Chapter 46 - 46: Between Love And Death

Every student rushed to the middle of the field because of the news they heard. Some of them saw a video from their social media accounts that gained almost thousands of views and reactions.

They wondered who was the lucky girl name. After all, she was not the only one who dreamed to be the bride of the most popular bad boy in the entire school.

"Hurry up! The wedding ceremony will start any moment from now!" Roy heard a girl who talked with someone on the phone.

He narrowed his eyes, scooped out his cellphones from his pocket. "Hmm, why is it people rushed to the field at this hour?" He mumbled, turned it on, and tapped one of his social media accounts.

However, the first thing that popped up on the screen was a short video clip of a young man walking to the mini altar. It looked familiar to him, the decoration, the red carpet, and the entire place.

He stood, listened to the sound of his heart.. Roy never thought that Sebastian won at the end of the day.

"I... I've been around with you but... but I was a coward for not asking you first. Ohh God, why are you giving me this kind of pain in my chest?"

Tears shone in his eyes while the video paused for the moment. Inattentively, he clicked the paused button as he glanced up above the calming sky.

His knees trembled, his mouth was wide open as he never believed in it. But he has still time to stop it, the groom had reached the altar, waiting for the bride.

"I have still time to stop the ceremony!" He said out of eagerness to win her heart.

Roy had tried to fight his feeling for Halora but the more he saw her with someone else, the more he wanted to confess.

He was about to run fast to the field when the phone rang so loud. His eyes narrowed, answered the call immediately.

"Hello, Sandra?"

"Where the hell are you? I've been trying to call you but– anyway, you have to hurry now!"

She scolded him but it was not the issue at all. "Wherever you are, just run like a tiger and we need to stop the wedding as soon as possible!"

"I know it! You don't have to remind me what is happening!" He raised his voice on her which was new to Sandra.

She never heard it from him since then but the moment he met Halora, things became worsen and he undeniably changed.

"Come here, before we both lose our chance!"

Every word she said stuck to his head. He wanted to own Halora, just like a laptop, a shoe, and every little thing he can manipulate.

But the truth was, it was impossible to make it come true. "That bad boy needs to taste my fist!" He murmured before he looked straight to the way and ran as fast as he could.

From a distance, Roy saw hundreds of students who witnessed the ambiguous wedding procession.

He looked around, searched for Sandra but she was nowhere to be found. He hissed, took his cellphone from his pocket.

He dialed her name but someone suddenly poked his back. "I hate you! If you only kept an eye on that girl, she shouldn't have the chance to be here with Sebastian!"

A disturbing pitch of voice sounded off around the field. They stood under the palm tree as they argued and regretted it.

"Calm down, Sandra! Even I want to hinder it, Sebastian will make everything for her!"

"Don't tell me, you... you will just stand right here, watch the girl you like since you were young marrying your rival? How can you swallow your pride like that? Give up on all the things you wished for?"

Her friends were shocked by her sudden transformation. They witnessed how she turned into a bitch, but they never saw how she came to be the woman she was today.

Heavy breathes, deep gaze stuck with his eyes. She was right, but Roy felt disturbed by what Sebastian was capable of. He was a bad boy who loved gang fights, who never feared death and blood.

He gasped, looked away from her gaze. "What do you want me to do?"

He asked but Sandra remained speechless. She thought she has to convince him harder enough to obey her orders.

"I will repeat, what do you want me to d–"

"Stop the wedding at any cost, Adrian. If you want to have her heart, well, you must run to the aisle, stop the wedding and I'll do the rest out of it. Do you understand?"

Sandra crossed her arms, her brow rose as she stared at the young before her. She desperately needed his help, no more, no less.

Behind her, Garry and Lou squealed like a rat. They sensed an upcoming trouble because of what they heard.

A wide, playful smile of triumph plastered on her lips. Sandra took a deep sigh when he tilted his head, agreed to her words without any complaint.

Roy slowly turned around, caught a glimpse of the groom who was nervously waiting for Halora. The smile on his lips was genuine, filled with joy and euphoria.

He gulped, swallowed the dignity he has for himself. A kind of selfish love he kept grew uncontrollably that was hard to set aside anymore.

"If I will choose between love and death, I'd rather choose love more than anything else in this world. It would be hard to conquer, but in the end, it is the only secret to attain the great happiness and contentment of oneself."

Words of wisdom came out of his mouth. His voice was calm, yet, it made Sandra blinked her eyes and gulped.

"W– what are you saying about?"

"The truth of life, Sandra. You should have been reading all the books of great writers of history instead of stalking that bad boy's inactive social media accounts!" He said suddenly without a break.