In desperation, Mo Xiaoxiao simply told Zhao Yu the "story" that happened on the road.

After listening to Mo Xiaoxiao's words, Zhao Yu looked up and laughed three times, "ha ha! As expected, Teacher Yi An's eyes are good! How can it be melted by someone? "

Mo Xiaoxiao

Zhao Yu also raised his hand and patted Mo Xiaoxiao on the shoulder, "Xiaoxiao, I really envy you! So what a wonderful scene, why didn't I be there? "

"Next time you go out to dinner with Mr. Yi An, remember to ask me to join you! Maybe I can be a happy melon eater! "

Mo Xiaoxiao is very tired, "... Xiaoyu, we have to invigilate the exam in the afternoon. Let's break the meeting quickly for a while!"

Zhao Yu looked at Qin Lixuan sitting on the sofa in the corner of the office, "OK! However, Xiaoxiao, why is your cousin going to stay in our office for lunch break? "

Mo Xiaoxiao nodded and made up a reason for Qin Lixuan, "well. Brother Lixuan said that their information technology office was too cold and unpopular, so he followed me to our office. "

Zhao Yu looked thoughtfully at Qin Lixuan, who was closing his eyes and recuperating himself. He couldn't help but lower his voice, "it's like this. It's very good. A handsome guy comes to our office for lunch break. It's very eye-catching and makes me feel happy! "

Yangou's world

After chatting, Mo Xiaoxiao and Zhao Yu began to have a quiet lunch break.

At half past two o'clock, after lunch break, Mo Xiaoxiao and his party arrived at the examination office to collect the bag of mathematics test paper and answer card, and then rushed to their invigilator's examination room.

Entering the first examination room again, Mo Xiaoxiao's attitude was very stable. After the students handed in something unrelated to the examination, he began to distribute the test papers and answer cards with Qin Lixuan.

Then, the exam officially begins.

Mo Xiaoxiao is afraid of fainting in the morning, and the candidate is fainted again. He often pays attention to the candidate without any trace.

Fortunately, the mathematics test did not let that examinee impatient test questions exist.

However, Mo Xiaoxiao was called out by the anxious patrol examination teacher before she had time to celebrate.

"Mr. Mo, do you know that the students in your class cheated collectively?"

Mo Xiaoxiao was shocked, "what?! "Collective cheating?"

Looking at Mo Xiaoxiao's surprised expression, the patrol examination teacher said sympathetically: "just now when the logistics team scanned the answer cards and entered them into the online marking library, they found that they cheated on a large scale in the final examination room."

After listening to the teacher's words, Mo Xiaoxiao was puzzled. Just now, she thought that the group of kids in the class were caught cheating in the math exam. Unexpectedly, the teacher said it was cheating in the morning exam.

There's something wrong with this!

Mo Xiaoxiao frowned, "Miss Liu, how can we find the students in our class cheating by scanning the answer sheet?"

Liu shook his head, "I don't know what the specific situation is. I also received the notice from the logistics group. I guess I'll wait for Mr. Mo to tell you in detail. "

"By the way, Mr. Mo, the Chinese teacher in your class was also called to the logistics office hall. You'd better hurry to see what's going on. I'll invigilate the first examination room for you first. "

Xiaoyu was also called in the past?

Mo Xiaoxiao said in her heart that it was really no joke. She went to know the details quickly.

Mo Xiaoxiao raised her eyes and said with a smile, "please help me invigilate the exam."

Teacher Liu waved, "no trouble, no trouble, it's all work."

Sitting at the back of the classroom, Qin Lixuan saw teacher Liu, who came in to replace Mo Xiaoxiao as invigilator, frowning slightly. He asked in his brain, "Xiaoxiao, where have you been?"

Mo Xiaoxiao rushed back to the logistics hall and said, "brother Lixuan, I'm going to the logistics hall."

"Just now, the patrol examination teacher told me that the group of kids in our class were suspected of cheating in the Chinese examination. Xiao Yu and I were called to know the situation."

The kids in class 27 cheated?

Qin Lixuan instantly connected to the school's monitoring system, tested it, and then definitely told Mo Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, according to the monitoring video in the morning, every student in class 27 has no possibility of cheating."

Qin Lixuan's words immediately let Mo Xiaoxiao feel relieved, "brother Lixuan, I feel more confident when I hear you say that! Later, I'll have a good understanding of how the logistics department judges that our students cheat. "

Qin Lixuan: "well, go."

When Mo Xiaoxiao arrives at the logistics hall, Zhao Yu has already quarreled with the teacher of the logistics department, while Duan Chengrong is looking at Zhao Yu and the logistics teacher with cold eyes.

It happened that the one who quarreled with Zhao Yu the most was the teacher Jiang Shasha who met at noon. The teacher Jiang Shasha had sharp eyes and saw Mo Xiaoxiao stepping into the logistics hall.

Jiang shabai took a look at Zhao Yu and said with a sneer, "teacher Mo, the head teacher of class 27, is here. I'm too lazy to argue with you!"

Then he looked at Mo Xiaoxiao, "Mr. Mo, you've come just in time! Come and have a look at the Chinese answer cards of the students in the last examination room of your class

Zhao Yu also looked at Mo Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, you also come to have a look, these people really can't see our class 27 students learn well! It's enough to say that these students cheat when they get some questions right! "

Mo Xiaoxiao did not speak, but quickly forward, carefully looked at the stack of answer cards handed over by Jiang Shasha.

As like as two peas of cards were answered, Mogao Xiaoxiao found a rule. These cards had one thing in common, that is, the answers to the poems were almost identical.

Mo Xiaoxiao recalled that when invigilator was bored in the morning, he flipped through the Chinese test paper. It seems that the correct answer to the silent writing of Chinese poetry is similar to that on these answer cards.

In this way, the answers on these answer sheets are correct.

Moxiao as like as two peas, he has gone through more than ten answers cards. Without exception, the answers to the poems are almost the same.

Jiang Shasha looked at Mo Xiaoxiao with a slightly surprised expression, with schadenfreude in her eyes, "Mr. Mo, do you see it, too? The examinees as like as two peas in the last exam room are basically in your class, and the answers on their answers are exactly the same. Are they cheating?

Listening to Chiang as like as two peas, Sasa put his answer card on the card and laughed softly. "Is the answer exactly the same?"

Jiang Shasha sneered, "isn't it? Is it difficult for the students in the last examination room to get the right answers collectively? "

Jiang Shasha's words made Mo Xiaoxiao angry. "Mr. Jiang, it's not appropriate for you to say that. Are you discriminating against the students in the last examination room?"

Jiang Shasha choked, quickly glanced at Duan Chengrong and replied, "Mr. Mo, don't confuse my meaning. I'm just talking about the matter. I don't mean to discriminate against students."