Chapter 406

Name:My Adolescence Author:bai yu qiu xia
My ears were affected by the previous explosion sound waves, and I was always deaf. I couldn't hear Zhang Airong's words, but my eyes were stained with blood, and the scenery I saw was vaguely overlapped and red. But still barely recognized Zhang Airong's face and outline, and then slowly released the suitcase held in her arms, allowing Zhang Airong to take the suitcase.

Knowing that I personally handed over the Medusa vaccine for Tang Anning and the recording of the killer's confession to Zhang Airong, I couldn't help but relax. I couldn't bear the moment I had been supported by perseverance. The whole person suddenly fainted. Before fainting, I only heard Zhang Airong's anxious command: "send Chen Yu to the best hospital immediately."

In the evening, the sun set, and a touch of sunset was projected into the intensive care unit from the window, adding a different color to the originally pale and monotonous ward. Wutong Tang Anning, wearing a slightly loose white gown, was sitting in a wheelchair near his bed. She was holding an apple mobile phone in her hand, watching the explosion video of the Internet road pedestrian photographed in the city of Phoenix.

"Go away... Go away... Don't touch my vaccine..."

The camera shook, and in the unclear mobile phone frequency, my whole body was bleeding, and I couldn't see clearly. I looked like a wounded angry Beast, mistaking one policeman after another who was close to me for a gangster.

Seeing this, Tang Anning burst into tears in his eyes, bit his pale little lips, involuntarily threw his eyes on me who was still lying asleep on the hospital bed, and gently blamed me: "what a fool."

I vaguely didn't know how long I had been asleep. I suddenly heard Tang Anning's voice in my ear, and then remembered Tang Anning's uncertain situation. I subconsciously excited myself, opened my eyes and woke up. I shouted Xiaoning hoarsely in my throat, and then struggled to get up, But once I moved, my bones were as painful as being pierced by thousands of steel needles, which made me unable to move.

"Chen Yu, you're awake!"

There was a happy exclamation in his ear. Tang Anning, who was also wearing a patient's suit, came up to me at once. His eyes flashed excited and happy light and looked at me with surprise and joy.

I didn't expect to open my eyes. The doctor quickly insisted on my body. He told me that I had a slight concussion, bruises on my forehead, burns on my back, knife wounds on my left shoulder and internal injuries to my body and lungs. He asked me to have a good rest and cooperate with the treatment. Then he said something to pay attention to, so he took the nurse out.

Zhang Airong asked her two bodyguards to wait outside the ward. Only me and her mother and daughter were left in the room. She looked helplessly at Tang Anning, who had been holding my hand. She couldn't help saying, "Xiao Ning, you are also a patient now. Why don't you have a good rest in your ward and come to Chen Yu."

Tang Anning said unconvinced, "Chen Yu was injured so badly. Of course, I have to come and look at him to be more relieved."

Zhang Airong couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard the speech. She said you're not a doctor. What's the use of looking at you?

As soon as Tang Anning blushed, he argued with her mother, but finally he was asked by Zhang Airong to go back to his ward and have a good rest.

Tang Anning reluctantly said a few words to me, and then mumbled reluctantly. Accompanied by two bodyguards, Tang Anning returned to his ward. It was like that the little lovers in love were forcibly separated by the owner.

After Tang Anning left, Zhang Airong locked the door, then came to me and asked calmly, "Chen Yu, how are you feeling now?"

"This little injury doesn't matter. You can recover after two days of rest."

Zhang Airong nodded and sat down on the only wooden chair beside my hospital bed. She looked at me deeply and said with a little complaint: "Didn't you keep a good friend relationship with Xiao Ning? I think Xiao Ning likes you more and more now. Chen Yu, you are my forgetful friend and my little pistachio, but you are unkind. You obviously have an affair with your beautiful teacher Zhang Qingqing, and now you dare to hook up with my daughter?"

"Aunt Zhang, the relationship between me and Xiao Ning is very simple and innocent."

When I said this, I couldn't help but feel a little shy, because I knew it was not so simple. Last time I came back from Luoxia mountain, I kissed Tang Anning secretly, and Tang Anning's little girl was unwilling to take her first kiss away without my knowledge. Instead, she took the initiative to ask me to try kissing with me, so my relationship with Tang Anning is actually There has been an ambiguous change quietly, and it has become a little out of control.

Zhang Airong snorted coldly and refused to comment. Her conversation changed: "put aside the matter with Xiaoning for the time being. In the suitcase you handed me this morning, in addition to the vaccine for treating Xiaoning, there is also a recorded confession of the killer. The killer clearly confessed that Tu Huadong hired him to kill you and hurt Xiaoning by mistake."

Zhang Airong paused and continued: "the identity of the middle-aged man who killed you at noon was found out. His name is song Shide. He is an outlaw and has something to do with the Tu family. Therefore, I have reason to believe that song Shide wants to rob the recording confession in your suitcase. Tu Huadong doesn't want the recording to fall into my hands, so he sent someone to kill you and rob the recording USB flash disk halfway."

I said cautiously, "since we already know that Tu Huadong bought the murderer, we should be able to take relevant arrest actions against him?"

Zhang Airong glanced at me and said faintly: "Chen Yu, you are so naive. A small recording can not prove anything, or even be regarded as effective evidence. Tu Huadong is not an ordinary person. He is the owner of four families and the boss of a 10 billion group company. For this recording, he gently threw a sentence that was framed by others, so he can completely stay out of the matter. He wants to use this small recording of a killer The evidence is completely insufficient to arrest him. "

I couldn't help but say, "but people with clear eyes know that his father and son hired killers to do this."

Zhang Airong: "it's useless to know. You can't move him without full evidence."

I was stunned: "Aunt Zhang, you can't move him?"

Zhang Airong was expressionless and kept silent for two seconds before saying: "Tu Huadong also has many contacts in Lihai city. Even if I don't have full evidence, it's not good to mess with the boss of a company with assets of more than 10 billion, do you understand?"

I said with a wry smile, "it seems that Tu Huadong and his son can stay out of the matter safely this time."

Zhang Airong sneered and said, "if they think this thing will pass like this, they are very wrong."

I opened my eyes: "what does Aunt Zhang mean by this?"

Zhang Airong's face was serious, her eyes shone fiercely, and her whole body radiated a threatening momentum. She said in a deep voice: "I'm not satisfied with the current situation of the roads in Lihai city. I'm not satisfied with the four families, and the Tu family among the four families is the most dissatisfied. Recently, the number of crimes in Lihai city has increased, gangs compete for territory, fight and conflict constantly, and the problem of public security is serious. It seems that there is no order and everything is messy. After Xiaoning's two accidents, I can't bear it anymore. I want to change this situation."

I lost my voice and said, "Aunt Zhang, what situation do you want to change?"

Zhang Airong's eyes are sharp: "I want to support a new force that will sweep through the four families. I want there to be no four families on the road in Lihai City, but only one force organization that listens to my words. In the future, the order on the road will no longer be managed by the four families, but by the organization I support, which will help me maintain underground order."