Qin Lixuan will be the plot of No.13 middle school. He tells Mo Xiaoxiao about it. Mo Xiaoxiao is shocked.

"This wave of operation is OK!" Mo Xiaoxiao sighed, "Thirteen middle school in order to combat our school is also spare no effort, do not miss any chance."

"However, why did 13 middle school take our class 27 as an example? If No.13 middle school makes other small moves, I can also see how our school deals with them. "

"But I chose our class, which made me unable to ignore."

Mo Xiaoxiao sighed, "I thought the school day could relax and join in the fun. I didn't expect the trouble to come to me. "

Qin Lixuan looked at the helpless Mo Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, I can cooperate with you whatever you want to do."

Mo Xiaoxiao thought for a moment, "the perspective of No.13 middle school is very tricky. Many facts can't be refuted. We'd better eliminate their thoughts from the source."

Qin Lixuan proposed, "then I can't let those people talk directly for the time being?"

Mo Xiaoxiao frowned and thought, "wait, brother Lixuan, I think we can still do this."

Qin Lixuan's eyebrows pick, "Xiaoxiao, what are you talking about?"

Mo Xiaoxiao stood on tiptoe and whispered a few words in Qin Lixuan's ear.

"What's up, brother Lixuan? Is it more meaningful for us to do so? "

Qin Lixuan chuckled, "Xiaoxiao, your idea is very good. It's the best of both worlds."

Mo Xiaoxiao raised his chin with pride, "that is! Brother Lixuan, you'll see me later! "

Half an hour later, a group of noisy people, looking at the camera, rushed into Qingshui middle school.

"As you can see, behind me is Qingshui middle school, a famous private school in our flower market."

"Judging from the name, you may think that this is an ordinary middle school, right? In fact, Qingshui middle school is an aristocratic school from kindergarten to high school. "

"Today is the centennial anniversary of Qingshui middle school. Let's follow the camera and take a look at all the noble schools with centennial history."

The so-called host Xiao Zhang pretended to explain it, then ignored the slogan of "no shooting" at the gate of Qingshui middle school and rushed straight into the campus.

At the same time, the crowd on the other side began to make a lot of noise. The host Xiao Zhang's eyes lit up and said, "what happened in front of me? Let's go and have a look! "

"Can I come to the door to deceive people? The students from noble middle schools like you are more and more arrogant. They smashed my shop a few days ago. I finally found out that the domineering rich second generation is your school. Why don't you agree to come here to confront me today? "

"That is, we are also victims. The students of your school fight outside the school and damage our private property. What's too much for us to ask for confrontation with your students?"

"Yes, where are we going too far? The leaders and teachers of your school come out to talk


Here, the host Xiao Zhang immediately said solemnly to the camera: "you have just heard clearly. These people outside the school quarreled with the staff of Qingshui middle school in order to confront the students of Qingshui middle school. What is the specific reason?"

"We're going to interview the client right now."

The staff of Qingshui middle school, who was trying to pacify the troublemakers, looked back and saw Xiao Zhang and others with microphones and cameras. Their faces changed. "No shooting in the school. Please turn off the cameras immediately."

Xiao Zhang's eyes twinkled with cunning light, "no shooting? Are you worried that we will broadcast some truths and facts that are not conducive to your Qingshui middle school? "

The staff was stunned, and then very seriously said: "our school acts aboveboard, open and fair, how can we cover up the truth and prohibit shooting?"

"We prohibit shooting in order to prevent the disclosure of personal information of teachers and students. Today's class culture exhibition is easy to disclose personal information of teachers and students, so please turn off your cameras and stop your interviews."

Before the staff's words were finished, several rioters rushed to the camera in front of Xiao Zhang and said loudly, "I want to expose Qingshui middle school's connivance of students fighting outside the school and destroying citizens' private property. Qingshui middle school also tried to cover up the truth and infringe on public property rights for the sake of the school's reputation!"

"Yes! I want exposure, too! Qingshui middle school confuses black and white and bullies others. In order to protect the rich second generation students, it bullies us citizens who are powerless and powerless! "


Xiao Zhang's expression is very serious, "as an upright journalist with a sense of mission, I will not be afraid of power and difficulties to truthfully report this event!"

"Don't be afraid. Just tell the situation one by one under the camera."

The staff are more and more anxious when they see the situation!

Although the situation has been reported, if the situation is not contained immediately, the reputation of the school will be greatly affected!

Just when the staff are in a mess, several "victims" here have begun to cry about their experiences.

"I don't want to make trouble in Qingshui middle school, but I really can't help it!"

The middle-aged man, with a simple and honest face and wrinkled face, said sadly, "I live by a barbecue shop. Half a month ago, a female student named" sister Qin "came to my shop with a group of students to have a barbecue. As a result, she fought with another group of social youths in my shop."

"They left after a fight. Pity my barbecue shop. It's all ruined! Five people in my family live on the barbecue

"For most of the past half a month, we spent nearly 50000 to rebuild the barbecue shop, and we still owe a lot of debt. How can we all survive?"

Taking advantage of the middle-aged man's tears, Xiao Zhang immediately said, "brother, are you too miserable? Did the students who fought at the beginning really not give you any compensation? "

The middle-aged man was very indignant, "compensation? At that time, the leading female student named "sister Qin" also threatened me not to make any noise. If it wasn't for our family, I would dare to come to Qingshui middle school for justice? "

"How did you know that the student named" sister Qin "was from Qingshui middle school?"

"He's famous! We know all the gangsters in that area. This "sister Qin" is the girl school bully of Qingshui middle school. Most of the gangsters in the flower market have heard of her reputation! "

Xiao Zhang pretends to be surprised, "girl school bully? Thugs? Although Qingshui middle school is a private noble school, it is also a famous excellent school. How can it teach such students? Brother, are you wrong? "

The middle-aged man's eyes stare, "how can I make a mistake?"