Chapter 106 - 106: Hide And Seek

Four large tents were assembled under the huge, tall tree as it was used as their protection.

The four of them seated on the leaves they had gathered earlier and took a short break before they proceed to the next activity.

Halora was quietly seating next to Roy, breaking some small branches of the trees to be used for a bonfire later. They all agreed that they will stay in the place before nightfall came.

"Excuse me for a moment. Gotta answer this urgent call!" said Sebastian in a hurry. His cold, panicked–stricken face startled Sandra who was looking at him.

She nodded her head and she said, "Just five minutes."

Sebastian quickly ran away from the tents and answered the call without a doubt. He looked startled as he hasn't heard from the caller for how many hears after their last meeting.

As he breathed heavily, excitement and fear drawn to his face. His knees trembled as well as his hands that confused Halora who was staring at him from afar.

However, a long silence was broken when Sandra stood up and walked closer to Roy who looked at somewhere distant.

His eyes filled with anger but he gasped when he saw her bare, perfect face. "What do you need this time?" he asked.

"Take Halora away from here. I mean, you can do whatever you want with her and, you must come back before the nightfall. Do you understand?"

"No!" he replied. "I can't do it this time! I am not in the right mood if you don't ask me." His strong jawline flaunted when he gritted his teeth angrily.

He was planning to attack the campus bad boy without attracting the girls' attention. "We're not yet done, asshole!" he thought.

Sandra rolled her eyes when she failed and didn't convince him. She then turned around, looked at Halora's rosy cheeks.

"Halora?" she called her, smiling over her shoulder and flipped her hair. "Can you please accompany me to the sea of flowers? Pretty please... I badly want to take pictures with you."

She begged, pouted her angelic lips that fooled Halora easily. Her kindness always brought her into danger, yet, she disregarded the signs and took every risk she have.

With a sign of excitement, Halora quickly stood, clasped her hands and looked intently into Sandra's light reddish eyes.

"Of course, I will!" she replied. "But, h– how about them? Should we leave without any boys with us?"

Curiosity almost ruined Sandra's plans. She knew she would ask such question but she thought a convincing answer.

She sighed, "Don't worry, I already talked to them about our next activity. Any moment from now, the two of them will follow us there." Her calm, sweet voice assured Halora that they will be safe without a man.

She looked throughout the wilderness and realized that the mansion was quite far from the spot where they stayed at.

But, she already made a decision and there was no turning back anymore. "Alright," she said shortly but she felt a little bit scared. "Shall we?"

"Let's go! I can't wait to take hundreds of photographs with my new, kind friend!" Sandra replied with a wide smile on her lips.

Along their way to the sea of flowers, Sandra started a conversation with her. She became a talkative sophisticated girl with someone she wasn't close at all.

She told Halora about her fame, her new dresses, shoes, expensive beauty products and even her father's latest birthday gift.

"And you wouldn't believe that I gave Sebastian all of the new trends since I met him in a family party. I didn't know that he was son of my father's business partner!"

She talked like an innocent, lovely girl but inside of her physical appearance, an evil soul had been living within her.

"After that family party, I asked my father about his name and luckily, he asked Sebastian once when his parents brought him. And since then, I would always give him random stuff until the most awaiting moment of my life happened."

Her eyes twinkled, her lips formed a sweetest smile that Halora never seen before. Sandra's voice filled with love, admiration and confidence.

She couldn't believe that a rich, beautiful, popular campus crush would swallow her dignity and pride over a campus bad boy.

But instead of uttering a single word, she remained silent and acted like a good listener.

"But, I cried the entire night after our first meeting! He saved you, he noticed you, he cared for you and looked in your eyes for a second, but, he never did the same thing to me."

Her voice suddenly cracked as tears shone on her eyes. Sandra started to act as she planned to divert Halora's attention.

She then sobbed, stopped in the middle of the woods as she brought her to the wrong way.

"I... I am sorry! I– if only I can stop him from saving me that day, I... I would have stop him if it only caused you to be in pain!"

"N– no! It's not your fault at all. It was me– it was because of me!"

But Halora wanted to own the blame. She quickly grabbed Sandra's arm and embraced her tightly, hoping that it would ease the pain she felt.

Gently, she caressed her back, comforting the campus crush who stabbed her for countless times. Yet, she always forgive her despite all the inhumanity she made to her.

"Shh, please stop crying now. I... I promise, I won't do the same thing all over again." Halora said, but a part of her told her to stop.

Sandra slowly stopped sobbing like a baby. She touched Halora's back, and secretly, she wiped her tears, smirked sarcastically as she succeeded with her plans.

"Thank you so much for listening to all my setbacks. I... I don't know if I can bear such pain while seeing him with you all the time!"

She tried harder and harder. Looked throughout the place until she smiled mischievously when they reached the dangerous part of the farm.

"It's time to play hide and seek." She whispered to the cold, howling wind as she tightened the grip on Halora's back.