Chapter 104 - 104: Acting Went Wrong

"Halora! How do you find this place? Isn't it beautiful?" asked Sandra who obviously acting in front of Sebastian. She tilted her head, "I heard this is your first time stepping into this kind of place, is it true?"

Awkwardly, Halora slowly nodded her head and said the truth. She set aside the disappointments she felt towards Roy and talked to Sandra with kindness and respect.

She said, "Yes, that is true, that's why I am thankful to all of you for giving this opportunity to a poor, low–key like me." But tears shone on her eyes. Her heart filled with a temporary anger and dismay but she has no right to feel those kind of strong emotions.

But, the pain she felt didn't end that way when Sandra burst into laughter. Roy cleared his throat that stopped her and changed her treatment towards Halora.

She tapped her head and said, "Don't be sad because starting this moment, you can enjoy the entire scenery and have some fun with our activities as well."

"But before that, let me show to you your room. Are you ready?"

Halora has no option but said yes. Her hands trembled when she reached her luggage without any word.

At that moment, Sebastian looked at Roy who acted strange suddenly. He felt something between them but he stayed quiet and observed their actions secretly.

Roy quickly walked away from the living area as he followed the girls upstairs. He wanted to talk to Halora about what he did earlier but he felt she was not still in the right mood.

From a distance, he listened to their footsteps as Sandra told everything about the mansion to Halora. He smiled, took a deep, long sigh when he noticed how Halora got surprised and amused by every word that came out from Sandra's mouth.

"Huh, she's too innocent that makes her more beautiful... and cute." He murmured, looked at the door in front of him as he slowly stepped forward and pushed it. "Gotta take a quick shower and ask her to watch the sunset later!"

Right then on, Sandra accompanied Halora into her room. The entire place was covered with white, sleek paint, a king-size bed, two mini tables, and a couch on the right corner of it. An attractive vase made up of old glass and stones was placed in the middle of the table.

There was a wardrobe, much bigger than what she has in her house.

"Wow! I can't believe that this is all true! I... I mean, I thought this promising mansion only exist in the movies a– and I thank you for giving me an opportunity!" said Halora as she looked throughout with a genuine smile on her lips.

"Don't thank me yet because you haven't seen the whole place. And by the way, you only have an hour to rest and after that, we will be going to the farm. Do you understand?"

Sandra pretended that she has no bad intention to her. She tried her best to be the kindest and sweet friend of Halora as she could stab her back when the right time comes.

Excitingly, Halora shook her head. "I will." She said and Sandra quickly walked out of her room as she needed to do something else.

The mansion was filled with loud voices when Sandra requested to her parents for countless times. She has no choice but to reveal her family's real wealth and properties to get everything she wanted.

New phones, expensive bags, shoes, clothes, and even beauty products was included in the list. Sandra was completely a spoiled brat who was willing to sacrifice her life to be with the man she love.

"It's time to frighten her to death." Sandra whispered to the cold wind the moment they arrived at the largest farm in the country. She smiled, took some fresh air as she prepared herself for her interesting plans.

"Halora! Why don't you help Roy instead of staring at the clouds!" She scowled, rolled her eyes as Sebastian wasn't around.

She would treat her differently in front of him but if they were alone, her true colors flaunted like a person who took off a mask from his face.

Without any complaint, Halora tilted her head and obeyed her words. She quickly ran into the tall tree, gathered some small, dry branches to be used as firing wood while Roy grabbed some dried weeds around the farm.

"I didn't know that this kind of tree will be in here too! Such a wonderful place to be certain, right Roy?"

"Yes, and if you don't mind asking, I was the one who planted this tree when I was one year old, but since I can't do it on my own, father did it in behalf of his son. Isn't it cool?"

Obviously, Roy tried to make it up with her. For the humiliation and negativity, he had brought to Halora earlier.

She shrugged off her shoulders, giggled silently and pretended to be upset about his behavior. "Excuse me, I need to gather more firing woods before the sunset." She said, looked away from his gaze suddenly.

However, before she could ignore and run away from him. Roy grabbed her arm, breathing heavily as the warm breeze drifted the dried leaves and touched on his skin.

"Can we talk for a moment?" he asked. "Please, just a couple of minutes."

Halora gulped. She pulled her arm but he was too strong and hard headed. She knew every little thing about her best friend and Roy won't stop pestering her until she agreed to his favor.

She then looked away, stopped herself from bursting into laughter. "L– leave m– me alone! J– just leave me a– alone, please!"

Fortunately, her acting skills was perfect. But she noticed how his face changed the moment her voice raised up. Halora wanted to laugh at him, when Sebastian appeared out of nowhere as he tapped Roy's shoulder.

"If a girl told you to leave, just leave. You don't have to force her." He said coldly as if he swallowed a frozen water wholly.

His eyes glinted, stared at Roy who furiously closed his fists while Halora panicked as she knew it was all her fault.

She turned around on them, rubbed her head as her acting went wrong and she said hopelessly. "What should I do now?"