“157?” Mo Xiaoxiao looked at Qin Lixuan incredulously, "are you kidding me? My intelligence quotient is exploding, isn't it

Qin Lixuan frowned lightly. Obviously, he didn't expect that Mo Xiaoxiao's IQ would reach such a level. Is it hard to find out that there is something wrong with the test again?

Qin Lixuan looks at Xiaoyuan suspiciously, and Xiaoyuan explodes immediately, "big brother, what's your look? My test is absolutely right! If you question me, you are insulting me! "

Qin Lixuan snorted coldly and looked at Mo Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, this test result is correct. You don't have to be too surprised. In the interstellar age, the average IQ of pure humans is about 150. Your IQ is very normal. "

Normal wool!

Brother, this is the 21st century, not the star age 700 years later! Now the intelligence quotient of human beings is more than 140, which is regarded as genius!

Mo Xiaoxiao still firmly believes that Xiaoyuan's test system is wrong. After all, over the years, she has never found her talent potential and has always been shown by other people's intelligence.

"All right." Mo Xiaoxiao shrugged indifferently, "the good news of" high intelligence quotient "comforts me more or less, but later you still tell the truth, you don't have to take care of my mood."

Qin Lixuan and Xiao Yuan

Mo Xiaoxiao, who was in a better mood, immediately put his attention back to the topic. "At present, there are two gifted teenagers in the class, one belongs to the" flammable and explosive "dangerous goods that are always on the edge of danger, and the other belongs to the long-term latent time bomb; It's not a relief. "

"Fortunately, brother Lixuan and Xiao Yuan are helping me. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be the head teacher of class 27. The situation of class 27 is too complicated for a new teacher to hold

Qin Lixuan: "Xiaoxiao, in fact, the greatest credit is yours. You have to believe in yourself."

"Yes, my goal is to be an excellent people's teacher! I want to believe in myself

Mo Xiaoxiao gave himself a call, suddenly thought of something, immediately turned on the mobile phone.

Qin Lixuan looked at Mo Xiaoxiao's action, "Xiaoxiao, don't you look at Fang Xu's and Yuan Ran's thinking diagram?"

"Mm-hmm!" Mo Xiaoxiao head also did not lift back, "I suddenly remembered that some things forget to say in the parents group."

"What's the matter?"

"Class 27 rehearses for the school day performance."

Qin Lixuan seemed puzzled, "Xiaoxiao, is it too early for you to say now? If the rehearsal programs of these students fail to pass the audit, won't it make the parents happy? "

Mo Xiaoxiao looked up at Qin Lixuan, with a smile in his eyes, "brother Lixuan, I didn't expect that now you will take these emotional factors into account to analyze the problem."

Qin Lixuan didn't mind Mo Xiaoxiao's ridicule. Instead, he asked, "who said that you human beings are a race that is extremely susceptible to emotion and speaks of emotion everywhere?"

Mo Xiaoxiao: "it seems that brother Lixuan knows us very well now!"

Qin Lixuan: "so, I don't think you should tell your parents about the rehearsal of the school day now. If the program of class 27 doesn't pass the audit, parents will be disappointed with the students."

Mo Xiaoxiao looks at Qin Lixuan and smiles, "brother Lixuan, the reason why I told my parents about the school anniversary so early is because I want my parents to encourage or stimulate those kids."

Qin Lixuan thought for a few seconds, "the original Xiaoxiao you hit this idea. However, the relationship between parents and students in class 27 seems to be more delicate. "

Mo Xiaoxiao mysterious smile, "it is this subtle ability to let the group of little bunnies compete for steamed bread, compete for breath, wholeheartedly to prepare for the school anniversary program."

Qin Lixuan frowned lightly, as if thinking about the meaning of Mo Xiaoxiao's words. Qin Lixuan knew that he still needed to study the complex emotions and relationships of human beings.

In less than a minute, Mo Xiaoxiao sent the news to the parents, and many parents were blown up.

Xiao Meimei: Wow! My family, Meimei, are they going to perform on the school anniversary? Then we'll be there for sure!

Xiao Meimei's father: Yes, yes! My whole family will be there!

Mom Zhou Yao: @ class teacher Mo Xiaoxiao, do the children need sponsorship to prepare the program?

Fang Xu's father: the same as above, if we need sponsorship, our parents can do it all!

Li Zheng's mother: that's right! I haven't seen this group of kids on the stage for many years. We will give our greatest support!


Mo Xiaoxiao looked at the speech of the parents in the group and couldn't help laughing. These parents are very confident in their children!

Class teacher Mo Xiaoxiao: the students haven't put forward the issue of sponsorship yet. At present, they are in the rehearsal stage. I hope all parents can give the children the greatest encouragement and support!

Qin Hanyan Dad: no problem! Mr. Mo, we are going to encourage our children this weekend!

Qin Hanyan: that's right! If children's programs need music guidance, I'm very happy to provide it!

Mother Li Xiaomeng: if the children's program needs dance guidance, I am very happy to provide relevant guidance!

Class teacher Mo Xiaoxiao: Thank you very much for your support and cooperation! With your support and encouragement, I believe the students of our class 27 can pass the program audit with their ability!

After Mo Xiaoxiao's words were sent out, the group was quiet for more than ten seconds before a response appeared.

Yuan Ran's father: Mr. Mo, please rest assured that we will never interfere in the audit of school anniversary programs.

Fang Xu's father: Yes, Mr. Mo, please don't worry.

Li Zheng's father: Well, please don't worry. Whether the children can participate in the school day performance will depend on their strength.


With the promise of these parents, Mo Xiaoxiao hums a little song happily. Qin Lixuan suddenly says, "Xiaoxiao, I remember that you human society always think that backers are a kind of strength."

Mo Xiaoxiao took a look at Qin Lixuan, "you are right. But I'm a head teacher, and my students are still a group of children whose three outlooks have not been established. The first thing I want them to realize is the importance of their own strength. "

"The external factors of background and backer are very important to adults, but for a group of children who are not familiar with the world, I should let them realize the importance of their own strength, so that they can constantly improve themselves."


Mo Xiaoxiao's eyes were deep. "For these kids with deep background and distinguished family background, it should be more useful than any reason to let them succeed with their own strength."

Looking at Mo Xiaoxiao's look of reminiscence and sadness, Qin Lixuan is about to open her mouth when she sees that Mo Xiaoxiao's expression suddenly changes. "Brother Lixuan, take this opportunity today, let's quickly send photos and videos of volunteer work to parents!"