not allowed to go home yet.

"It's the perfect moment to say her that he can't make it." Roy murmured as he watched Halora packed her things and put it back inside of her bag.

"H– Halora?"


"Where are you going now? Are you going home right away?"

Suddenly, it made her laugh so loud. His questions was quiet confusing but Halora shrugged off her shoulders and shook her head in agreement.

"Hmm yes, but I have still to wait sixty minutes before I can pass through the exit." she lied and thought that the letter was real and made by Sebastian.

In his relief, Roy sighed heavily when he heard her response. He never thought that it won't be difficult to convince Halora and the heavy feeling in her chest suddenly faded away.

"How about you?"

"I have something to do. So, I can't take you home, Halora." he said.

She slightly nodded her head, stood out from her seat as she looked intently into his eyes. She knew there was something wrong but she didn't try to ask him about it.

Halora bowed her head, "Excuse me, but I have to go to the library first. I have forgot to borrow a book earlier."

Despite the signs and doubts, Roy bowed his head and let her leave by herself. He didn't know that a danger awaited for her as Sandra and her friends did something vicious again.

Before she left, she waved her hands on him as she carried two thick books on her right arms. Halora was a bookworm and if there was one place that she loved to visit, it would be the library and book stores.

Excitingly, Halora strolled to the library while the rest of the students stayed in their classrooms. They weren't allowed to wander around the campus until four in the afternoon but, if the students visited the library, it wasn't prohibited by the school's regulations.

"Forty minutes left," she murmured, savored the cold, fresh air that came from the trees around the school. "This feeling in my chest is killing me slowly."

But Halora continued and expected that Sebastian will be in the library at four. She didn't know that it was just a trap planned by Sandra and for countless times, she fell hardly that would break and shattered her heart into pieces.

Along her way, as she was few steps away from the library, someone saw Halora that went upstairs alone. He wanted to ask her, but the moment he turned around, Halora vanished from his sight as quick as the flash of lightning.

She pushed the door, stopped at the small office found at the right side of the library until the librarian said, "Oh! You're here again! I won't surprise if you will nail the upcoming examination this year again!" There was a hint of appreciation in her eyes and facial expression.

"I... I don't want to expect at all, but, can I stay here until six?"

The librarian looked at her suspiciously and she teased her, "Oh! It looked like you'll be meeting with the campus bad boy, am I right?"

Halora shook her head embarrassingly and denied that it was all true. She waved her hands, and she replied, "N–no, it's not like that! I came here because I want to study our next lesson for the entire week."

"Alright, of course you can stay until six but, I'll be out at four. So most probably, my fellow librarian will come here at five to roam around and you can tell her that you'll be the one who will in charge to close the library."

With a wide smile on her face, Halora bowed her head and gave thanks for her kindness. She finally looked around, searched for the exact spot that Sebastian wrote in the letter.

"Thank you so much for trusting! I promise, this will be the first and the last time!" she said as the librarian gave her a sweet, genuine smile.

Right then on, Halora looked at the wall clock and it was almost four in the afternoon. She waved her hands on her and quickly looked for the perfect place silently.

Every step she was taking cost a lot of money and her life. Inside of the library, the basic prohibited thing is noise, chitchatting and disturbing voices.

She wasn't alone because most of the top, well-known smart students in the campus always stayed in the library after classes.

However, as they had different matters to deal with, Halora took the letter and read again the description of the spot. It was a huge, wide library and it has a lot of shelves that divided the area.

"Wait for me at the very end of the shelves, there was a table and two seats for us. If someone came, look for the key below of the shelf at your right side and quickly hid at the small door behind until I come to see you."

And there she was, stood in front of the small door that he was referring about. Halora looked around, ducked to the ground and searched for the key under the shelf.

Unluckily, she heard footsteps from a distance as she quickly took the key, walked to the small door and quickly unlocked it.

She was breathing heavily, covered her mouth frighteningly while the librarian who suddenly roamed around the area. "Huh," she sighed as she didn't realize that she was only waiting for nothing.

Little did she knew, the time goes by so quickly. She then caressed her temple, rubbed her nape as she waited until Sebastian knock on the door.

"Ten minutes left before four. I have still enough time to wait for him." she murmured as she didn't know that it was Sandra who suddenly came to the area, locked the door mercilessly and left Halora inside of a room with a dim light inside.